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A reminder of Trigun episode 24 for Cloudy:

Legato forces Vash to kill him in cold blood, so as to make Vash suffer in the greatest way possible.

DING! Yeah. Oh god, I'm just now remebering how awesome that was. Isn't that also the episode where Wolfwood bites the bullet?

No, you're thinking of the one where Wolfwood faces Chapel, and Vash takes on the sniper who kills himself in the end when Vash beats him. The one with Legato making Vash kill him was further into the series, just past Wolfwood's death.

Legato was portrayed so damn well in the show... it really made you think just how strong Knives had to have been and how in-touch Knives had gotten with his abilities to be able to hold power over Legato, which I really think didn't help any when we see Knives in the end and he's taken down within the episode. Though really, it was also a testament to how strong Vash had gotten by the end.

Still though, I agree with Stok: Legato is by and large one of my favorite villains ever. He's just incredible.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Damn you all and your Trigun spoiler talk! I plan on watching a few more eps today.

And Stok, no, I don't pay attention to the names. Usually takes me a while to catch on to them....I barely remember Meryl's name!

Also, I need to rewatch Cowboy Bebop, it is epic. I managed to watch every episode, plus movie, in one day.

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It's okay to be forgetful of Meryl. She does nothing of substance until much further into the show, whereas someone such as Millie brings the gold every episode she's in.

In the end though, yeah, Meryl's the better character. She's far better developed, just not as consistent throughout >_>

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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I can't remember who makes baooooooowchicka waaaaaaaaow with Wolfwood!! :(

Millie. The big girl. Meryl's the one who falls for Vash in the end.
Edited by The Mask of Norro
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I can't remember who makes baooooooowchicka waaaaaaaaow with Wolfwood!! :(

That would be Milly. And the fact that Meryl's attraction to Vash is all the more subtle and progressive than "Hey, you're a big girl! I like big girls!" "You do seem like a nice person, Mr. Priest." "Well I'm going to die in a few minutes, so might as well do the inevitable:" *sex* only adds weight to my opinion. :shifty:
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I can't remember who makes baooooooowchicka waaaaaaaaow with Wolfwood!! :(

That would be Milly. And the fact that Meryl's attraction to Vash is all the more subtle and progressive than "Hey, you're a big girl! I like big girls!" "You do seem like a nice person, Mr. Priest." "Well I'm going to die in a few minutes, so might as well do the inevitable:" *sex* only adds weight to my opinion. :shifty:

Yet again, as I said: entertainment wise, Millie is too freakin' loveable to not enjoy. Character-wise, story-wise n'all that... over time, Meryl wins hands down. In the beginning though she's just a typical bitch character, but damn if they don't build her into something much better as we got closer to the end. Meryl's feelings towards Vash were given time to steadily and easily move forward. Millie and Wolfwood's feelings to each other were much more fast, and considering the emotional state of the both of them at that moment, it made more sense for something like that to happen anyway.
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It's okay to be forgetful of Meryl. She does nothing of substance until much further into the show, whereas someone such as Millie brings the gold every episode she's in.

In the end though, yeah, Meryl's the better character. She's far better developed, just not as consistent throughout >_>

You serious? I haven't liked Meryl at all so far, I hope she gets better. I love Milly, she got pissed off when someone squished her pudding!

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I'd wager yeah, he's serious. And I'd agree. Meryl really picks up later. I do remember feeling like you do now, though; the first time I watched the series I could barely stand Meryl until the series progressed. She becomes a lot more fleshed out than Millie and has a lot more character than that whacky goof.

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I'm going to have to watch Trigun again when I have the free time, aren't I.

(But then, to be fair, I NEVER have real free time so this is probably an empty statement.)

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I have discovered that my girlfriend only watched Evangelion once about a decade ago and can no longer remember a thing about it, meaning that when I've brought it up in conversation she's just smiled and nodded and pretended she had some sort of clue what I was talking about.

This is blasphemy. The only solution is an enforced marathon. 26 episodes, that's about 12 hours. It shall be done.

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... I've never really "watched" Evangelion. I've only read up on it and saw various clips.

Please don't castrate me, stok >_>

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Thing is, Akira's one of those films which you, quote-unquote, "have to watch" because of its significant place in cinema history or whatever. But really, it's not the sort of thing you'll ever be bothered to watch more than twice in your entire life. If that.

Though the fact you can usually get it at sale prices is handy.

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