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Nufans Rate/Hate

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Royal Rumble

i know its small its coz i re-sized it with constrain properties checked


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I like it, but I think the colors of the wrestlers in the window should match the train better.

A neat idea to maybe incorporate into this would be to have a bunch of different wrestlers standing inside the train, via bodyshot cuts and such effects, instead of faces blended into the window.

And after taking a second look, the 'Live on PPV' and date fonts could be better, but its still a great graphic.


Edited by Closed and Moved to Archives
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cheers man, i was kinda going for the standing in the train, but there wasnt much space so probably would have only fit 3 in so i chucked a bunch of people.. the window looks lighter because i re-coloured the train and forgot that the window was cut out.. ooopss

but thanks for the comments mate

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another one for you to rate/hate... heard and liked this band and wanted to come up with something... im happy with it


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Its that time again, i was bored last night and decided to make a banner for a good diary... with a less than stellar graphic supporting it.. so here it is


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Its that time again, i was bored last night and decided to make a banner for a good diary... with a less than stellar graphic supporting it.. so here it is


I like the background, but don't like the text, nor the placement of it along the bottom. The WWE logo looks to be just about fitting in - Could've done with moving it all slightly right.

And with Edge and Cena showing emotion in their pics, the Michaels promo pic just looks out of place.

Oh, and it'd probably look better if you could see the border at the bottom (if not at the top because of Cena's head) His body is taking the border away at the bottom, so it looks messed up.

I sound like a dick, so I'll stop criticising now. :shifty:

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as Baddar mentioned I don't like how the bottom half of Cena covers the border. the top part covering it up is ok though. i also dislike the effect on the text and the wwe logo loks like it ws placed at the last minute as an afterthought

and as for the sig above this one. I like the idea you were going for with the text but it didn't work out like you wanted I think cause the text is unreadable. also the rest of the graphic is too chaotic

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Brand New - Jesus Christ


Im a big fan of these guys and saw them live for the first time the other day..

You guys (2 people who comment me :-P) know the drill.. Rate/Hate/Comments

Cheers Guys!

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Brand New - Jesus Christ


I like it.

It looked like it's got so many parts to it in the middle, and they're brought together well.

The only thing I ain't fussed on, is the font used all over it. In the middle, it's not that it's blurry, it's just that I don't like it - so down to personal preference really.

As for the "JESUS CHRIST/BRAND NEW" font, it looks alright, but comes across a little word-art-like. But yeah, if you modified both fonts and re-posted, I'd be happy to rate again.

Edited by Baddar Davies
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Brand New Version 2for baddar

I prefer this the way you've used the font on JESUS CHRIST/BRAND NEW this time, but I'm not so sure on the placement of the other text, considering it's meant to go together I presume.

It probably looked better placed together in the middle, but it might just be a case of too much writing on such a small banner, so it's always gonna look clustered.

Still, good job though - You're always more than halfway there when all that needs perfecting is the use of the font.

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Thanks Baddar, i know i have alot of trouble with text and font choice, one area i need big improvemnt on

as for the lyrics.. i looked a few up and well alot are different

come across the ones i used then

" But we all got wood and nails

Your tortured (and hanging) factory"

" We all got wood and nails

And we turn out hate in factories"

" But, we all got wood and nails

Your tortured and hating factory"

and i can definately hear yours as well.. i guess we will only know if someone meets Jesse

thanks for comments thoguh, i appreciate it

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ooooooooooook last version for brand new... say which one u liked best.. its gonna be my new sig


thanks for all comments guys.. i will work on something new now

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok here was a request from homic sent via PM

Hate/Rate/Comments please guys... well the two or three who look in here :w00t:


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It's not bad, but there's two things that put me off it...

Firstly, the font.

Again, like in previous graphics, it seems too Word Arty for my liking. I'd probably prefer that font if it was just written straight along the left hand side, slightly smaller as well.

Then there's the CM Punk cut.

His head/hair sticks out at the top, and the cut of it looks shaky. I prefer the cuts to actually stay within the graphic's border, unless there's a real need or point to take it outside.

4/10: That's not your usual 4/10 - that's a Badd-um-tsch 4/10, so it's not as bad as it looks.

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It's not bad, but there's two things that put me off it...

Firstly, the font.

Again, like in previous graphics, it seems too Word Arty for my liking. I'd probably prefer that font if it was just written straight along the left hand side, slightly smaller as well.

Then there's the CM Punk cut.

His head/hair sticks out at the top, and the cut of it looks shaky. I prefer the cuts to actually stay within the graphic's border, unless there's a real need or point to take it outside.

4/10: That's not your usual 4/10 - that's a Badd-um-tsch 4/10, so it's not as bad as it looks.

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