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The Anime Thread


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I actually got Mrs. TKz to check out an Anime with me! And she's really enjoying Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If she's into it enough, I think I'll show her One Piece next. She'll never be able to complain about not having something to watch again. Or for at least some 1200 hours. >_>

Though I'll go ahead and say that I think it's a fairly poor series for introduction, probably better off going with the first like, 15 episodes of FMA and then continuing from there with Brotherhood. Just feels like you miss so much great stuff from them combining plot points of multiple episodes into single episodes. I really felt like the first series showing the boys trying to bring their mother back did a much better job of nailing home the horrific feel of what happened. Some of that stuff is lost in the new series.

Still great though and I don't think she's really any less informed for it.

The episode with Dr. Tucker and Alicia, though. It never hurts any less. I'm dreading Hughes' death. :(

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FMA:B ends better but FMA starts better. The reason for this is obvious. FMA:B intended to cover the entire manga whereas when FMA came out the manga was still ongoing so they could only cover some of it in basically the first half of the series. So FMA:B had to rush through some things whereas FMA could give ample time to everything since it didn't have as much material to include.

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FMA:B ends better but FMA starts better. The reason for this is obvious. FMA:B intended to cover the entire manga whereas when FMA came out the manga was still ongoing so they could only cover some of it in basically the first half of the series. So FMA:B had to rush through some things whereas FMA could give ample time to everything since it didn't have as much material to include.

I know all that, I watched FMA as it aired, read the Manga whilst it was still going and checked out Brotherhood when it finished. :P But considering it's supposed to cover the entire manga, I just find it a little silly that it skimmed the earlier chapters of the manga because FMA had already done it. I've been trying to figure out where the best transition point would be, but it's been a bit too long since I read the manga to really remember what's in the right order in the first series. I think you end up with plot points from the manga starting to merge with the anime too, so it's probably a lost cause unless you go from somewhere earlier. It'd definitely have to be before the prison scenes, or you end up with all the Chimera Tucker stuff muddying the waters.

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