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King Ellis

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(Insert cliched joke about Mario Kart 64 desensitizing me to violence)

Not having a clue who she is... I must say, the short little snippets are in all honesty pretty spot on with what's in the games. And I could see someone taking them for that.

Albeit the last bit of the Scarface thing just goes to show how fallible and asinine it is for governments to try censor and control things. I see the game has an 18 certificate, so what is her point about teenagers playing games like it? Either they're playing it without their parents knowledge or with. If without, their parents either don't care or are just plain ignorant. If with, their parents are either idiots or they know their children are mature enough to handle the game which nullifies the "my god video games will make my kid a killer!" anyways.

I don't really see what the big deal is. Every single generation has had some sort of "evil" bad influence on our societies... Jazz music, rock music, colour TV, movies, hell the 60s in general, rap music, books, art, anything. Dating back throughout history. And none of it has been proven to have the effect the fear mongers wish them to carry because violence and apathy have generally decreased as time has gone on.

But of course that leads to a boring news day and obviously politicians have nothing better to discuss.

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Man, she has not aged well.

At least she wasn't completely misinformed about the games and their content like so much of the mainstream media seems to have, she actually seems to have taken a genuine interest rather than the zOMG VIDEOGAMES ARE BAD SCAPEGOAT BLAME BLAME BLAME approach. She's just got an old prudish take on violence and stuff.

Got to love the lazy pictorial team though, they've blatantly gone on the stock sites and keyed in kids and video games and stuck the first picture in the article, despite it being almost entirely irrelevant.

I also love that the kiddiest console's sole representative title got the harshest slating :P

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Jesus Christ, their own fucking stupidity about violent games make me violent. Though I do agree about moving games out of kids rooms if you aren't going to be a decent parent and play with your kid or make sure they aren't playing games you don't think they should be.

This one makes me laugh the most...


She just listed the best parts of DoA and I don't think anybody would disagree that's half the reason they sodding well buy it >_<

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That picture looks doctored. Look at the games she holds, and the one behind Resi 4 is randomly cut off parallel.

Yeah getting killed by the pitchforkers in Resi 4 is lame, especially because if I remember, it was at the start. Although it did take me a few trys :shifty: . She comments that they're zombies, then in the SAME sentence completely forgets it.

Who in the hell would want to plat Dead Or Alive/Tekken etc. if it was full of the kind of people you'd see on daytime TV? "Round 6, Big Dave vs. Shellsuit Brenda, FIGHT!". It's not meant to depecit real-life, thats why Tekken has the electricity and colours and that when you connect with a kick, and Paul Phoenix's hair has been vertical for a decade, which wouldn't happen.

I haven't really played any COD, but I watched a friend play a bit of it once, and it seemed the same as any other similar game. "You get kicked in the face and shot - dead - and it feel pretty real." And you would know, yeah?

Halo is pretty tame IMO (both content and gameplay), and she deems it ok because you're against aliens as opposed to humans.

I've never played Jericho, and if it is based on the show, I haven't seen that either.

She complains about the Scarface game having all the gore and langauge and that. Well what was she expecting, knowing it was a tie-in of the film? Men tickling each other with pink feathers in Speedo's as the non-threating sounds of Mika plays in the background? Fuck off.

The fact is, people know they're playing a game or watching a film and can seperate life from a game/film, and if they can't, don't watch/play.

Back in the day, everyone got on their high-horses about the very first GTA. How the fuck could you take that seriously, even back in 1998, the graphics were god awful. If GTA4 was released now and it was the first game of its kind, I'd understand it, but it's not. With the GTA games, Rockstar know where to draw the line, they add in an amount of humour to balance things out.

It also amuses me that as an "example" of the games out there, they've deliberately gone for the ones they think will be the worst that also happen to be popular. "Mmm, Scarface the film was pretty bad, so the game must be. So was the Resident Evil films, and seeing that those were based on the game!". And the end of the day, the parents should decide if they want their kids to play 'violent' games, and which ones at that.

Things like this get on my nerves, these people are stuck in the 1950's and go into this with only one thought, and come out with that same thought. Most of these games have graphics of the same power as say Doctor Who, which they all love, but the moment "you are playing as someone", they start shaking like a shitting leaf on their plinths of ethics. Which reminds me, we have to do a courswork about a code of ethics in games. <_<

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