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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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They were still enough people out there who gave then a shot. This is the Arizona Cardinals. The worst franchise in the history of pro sports. The cheapest owner. The team never sells out. Coming into this year they had one winning season in franchise history. How is this even a discussion?

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They were still enough people out there who gave then a shot. This is the Arizona Cardinals. The worst franchise in the history of pro sports. The cheapest owner. The team never sells out. Coming into this year they had one winning season in franchise history. How is this even a discussion?

The Cardinals have a HOF QB and two studs at WR. They're not the Little Sisters of the Poor or the Detroit Lions :shifty:

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They were still enough people out there who gave then a shot. This is the Arizona Cardinals. The worst franchise in the history of pro sports. The cheapest owner. The team never sells out. Coming into this year they had one winning season in franchise history. How is this even a discussion?

Who was giving the Giants a shot against the unbeaten Patriots last year!??

Because whoever they were, they didn't come out and say it before the game unless they were a Giants fan.

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and Ben Graham is going to the SUPERBOWL! makes him the first Australian to go to one too, Awesome.

Yeah, I'm a little slow, had to answer the door.

Go Ravens.

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They were still enough people out there who gave then a shot. This is the Arizona Cardinals. The worst franchise in the history of pro sports. The cheapest owner. The team never sells out. Coming into this year they had one winning season in franchise history. How is this even a discussion?

um, are you just leaving out the other 18 on purpose ?

The Cardinals franchise has had 20 winning seasons in their history. There was even a string of three 10 win seasons in the 70's. Yeah, I'm not arguing against the "worst franchise" theory as I'm more than likely of the mind that they're damn close if not so. But one winning season before this year is still a pretty big fabrication.

Unless of course you're talking about the franchise in the Arizona era only that is.

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Their last championship was 2 cities ago and before the Super Bowl era. Ok, one was an exaggeration....but just by a very little amount. Here is the franchise index. Even the lowly Lions put together a solid stretch early in the 90s. I'm not saying anything about this year's team as has been obvious that other then the first round against Matt Ryan I have rooted for the Cardinals but every team can have a year where they are loaded with talent (see the Florida Marlins for reference) but that doesn't change that this is on the short list for the worst franchise in all of sports. The Cardinals have more playoff wins this year then what they had from 1933 until this year. Just think about that for a second. This was the only franchise left in the NFC that hadn't made it to a Conference Championship yet. Its the NFL....there are a half a dozen new playoff teams each year....yet somehow this franchise finds a way to not make it every year. Year in and year out there is talk about how cheap this ownership is. The fans have turned on that franchise numerous times due to a lack of commitment.....hell it took a late drive by the NFL to get their first playoff game this year sold out...otherwise the game would've been blacked out in Phoenix like a bunch of home games in recent years.

Naiwf, I know you're a Giants fan so you're gonna go all crazy over your team....but the Giants have a rich history.....you just can't compare the two.

As for whoever said earlier that no one outside Giants fans was picking them to win in the playoffs last year....I picked them all 4 games.

Giants 28 Cowboys 17

On November 19th I said one of the NY teams would beat the Pats......hopefully the Giants prove me right tonight. The game should definitely be a lot closer then what a lot of people are predicting. Giants definitely need this to be a low scoring game. It's raining so the Dome should be closed. I think Eli will have himself another solid game. Giants definitely need a big game from Jacobs as they definitely need to keep the Pats off the field.

Giants 24....Patriots 21.

Only two I found with a quick search.

Once again...I'm not comparing this year's team to any other team....but when you live in the NY/NJ area and hear Jets fans moan and groan all the time........I point them towards the Cardinals. This franchise has stunk it up for years.

In short...don't worry fans of the Cubs, Indians(wouldn't mind them going another 100 years without a title),Jets, Leafs, etc. your time can come too.

Edited by sahyder1
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Once again...I'm not comparing this year's team to any other team....

That was my argument though. The 2009 Cardinals had a better chance of making the SB than the 2008 Giants based on location of games and seeds played en route. Having said that, I will agree with your point that the Cardinals making the SB is a "get the fuck out of here with that nonsense" moment. When that moment takes place about two months after the US elects a black man president it's probably just another sign that the end is nigh. Can you honestly imagine President Obama shaking hands with the World Champion Cardinals and not be talking about the team from St. Louis? :shifty:

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