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The Anime Thread


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See now, I was about 14/15 when Pokemon was at its height. I don't really call that "when I was a kid".

I remember having unduly serious discussions about the Pokemon plot with my friend when we were about 16 or 17. Good times.

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Mine were Sailor Moon and Tenchi Muyo when I was 10-11-12. >_> I first saw them on a local Dallas, TX station when I was staying there with my grandma one summer and then that fall they appeared on Cartoon Network's fledgling Toonami block. They'd come on at 3:30 and 4:00pm respectively, so I could get home from school, have a snack and get situated, then watch my shows.


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Gundam Wing. Nothing else mattered to me because I watched Gundam Wing, so I won :D

Every morning before school me and my mam would watch Gundam Wing :D

Gundam came along when I was 14 or 15, before CN started Adult Swim really late at night (12-2am usually) they'd air cut versions of anime, that's the first time I ever saw Gundam or Cowboy Bebop.

This makes me long for being 14/15 again. :(

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See now, I was about 14/15 when Pokemon was at its height. I don't really call that "when I was a kid".

I remember having unduly serious discussions about the Pokemon plot with my friend when we were about 16 or 17. Good times.

Well, I was a tweenager there abouts, saying kid is a bit much but it's almost half a lifetime ago, literally. I also used to watch Carp Captors and rarely Gundam and Sailor Moon (it's got the boom anime babes, that make me think the wrong thing.

Incidentally, why was I taught it was animé if it's just anime?

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The fact this thread has been cut down, unpinned, and seems to have changed topic starter makes me sad :(

This was the only thread I am proud of making! :crying:




I still haven't watched much anime lately, and it depresses me.

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I just realised I have Saikano all waiting for me, it feels so lonely. I was waiting till my exams were finished to watch it, and I finished my exams this morning so I'll be reporting back with the old goodness that is SHE, THE ULTIMATE WEAPON!

And where's half the thread actually gone? Sure it was just random posts (mainly me singing songs "ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER" or "GARAYRAGYRAGYA SONG FOR YOU") but still. It was lovely >_<

EDIT: Don't be upset Ruki, I'm more of a name pull than you. Watch this thread boom!

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Since when has Digimon been part of the 'Big 3'?

I remember that Dragon Ball Z (which, technically is Dragonball, as it all lies under the same term, but DBZ was a term thought up by the western scum who fucked the anime up) was the big thing when I was like 15 years old. I was the guru of that shit. Then I got older, and realised how much of a joke it was compared to 'Dragonball' AKA young Goku Dragonball.

I also remember loving the first season of Pokemon... and then it became utter, utter, utter shit.

Evangelion is the next step my friend... then it is being a picky cunt and not watching anything and hating Naruto for being absolutely fucking pathetic!

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See now, I was about 14/15 when Pokemon was at its height. I don't really call that "when I was a kid".

I remember having unduly serious discussions about the Pokemon plot with my friend when we were about 16 or 17. Good times.

Well, I was a tweenager there abouts, saying kid is a bit much but it's almost half a lifetime ago, literally. I also used to watch Carp Captors and rarely Gundam and Sailor Moon (it's got the boom anime babes, that make me think the wrong thing.

Incidentally, why was I taught it was animé if it's just anime?

The é is only added for Westerners who assume they know how to the pronounce things. Since the word is (naturally) originally written in Japanese script and their vowels have set pronunciations, accents don't exist, even if translated. Otherwise you'd have to put an é every single time the letter e appeared in a Japanese word.

It's just a form of dumbing down that irritates me immensely. ¬_¬

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Eventually the topic starter will be restored, fret not, I'm fixing old mistakes. Digimon, DB and Pokémon were the only ones EVERYONE at my school knew, Digimon and Pokémon were the only ones to come to regular TV instead of SKY and everyone and there mother just knew DB by reputation.

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I remember that Dragon Ball Z (which, technically is Dragonball, as it all lies under the same term, but DBZ was a term thought up by the western scum who fucked the anime up)

'Z' is a pretty common suffix for an anime series' second run, actually, and is usually put there by the Japanese creators themselves. Probably because it looks like '2' and is easier for them to pronounce than the English two (or "tsu"). For example Galaxy Angel's second season was called 'Galaxy Angel Z', and the logo for Mai-Otome (the Mai-HiME spinoff) essentially says "Mai-HiME Z (otome)" - despite no one ever referring to it as Mai-HiME 2.

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It would probably just be easier to close this, start a new one with a meaningful discussion topic and then just let it degenerate into what it was again >_>

What, to buy ourselves a couple of days of false dignity? :shifty:

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