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The site I'm using has 300 something episodes listed. Not so bad.

Also I forgot how awesome the first episode and the general music is.

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I think I might give Blade and Soul a watch...apparently very 90s with the action, and free of the typical anime cliches.

Edit: Or maybe not. A bunch of the reviews on Crunchy Roll are negative, and it seems like a show that will be high in fanservice.

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I think I might give Blade and Soul a watch...apparently very 90s with the action, and free of the typical anime cliches.

Edit: Or maybe not. A bunch of the reviews on Crunchy Roll are negative, and it seems like a show that will be high in fanservice.

Look's pretty tame compared to Queen's Blade...

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Oh Jesus, TFS made Cell creepy as fuck. He was pretty creepy in the original but they managed to outdo it.

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One of the more-hyped anime films of last year, Patema Inverted, came out on Blu-Ray and received great subs from Underwater. My friend and I watched it tonight and overall the movie was worthy of the hype for its animation, music, and art. Plot was kinda bland in places but there's enough to distract you from it as it's a treat to watch. Deserved the hype.

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So, since so many people talk about how good Attack on Titan is, I decided to splurge a bit and buy the Australian Limited Edition (blu-ray, artbook, artbox, 4 pins, 2 collectible necklaces, Key and Sword). If it sucks, I'll hate you all for eternity.

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So, since so many people talk about how good Attack on Titan is, I decided to splurge a bit and buy the Australian Limited Edition (blu-ray, artbook, artbox, 4 pins, 2 collectible necklaces, Key and Sword). If it sucks, I'll hate you all for eternity.

....that's just stupid.

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Yeah, at the very least you should've checked out the first episode online or something.

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From the little bits and pieces I've seen (a few clips here and there), seems like it's a show I'd like a lot. Not the first time I purchased a show without watching it (never regretted a purchase, though), and it really wasn't that expensive. Basically, if I didn't feel I'd like the show, I would never buy it. Still, what's done is done.

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Don't be hating on Johnny just because you guys don't have the expendable income to waste cash. >_>

Keep on impulse buying, my fellow money waster.


I just impulse bought a fucking gaming PC :shifty:

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Don't be hating on Johnny just because you guys don't have the expendable income to waste cash. >_>

Keep on impulse buying, my fellow money waster.


As you say this I have a tab open on a 3DS on Amazon and am trying to think of how I can gather up 200 bucks. Damn you people with jobs and money! :P

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