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The Anime Thread


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I want that watch, Stok...where do you live? >.>

So, I finish Trigun today. I enjoyed the series. Except.....


So, now the question is...what anime do I watch next? The series' have ready to watch are: Outlaw Star, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Elfen Lied, Grenadier, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Code Geass (well, the first 17 anyways).

Tell me what I want to watch!

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Elfen Lied got a lot of good reviews when it came out but it never really looked all that interesting to me, just looked like tits and gore. Yawn.

I'd go with Outlaw Star, but then again, I'm a sucker for anything in space..

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Elfen Lied is Fucked Up Awesomeness to the max. The latter episodes (the flashback episodes) in particular will warp your fragile little mind.

Clearly, therefore, it's an absolute Must See.

And sorry Cloudy, as far as his remaining list goes, I would put Outlaw Star below everything except possibly Grenadier. >_>

Go for Ouran/Elfen/Haruhi/Geass. Flip two coins!

Edited by stokeriño
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I have been pretty disappointed with a lot of the anime coming out now-a-days. A lot of it I just don't think is unique, nor special enough to warrent actually purchasing, or watching.

I think the last series I have watched was Azumanga Daioh.

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That's about 5 years old... There have been plenty of good ones since then.

Have you tried The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid, for instance?

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Grouping FMA and FMP together just because they share two words in common? How crude of you, sir. :shifty:

Have you not even had a look at Fumoffu, because that is downright hilarity.

Aren't Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Panic based in the same 'world'?

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Er, no. Different universes. FMP's based on events in the latter part of the 20th century. :P

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There is absolutely zero relation between the two.

Fullmetal Alchemist is based in a fictional country (I forget its name) where people use the magical powers of 'alchemy' for means of both war and peace. It stars brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric (the latter of whom being a soul contained with a suit of armour) and their guest to regain their own bodies, lost in a piece of alchemy gone wrong. The 'Fullmetal' part of the name refers to Edward's synthetic arm and leg, both made of metal.

Full Metal Panic is based in real life Japan (although with an alternative world stage - the Soviet Union still exists, there is a North and South China following a civil war, etc.). It stars Sgt. Sousuke Sagara, a teenage soldier with the mercenary group MITHRIL, who has been charged with the task of posing as a normal high school student in order to protect student Kaname Chidori (a girl who unknowingly has special abilities coveted by secret services across the world). Having been a soldier all his life, Sousuke is, um, shall we say, not entirely well-versed in how to act in a normal, civilian environment. The name 'Full Metal Panic' is a parody of Full Metal Jacket.

Clear? :shifty:

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And the fact that Fumoffu's main theme is pretty much the A-team theme doesn't hurt anything at all.

Fumoffu doesn't really have the A-team rip-off music. The original series did, and Second Raid had Airwolf rip-off music. Fumoffu's too silly for such things. >_>

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