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Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

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So I bought this game at Christmas for £10 in the sales - but I realised yesterday I haven't actually played it yet.

Can someone sum up the classes, or at least a good class to start as, seeing as I'm a n00b to this game.....?

It's all pretty much explained for you, it'll tell you what classes specialise in what. For a starting game, I'd probally suggest picking the Battlemage, gives you a nice combo of magic and blade ability that I enjoyed as a started. On my PS3 game I've moved onto playing as a sort of mage thief hybrid.

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I play as an agent. A good persuasion , great early sneak, good ranged weapons, good light armour and some lockpicking skills all helped me early on.

I was also a Nord which gave me some bonus muscle and a couple of good daily spells.

Persuasion is basically to improve NPCs feelings towards you. Of the four options, each character has two that will endear you to them and two that will upset them. You need to find the two that make them happy (look for facial expressions!) and click on them when the biggest bar rotates around to them.

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I'm getting to itch to play this again, having gotten the desire to finish my role-play with my wizard/mage character (think LOTR wizard ripoff <_<) and do the Shivering Isles with him.

I cannot decide, in fact, between doing this or starting a new role-play with a character designed to be a Batman-style vigilante. That shit would own.

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Yeah you can swim.

My general do-gooding continues. I'm a nice guy, help people out, don't kill innocents ever (unless it's for the Brotherhood quests), although I steal from pretty much every house or shop. I go beyond myself to help those who need it (awww bless)

However a note on a Dark Brotherhood quest:

The one where you enter a house with five other people who think they're hunting for money when in fact they can't escape and it's down to you to kill them all without being spotted by the others....Great quest, very well thought out but kinda hard for my character. A couple are easy to mercilessly kill but the Nord was a likeable guy and the younger woman seemed far too innocent and scared to kill....But hey that's the quest....
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If I see it in Grainger Games for £8 like Uncharted I'll probably get it. That'll be a while away I imagine, which is a good thing I suppose as I have this awful habit of jumping from game to game without ever actually completing them.

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If I see it in Grainger Games for £8 like Uncharted I'll probably get it. That'll be a while away I imagine, which is a good thing I suppose as I have this awful habit of jumping from game to game without ever actually completing them.

That's exactly what I do.

I might re-buy Oblivion. I had it, sold it, but as its a one player game, its kinda timeless, since you can throw it on whenever you want to. Next time I have a bit of spare change perhaps.

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Can I be in more than one guild?

You can join everything. Dark Brotherhood (my personal favourite), Thieves Guild, Fighters Guild, Mages Guild.

Mages Guild is fucking annoying though, I recommend you do your best not to get chucked out because it takes a fucking decade to get everything you need to get back in. Also, the Thieves Guild is getting real annoying, where the hell am I meant to find enough decent stuff to steal that I can sell it? I either get caught as soon as I go near a gaurd or all I can find is stuff thats like 1 Gold.

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There are a few houses in the Talos Plaza District of Imperial City that have some valuable stuff to be yoinked. Also a few of the shops in the Market District will also have stuff that you can sell well, like soul stones and weapons.

Also if you get caught by a guard stealing stuff then you're doing it wrong. :P

Edited by 2nd Lt. DoubleX
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Try in castles or houses that look rich.

Castles are quite hard to yoink stuff from, because of the fact there are always guards patrolling. Detect Life is a must, Chameleon makes it a lot easier, and there's at least one castle that has a secret passageway in which you can travel to find stuff to steal.

Houses are generally a better option because once you're inside, provided you sneak and are good at it you won't get caught.

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I know I've done it before because I have the distint memory of doing quite a few of the quests, but I can't remember what I stole back then. At the moment I'm doing the Dark Brotherhood quests just because they're really easy. I mean, how hard is it to kill someone? :\

I've done the first Kavtch quest of the main storyline, but I'm not really into going any futher than that, atleast now yet. Oblivion gates get real repetitve. ¬_¬

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