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I Am Legend Alternative Ending


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This one seemed too cheery for the atmosphere of the movie

That's totally not how I see it at all.

This ending is fucked up. Society is fucking gone. There is no hope. They're gonna have to learn to live with these vampires, because they're there, they're smart and they are badass.

I mean, without this ending the thing where Will Smith gets trapped is kind of ambiguous, however with this ending you know the vampires laid the trap. They're not mindless automotons, they think, feel, learn and grow. They are the new world order, Will Smiths is alive in a world that hates him.

The theatrical ending is the happy one. The zombies are mindless and easy to kill, there's a cure coming, jesus loves you and everythings going to be alright. Fair enough Will Smith is gone, but he went out in a blaze of glory and is loved by all.

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This one seemed too cheery for the atmosphere of the movie

That's totally not how I see it at all.

This ending is fucked up. Society is fucking gone. There is no hope. They're gonna have to learn to live with these vampires, because they're there, they're smart and they are bad ass.

I mean, without this ending the thing where Will Smith gets trapped is kind of ambiguous, however with this ending you know the vampires laid the trap. They're not mindless automatons, they think, feel, learn and grow. They are the new world order, Will Smiths is alive in a world that hates him.

The theatrical ending is the happy one. The zombies are mindless and easy to kill, there's a cure coming, Jesus loves you, and every thing's going to be alright. Fair enough Will Smith is gone, but he went out in a blaze of glory and is loved by all.

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I really enjoyed this ending more, seems to put across the fact more of why the film is called I Am Legend apart from just the woman at the end saying "this is his legend." However if they are making a sequel then I hope its not based around that woman and her kid because I really disliked them in the film. Also when they are leaving at the end they drive over a bridge... didn't the army blow up all the bridges to quarantine the area?

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Point 1: The colony of uninfected was a myth that the woman refused to stop believing in, because God had to have a plan, and she just knew it was true. For all we know, with the new ending, if they decide to do a sequel, there may be no such colony. Or, there may have been, but they may have been attacked and wiped out by the infected.

Point 2: No one said the religiousness of the film ruined the movie. I said that pushing it as unnaturally as they did tainted the last quarter of it, but the new ending that will be the official canon ending (according to the DVD), does away with that, keeps the religious stuff in the background, and that's where it's most effective.

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Point 1: The colony of uninfected was a myth that the woman refused to stop believing in, because God had to have a plan, and she just knew it was true. For all we know, with the new ending, if they decide to do a sequel, there may be no such colony. Or, there may have been, but they may have been attacked and wiped out by the infected.

Point 2: No one said the religiousness of the film ruined the movie. I said that pushing it as unnaturally as they did tainted the last quarter of it, but the new ending that will be the official canon ending (according to the DVD), does away with that, keeps the religious stuff in the background, and that's where it's most effective.

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