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PES 2008


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Got it on Playstation 3 and also played it round my mates on Playstation 2. You can notice the major difference between the two as well, which makes me happy that I actually brought the PS3.

So far PS3 wise it feels five times harder which is great, although most new games feel that way. The passing is fantastic and the placing of some of the shots when hit right is top notch. Gerrard shooting wise is nailed down to perfection, he literally puts the ball through the new.

Diving is pretty hard I've found. Tried to do it about five times and been booked every single time, but I'll keep trying. Also a question, does anybody know if you can actually go to those picture screens at the top on Master League? I mean like the ones where one of the players is interviewed and stuff at the main Master League screen of your team? You probably cant, but I remember there being a few close up pictures of players being interviewed, so I thought there might be a way, but I'm guessing not. Also liking the team popularity and player popularity stuff, nice added touch. Oh and long passes are about as good as any football game has previously had, you can actually pull off perfect long passes like you want to now.

As for the stuff about it being shakey, I've had that too. I just thought it was because I was playing it on a crappy little fifteen inch television (Until I get a new television), but I'm guessing that's not the reason. It slightly bothered me at first, but I just got used to it and don't really realise it anymore. If there's a patch coming out to fix the problem, good, but it's not a major problem for me.

Overall, by far the best football game to date, top notch.

Part of the reason it annoyed me was because I thought it'd be a lot harder to play. When I first played it, aside from the shaky-ness, I still found it easy to score. Then, my 10 year old nephew took over and did the same.

...I will say it was exhibition, and I know playing in tournaments are meant to be harder, but still.

Any news on when this "patch to fix" will be released? I don't mind waiting for it. I bought PES at the wrong time I think...already got Fall of Man to complete...and a career on FM to continue, so it doesn't top my priority list at the mo.

What difficulty have you got it on? I'm not saying it's major hard to score or anything, but it's not exactly easy. If you find it easy, the best thing to do is move up the difficulty. I've often found people who say it's easy to score, then I watch them play and realise that all they're really doing is just trying to take on the whole team with one man or score a poor goal. The better football you try and play and better goals you try and score, the harder and better it becomes if you ask me.

That's the thing...I'll only play on Top Player. I see myself as a good PES player, so going on anything other than that wouldn't really be benefitting me. Like I said somewhere up there ^, it was on Exhibition that I found it easier, and tournaments are made purposely harder to play in.

I'm just not sure my eyes can take the beating that the shaky-ness is providing at the moment.

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Well then I don't know what to say. It took me months to move up to Top Player on the last Pro and right now I've started on Professional for this one, but that's only after playing quite a bit on Regular in Match Mode. All I can think of is for you to change the way you play. As I said above, I've seen people playing it and not really playing good stuff, just always trying to pull off the same boring skanky type of goals and play (Not to say you play that way, but just for an example). I don't find the joy in scoring nonstop poor goals and never having a proper challenge, which is why I love this new Pro, because you can actually play amazing football on it, even if it does make it harder for yourself. I've played about six games in Master League and I've drawn one, lost one and won four and that's not even going up against the big clubs of the league, so I feel the difficulty is fine for me. Don't really know what to say other than that, just trying changing the way you play and giving yourself more of a challenge.

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It's hard to go in with that mindset, though. If I know I can win if I really try hard enough, there's no point in me just slacking off to give the COM a chance. I just think these days it should be made even harder than what it is...and the "Top Player" level should be just that.

I won't put it down to "I'm just too good for football games" because I'm far from it...And Fifa this year has taught me that.

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I don't mean give the Computer chances, I mean play a more realistic style of football and try to play and score great goals, rather than the usual boring stuff that you find many online players do. I personally don't think Top Player is easy in the slightest, unless you've played the game for ages and mastered it. I've played pretty much every Pro, yet I cant walk into this game and go straight to Top Player, because I'm nowhere near ready for that just yet. I think Top Player is hard enough and to some extent, they also have to be careful how hard they do make it, because close to impossible hard where you barely enjoy it just isn't something you want.

And I'm quite surprised with how well rated Juventus are on here, yet also surprised that Brazil seem a tad bit lowly rated compared to what they usually are.

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The problem I have with Pro Evo games is, I suck. Regular is mostly too easy, while Professional is a bit too hard. I tried just playing on Pro level forever in an effort to improve that way, but I just ended up getting pissed off at losing. At best, I can win, but I have to be a very good side against a shit one, and I only win by maybe a goal or two, they're always scrappy tap-ins. In at least half the matches on Pro I'm just never gonna score. I'm fairly decent at keeping the ball and knocking it around, but I can barely take people on, and I never seem to create the kind of openings the CPU does.

It's sad to see my biggest gripe with the last Pro Evo game is even worse here - the number of times you win a challenge but not the ball is fucking ridiculous. I've noticed the game also misplaces more of your passes then last time, which is annoying, but can be quite realistic.

I started a Master League as Tottenham. None of the strikers can score.

Edited by Big timmayy V
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I'm struggling to get on with this to be honest. It seems the problems with the old Pro Evo games are back in abundance, in the sense it's programmed to favour the CPU to a silly standard - Ref decisions, the super-human strength of every CPU centre-back, the CPU's ability to lose 1,000 challenges but not the ball, the uncanny dribbling skill of the CPU's 38-year old defensive midfielder with a dodgy hip and a gammy leg, the uncanny speed in which the CPU gets men forward to attack and back to defend, the high number of second balls that go their way and the old "long ball, hits a defender, corner, header, goal" approach that you can do JACK to stop are all here and maybe as bad as ever. Not to mention the number of times the game decides to pass nowehere near your target, or to turn when you don't tell it too. If I lose because I was crap, fine, but I get the sense I lose because the game has decided so.

Edited by Big timmayy V
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In previous Pro Evos their wingers would run down the wing, turn back and cross in.

This time they always dribble into the box and try to take it around three players before shooting or making a short pass. Maybe if I defended harder they'd quit and go back to crossing again...

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I'm very happy with this so far. Don't seem to have as big a problem with framerate as others do, and it looks gorgeous.

Started a ML with NEC Nijmegen on Pro and am 5th after 12 or so games, with the games being just the right side of challenging - I imagine I'd end up throwing the PS3 out the window on Top Player.

The only gripe I have is how much they took out of the edit mode - if we're to only be able to have scanning and not create our own sponsors and emblems, then surely the PS3 is capable of holding more than 8 kits?

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You can always design your own intricate sponsors through computer or drawing then print to get them scanned in - will look smoother than creating anyway.

My scanned face looks too spooky so will have to go back to creating the face instead.

The eight kits DOES annoy me though - yes each kit has a number of "kits" within it depending on what colours you have each layer but still.

I've also just written down all 70-odd celebrations for player edit so if anyone wants them I'll type 'em up and list 'em...

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Some are having performance problems on the PS3...myself included.

Do the ones who are not having problems have an LCD/HD Ready TV? Just a thought. I don't...yet, and wondered if it might be the reason. I'm gathering the framerate and whatever else improves on these swanky TV's.

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