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I just bought an NES


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Tecmo Super Bowl if you like American football is a must.

Dragon Warrior series (1-4). Even if you don't like RPG's and he selling for 5 bucks they fetch a pretty penny on Ebay as does Tecmo Super Bowl and Final Fantasy.

Mega Man series (1-6) are awesome action games

Castlevania (1-3) series is real good

Legend of Zelda series (1 & 2)

Pro Wrestling

Super Mario Bros. 3

Battle of Olympus (Action/Adventure)

WCW Tag Team Wrestling (I think that's what it's called) is the best wrestling game for the NES





Al Unser Jr Racing is the best racing game

R.C. Pro AM

Crystalis (Action RPG)

Blaster Master

Mike Tyson's Punch Out

Iron Sword

I have around 40 NES games and own all of these except a couple. Most of these are the more popular with a couple personal favorites.

Edit: Added a couple more and say that yes Duck Tales and Battletoads are real good games.

Edited by Sacrafice540
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He's got everything that I've asked for so far, everything ISN'T five dollars sadly, but he's going to be buying some SNES\N64 games off me, so I'm thinking I'll be getting my games like that. Tomorrow or soon enough with the money that I have NOW, I'm looking to buy Punch Out! (sadly, post-Tyson rape case) and Pro Wrestling off him.

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The NES has all kinds of little gems. Some of these have been mentioned before, but they're worth another. Most of these are platformers, or action games since I'm not into sports games or Japanese RPGs.

- Legend of Zelda 1-2

- Super Mario Brothers 2-3

- River City Ransom

- Duck Tales 1-2

- Bionic Commando

- Contra, Super C

- Megan Man 1-6

- Blaster Master

- Bomberman

- Metroid

- Kid Icarus

- Super Dodge Ball

- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!

- Double Dragon 1-3

- Ninja Gaiden 1-3

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3

- Darkwing Duck

- Rescue Rangers 1-2

- Battletoads & Double Dragon

- Tecmo Superbowl

- Castlevania 1-3

NES Archives is a great site for reference on these and more old NES classics. Their essentials list should cover anything I've missed.

Edited by Drifter_2000
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Super Dodgeball was love. I need to get my old NES stuff back, I had so many fucking games for that thing. My NES busted though, I'll have to buy a new one.

How expensive are they running these days? I know they're getting harder to find now, but I desperately want one again. That console is one of my favorites of all time, it's seriously just a brilliant little thing.

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I hear Baseball Stars is all kinds of awesome, I'v got it for NesDS, but some of the sprites are garbled.

Was always more partial to Baseball Simulator 1.000 myself. Fun as hell to hit a rocket ball and plaster the whole middle of the defense to the outfield wall while you stroll around for an ITPHR.

And hearty agreement with the Ninja Gaiden games and of course, mad :wub: for DuckTales.

While I dug the Castlevania series as a whole, #2 (Simon's Quest) sucked.

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