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EWB Inaugural Be A Guitar Hero Contest

NobBe Nobbs

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The rules of this contest are simple. Since the stats are the only real way to determine who is better than whom, the various Guitar Heroes here on EWB are being put to the test in a contest as barbaric as the Circus Maximus just with slightly more blood. Every week, the contestants will be required to play a song from Guitar Hero III, achieving as high a score as they can, then taking a picture of the magazine screen that shows the score and posting it here. The contestant who manages the lowest score will be eliminated and forced to go home with their head hung in shame, and over the weeks, the numbers will be whittled down until one man stands tall as the truest Guitar Hero of these fair boards. And so, with no further ado, let us begin with...


Kind Guitar Heroes, we'll start this contest off on an Easy note. The song will be: Dragonforce's Through The Fire And Flames, on Easy difficulty, and you have until 16:00 on January 16th to get your scores in. Remember, once you post a picture, your entry will be considered locked in and may not be changed. In the event of a tie, percentage of notes hit will be the tiebreaker. Anybody else who wishes to join can do so by simply posting here with their intent, but entries are only accepted until the deadline day.

Ready? Go.

Week One Scores

Kaney - 261,253

Dragsy - 271,605

TheModernWay - 264,546

Be - 262,206

regia - 271,280

Clawson - N/A

Fanku Kaibutsu - 271,536

Sacrafice540 - 284,894

ragbag - 282,158

King Ellis - 223,750

Zero - 277,638

Gongsun Zan - 272,725

Kryptonite3D - 280,258

Ekin Jones - 277,134

cram - 282,245

Nerf - 227,303

Bigsheep - 265,240

The Inquisitor - 256,210

Mattman - 154,820

League Tables

1) Sacrafice540 (456,645)

2) cram (452,024)

3) Kryptonite3D (450,609)

4) Ekin Jones (443,246)

5) Dragsy (441,136)

6) Zero (440,961)

7) Fanku Kaibutsu (435,921)

8) regia (433,571)

9) Gongsun Zan (432,918)

10) Bigsheep (431,007)

11) TheModernWay (429,481)

12) Kaney (427,582)

13) Be (423,030)

14) The Inquisitor (414,861)

15) Nerf (385,423)

16) Mattman (305,904)

17) ragbag (282,158 - Round Two)

18) King Ellis (223,750 - Round Two)

19) Clawson (0 - Round One)

NB: Anybody who plays as Midori will be automatically disqualified. Playing classic rock with that...thing is an affront to everyone from Nigel Tufnel to Alex Lifeson

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You dirty son of a bitch.

I just played that song earlier on, on easy, just so I could get the 1000 note streak achievement. I got 100% and never took a picture >_

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If I tell you what I just got does that lock my score in?

I took a pic as well, but it's difficult to get the name of the song and the full score in the same picture, since it's my shitty phone camera.

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Fuck it.


I really don't like this song much. I don't wanna play through it again so there's my score. I don't mind locking in so early, because I'm not going to last long once we hit hard/expert >_>

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If I weren't so short of cash this month, I wouldn't be waiting for my replacement GAME loyalty card to arrive, so that I could make use of the £30 worth of points stored on it, so that I could actually go out and purchase GH3 (on the PS2, because fuck buying a THIRD fake guitar), and I would SO be a part of this.

Summary: DAMN IT. :@

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Pah. Real men would buy it anyway.

Also if people like this but don't have GH3, I might consider running one for the previous two. Hint hint, get people interested. Like Zero, Zero has GHIII right?

Also if you're not going to join, don't lurk at the bottom hoping I'll break an obscure rule like using too many vowels in a word and can be banned. This is not aimed at Rabid Wolverine, who also has not seemed to be following me of late.

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Would you have preferred me to throw Dragonforce in at the Hard stages and make everyone fail?

Because, you know, I might just do that. :shifty:


Pah. Real men would buy it anyway.

Also if people like this but don't have GH3, I might consider running one for the previous two. Hint hint, get people interested. Like Zero, Zero has GHIII right?

Also if you're not going to join, don't lurk at the bottom hoping I'll break an obscure rule like using too many vowels in a word and can be banned. This is not aimed at Rabid Wolverine, who also has not seemed to be following me of late.

I'd have picked up GHII for Freebird alone if it came in solo editions, but as Stoke says, fuck buying another guitar. Rock Band will be more than enough lying around already without another useless peripheral >_>

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My phone camera is worse than I thought, I've got these huge black lines across it that I can't figure out how to get rid of. And because the quality's so poor, I had to get two separate pictures (one of the score and difficulty, one of the song name with the first three score digits in).

EDIT: And no, the point is that once this song is done with, nobody else can join in. Although if I can't find my phone-to-computer cable, I may have to retire myself.

...that's actually a serious concern.

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