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Mass Effect (XBOX 360)


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Guest FWA-Owner

Okay, I got the game for christmas and it been working perfectly well I only played it for a hour. However, the problem is when I get to the citadel the games starts to freeze and my 360 start making some strange nosies. I played Madden eariler with no problem, then when I took Mass out and restarted my 360 without the disc it started making them nosies...So, is it the 360 or the game disc? I'm going try Madden again to see if I get the same results.

Sorry for my poor grammer, I was in a hurry typing this got to be at work soon...lucky me!

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Guest FWA-Owner

It's the system, when I got off work I tried playing a little Madden but 2 mins into the first qtr. it did the same thing. I tried the rest of my games, and got the same result...I called the 1-800 number, so I'm waiting for my coffin...I'm lucky that my one year warranty isn't over yet.

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Guest FWA-Owner

Well the 1-800 people need to know that, it was a small incident where my serial number on my 360 was coming out I bought in December of last year...So, they was like we can fix it but it will be 100$...However, I found my reciept and it said I didn't buy it till April of '07 like I thought.

Wait, is you talking about 3 years for RoD if you was I know that, but mine haven't gotten the RoD yet.

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Okay. I got the game on Monday, now exactly how am I supposed to leave the Citadel? This has to be just a minor thing, yet I can't figure it out. I have completed the main storyline in the Citadel and now Captain Anderson and the Ambassador are ready to send me off to Noveria, Ferus and that one place. I only have side quests left, yet when I go inside the Normandy, only the Citadel is featured on the galaxy map. Talking to Joker leads to nothing, same thing with Pressly, is there actually something I still have to do before I can go?

And yes, I have exposed Saren, I am a Spectre and all that. Everything indicates that I am supposed to get out of there now.

EDIT: Oh, right, the "Zoom out" option, yes... :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I just bought the game, and haven't gotten very far. And here is a kind of a stupid question...is it possible to check the other items other than weapons/armor? I remember buying like, a suitcase or something for 100 credits early on, and I have no idea what it does. Also...why can't I equip any of the extra armor I may have?

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The "suitcase" may have been a license. In which case, it'll provide more armour and weapons for sale from the guy inside the Normandy.

As for the extra armour, it may be a case of wrong class, or wrong type. If Shepard can only equip Light Armour, all the Medium and Heavy stuff isn't going to work. Also, Humans =/= Turians/Krogan/Quarian.

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