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It's for adolescents ORO, like Doctor Who we don't care about glaring plotholes. However a lot of the plotholes you think exist get explained, so much of the series is built around opening up the mystery of the titans with occasional (not often enough) answers. The walls get explained, the political structure explained, the existence of the titans hinted at, and so on.

However the manga really has become a convoluted mess with too much going on.

As for rip-off it's nothing like Godzilla but oh so very much like Claymore.

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I've been watching the 2008 version of Golgo 13, and holy cow, this is fucking awesome. 50 episodes, pretty much uncensored (it's pretty seinen), completely episodic format thus far. Check it out if you can.

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Presenting: The Summer 2014 Anime List!


So far, I think I'll be watching Hanamongatari, Space Dandy, Sword Art and Fate/kalied liner PRISMA Illya 2wei for sure. After those, I don't know about the rest; two fucking shows set in Sengoku Japan (seriously, what the fuck is with this trend? Everybody's either Nobunaga or it's set in that time period!)...yeah.

Still, 4 shows isn't bad, even though they're ALL sequels.

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Akame ga Kill! and Ao Haru Ride are both big deal manga adaptations and surefire hits. Hopefully they're both good adaptations. Free! Eternal Summer will be the hit of the season, moreso than Sword Art Online for sure. Hanayamata is a Madhouse show and those are always worth watching. Hanamonogatari will be like 4 episodes, it's a very small arc. Gonna be fun to watch for more Monogatari though. Glasslip is P.A. Works so the art and animation will be sex, definitely gonna watch that. Zankyou no Terror is by the god Watanabe, another must-watch. Not to mention other sequel series, some likely great shows that come out of nowhere, and SAILOR FUCKING MOON.

This season is ridiculously loaded, moreso than any in awhile.

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I don't know, winter was kind of loaded for me, at least. I think I was watching something like ten shows.

At least now with Date A Live having ended, that leaves me with only a couple shows I'm watching; Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to (which is only ten minutes per episode it seems), No Game No Life, and Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou. I'll get caught up on Kanojo ga Flag or Oraretera when I can, but once I wrap up Golgo 13, I'm moving on to the last bit of Monogatari.

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Fall was the loaded season of last year, with Kill la Kill, Golden Time, Nagi no Asukara, etc. Not to mention Monogatari was carrying over from the Summer.

But nothing like this in terms of initial hype into shows. I mean you have a Shinichiro Watanabe directed show which is a massive deal, and Space Dandy which he does something or the other for (probably not much honestly). Two big manga adaptations. Two second seasons of the two biggest shows of their respective seasons. A Madhouse show. A P.A. Works show. Fate, Monogatari, Persona 4 are all big franchises. And then there's Sailor Moon. Plus the guaranteed 3-4 shows that we don't discuss going into the season that turn out to be good. I'm expecting at least 10 to be on my weekly list, maybe more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And, with the conclusion of No Game No Life, that's the Spring Anime season for me.

Next up: SUMMER! :D

Shows I'm watching:

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA*ILLYA 2Wei!


Space Dandy

Sword Art Online

We'll see what else comes along.

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I know mainstream anime is all frowny and stuff (not so much here, but in anime fandom broadly speaking), but I just wanted to remark (for those who haven't seen it on my facebook) that Yuri Lowenthal is a super-cool dude at conventions. I met three voice actors from Naruto, but Yuri was just rad.

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Ah yeah some voice actors are really awesome people, I don't usually go see them at conventions since not much of note gets said but the ones I have seen tend to be cool and funny.

That said, I'm now 5 days out from being at Anime Expo (largest anime convention in North America) and am ever so hype.

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