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TNA iMPACT! video game


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Teej sayeth so it must be so!

I saw it in shops today, I don't have a console to play it on so I didn't buy it :shifty:

Which I probably would, since I owned WCW Mayhem and ECW Hardcore Revolution :shifty:

Edited by HoboObohHbob
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By all rights, the game should suck. The AI is horrible, the movesets are limited, the commentary is terrible, there aren't many weapons, finishers don't seem to do more damage than regular moves - in fact, no move seems to be any more effective than any other - the create wrestler is just about on par with the first Legends of Wrestling game, the list goes on. But damn, Ultimate X against human opponents is hella fun. And I like the controls, Smackdown is getting a bit too complex, and I could never get to grips with the fighting style shit, so this is a nice change of pace. The one button reversal system is good too, and I like that animations can be broken quite smoothly, and reversals chained. I just wish that it wasn't quite so easy to break up every single move, as it gets a bit tiresome after a while. Still, there's a solid foundation there, and the sequel should be pretty good.

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This is both hell of a lot of fun and totally horrible in equal doses. I HATE season mode with just how cheap the CPU is reversing everything so you can't do shit to it. I resent having to play through the wretched thing to unlock most of the wrestlers too.

Exhibition matches are better, not great, but OK, and they have something to work on for Impact2, since as this game has the depth of a puddle, a fair few annoyances, a dodgy reversal scheme (mostly down to the game ignoring you pressing it) and an ill-thought out control system. I'm not sure if I'm glad I brought it or not, but there's been a fair few worse wrestling games made, and the charatcter models are PERFECT.

Oh, and Ultimate X matches are brilliant, if they've got one thing right, it's this.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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Sounds like you just suck at the timing of reversing :P I can reverse plenty and if you vary your moves a fair bit, the computer doesn't often reverse too many. I do find it annoying when the computer does a move to you on the ground and then continues to do the same move over and over for a minute or so until I can roll out of the ring.

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The reversal system's ok, it's just hte AI is fucking cheap as hell at times.

But whoever takes over the Smackdown series (I remember reading somewhere that WWE isn't happy with THQ or something) must take note - full-on mo-cap is the way to go, not stock animations. I'm not asking for every WWE Superstar to be fully motion capped, that'd be impossible with their schedules and everything, but generic big man style, high flyer style etc. would be far better looking than the same exact animations we've had since Just Bring It - and I don't care what they say, I can still recognize plenty of moves from the way older games.

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I've heard a few things that have me thinking I'm either gonna pass or wait until it hits the bargain bins:

1. No Scorpion Deathlock. I'm sorry, but as a huge Sting fan, that's a BIG HUGE McLARGE no-no.

2. No ground based attacks.

3. The PS2 version either doesn't have a CAW mode at all or its very limited.

4. No submission finishers. At all. (The Steiner Recliner is apparently considered a pin!)

5. Curry Man will be a download instead of an alternate outfit for Christopher Daniels, when frankly he should be in as Curry Man to begin with. (I don't do online with consoles)

I will say this, though; I watched a video on Youtube of Suicide's finisher, and its pretty cool but a bit contrived:

Basically, Rey Misterio's move that used to be called Deja Vu in the SD vs. RAW games but is now just one of the back Hurricanranas (He used it in WCW more than he has in the WWE, and it wasn't a finisher, anyway, which is probably why they dumped the name in games)into a pose atop the victim's head then into basically a Sunset Flip Bomb.

I have also heard some people theorize that AJ Styles did the mo-cap for Suicide. From what I've seen, I wouldn't doubt it.

Edited by GhostMachine
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I've heard a few things that have me thinking I'm either gonna pass or wait until it hits the bargain bins:

1. No Scorpion Deathlock. I'm sorry, but as a huge Sting fan, that's a BIG HUGE McLARGE no-no.

2. No ground based attacks.

3. The PS2 version either doesn't have a CAW mode at all or its very limited.

4. No submission finishers. At all. (The Steiner Recliner is apparently considered a pin!)

5. Curry Man will be a download instead of an alternate outfit for Christopher Daniels, when frankly he should be in as Curry Man to begin with. (I don't do online with consoles)

1. Yeah, that is ridiculous, I don't get why everyone has to have a ready finisher and nothing else. But they could even have set it up like they did with Rhyno's gore, as in he does a belley belly suplex or something to groggy them and then charges at them. Finishers have not been handled well at all, the lack of submission finishers is weak, and the fact that finishers themselves don't seem to keep opponents down any longer than regular moves is appalling (I guess finishers do instantly stun, but still).

2. There are ground based attacks. Again, the moves are limited, but holds and strikes to downed opponents are both possible. Running strikes also.

3. See 1.

4. See 1.

5. I say this of every wrestling game, we need more alternate costumes, one at the very least, but the power of these consoles, we should be expecting around 4. Very few wrestlers go out in the exact same attire week in, week out. Hell, even Austin changed his entrance jacket. It's simply inexcusable. I'm in two minds about the Curry Man DLC. I like the idea of rosters being expanded through DLC (preferably without any added cost, or at least not a ridiculous sum), but the roster is so small to begin with, you shouldn't really be keeping stuff back - they said before the game came out that Curry Man would be DLC, so it's not like it wasn't ready to put in.

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The story mode tag match with you and Eric Young vs. Styles and Tomko is the worst thing in the universe.

First time, Styles reverses EVERY single damn thing I try and pins Eric with the Styles Clash in about 90 seconds.

Second time we have a lengthly ish match, ending when Tomko hits a generic move and pins me RIGHT IN THE ROPES BY MY TAG PARTNER who refuses to come in the ring and break the fall.

Third time is a combination of the above, as Styles and Tomko reverse pretty much everything and pin me right the ropes next to Eric Young who decides to not break the fall.

I keep changing my mind on this from, thinking it's OK and I'll play it enough to justify keeping it at the price I paid to wanting to trade the bastard thing in straight away.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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The game is awful. Or even worse. I play it as PS2 and really didn't have high expectations, just thought it would be playable... and it isn't. The game is boring, everyone uses the same moves [or almost the same] there are many bugs and glitches in the game... It is easier to put Your opponent down with punches and kicks than with grapple moves... Some opponents like Styles or Jarrett are unbelievable - they reverse practically EVERYTHING...

The game had potential, I'd buy it anyways as I'm a huge TNA fan... Still, the fact remains, the game is terrible.

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I'm quite pleasently suprised to see it charting so high on all consoles in Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys. It's in the top three on across the board on all consoles there.

Those charts are made up, not based on sales. Most new releases "enter" the chart high up to get you to buy them/because the publisher pays for it. Wait until the official charts on Tuesday and that'll give an accurate measure of how well it's sold. I still think it'll sell quite well though, possibly top 5 all formats. It'll probably chart quite high on PS2 though because it's a) cheap and b) the only decent new game out.

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I bought this game for PS2, not because I was all that excited about it, but more because I was applying at a Gamestop and decided to break the ice with the guy behind the counter by reserving a copy.

First thing you notice and it's very, very evident while playing the first hour or so - you're not playing a Smackdown game. In a lot of ways, that lets you down. My brother actually complained that as the game started up, we didn't watch or hear the iMPACT Theme/Opening Video. It also is a let down that TNA didn't even seem to try it's hardest in some areas, such as some of the wrestlers have generic themes instead of their actual ones. As stated a million times, the moves are repetitive as fuck. Granted, it's fun to discover something new in the midst of playing, like how to take down someone from the Ultimate X Cables, or how to do a plancha. Storymode is kind of full of plot holes, but if you can stop grimacing through those, storymode is actually quite entertaining and they've spread out the unlockables very enjoyably. However the unlockables is also a downfall, as a handfull of the characters you unlock are no-name game-generated jobbers. It feels very disappointing in the first hour or so when you win a tough match and you see you've unlocked Giant Guppie or Thunder Lang. I'm glad I only bought the game for PS2 and not 360, because I would have cried if I had spent the average running 360 game price. I'd give the game a rough 6/10, which mainly draws from storymode when you really get things going. Or in summary, get it for PS2 if you have the money to piss away, but for any other console I'd suggest waiting for the price to drop.

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First thing you notice and it's very, very evident while playing the first hour or so - you're not playing a Smackdown game. In a lot of ways, that lets you down.

I'm sorry, but are you complaining that the game you're playing ISN'T Smackdown? :/

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