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Assassin's Creed Thread

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Yeah, but there's like, nothing to do with Altair during that. Except run. :P

And I'm on the Robert assassination, and I can't find a 3rd informant for the life of me. I got the one where you pickpocket the soldier when he was talking to the Templar, and the one where the guy that looks like Altair makes you do a mission. But I can't find another one so I can start my assassination memory, damnit!!

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I haven't finished the game yet (only on my 7th assasination). But does anyone else think that the trilogy being different ancestors of Desmond being a good idea? With every game having Desmond, the Animus and a different period to play in with completely different controls. I don't know if theres anything in the story after the point I'm at which could contradict that idea though.

Were all of his ancestors assasins? I find it hard to follow. The idea could still work with assasinating people in the war, or in the roman times etc etc.

Just a thought. If all three games were like this one though I'd buy them.

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I was thinking about the other games - Desmond's ancestors. Which eras would suit post in the times after the Crusades?

They could also be VERY different games with very different weapon and movement styles WITHOUT losing the heart of the game....Afterall, you could even have a WWII angle with Nazi assassinations in cities across Germany, or the English Civil War could be very good with the roundheads and cavaliers....Heading into York with the need to top some geezer...Brilliant....

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Yeah, so, I finished the game. Reading everyone's comments on the abruptness of the game's ending didn't make it all that more disappointing, but I still feel cheated a little bit.

Hey, fuck it, atleast I can still go back and jump into the Animus and find all the flags and Templars.

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I'm only up to Robert de Sable, but the guy on the boat is the only mission where it actually felt like a real proper assassination. Sneaking around the unguarded area, climbing the boat, knifing him then sneaking off all the while without raising the alarm was awesome. It's a shame that none of the others were anywhere near close to be similar :\

Nonetheless, I've started enjoying the game a bit more now I realise it's less to do with sneaky stealth assassinations and more to do with the escape, roof-top chases etc. It's just because no one would buy a parkour game, they have to jazz it up with violence >_>

Personally in future games I'd hate to see a WWII version. Where is the scope for free-running on a fucking battlefield? And, personally, if you just mean set during that time period then it's not really to do with WWII. What I'd love is a modern day version though, absolutely.

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So I rented it, beat it within the week, glad I didn't buy it.

It's not that it is a bad game, just way too short, and not as stealth based as I would have liked it. I enjoyed the battle system, really easy to get into, and running on top of buildings and shit is just awesome.

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