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38 Remakes Coming Soon


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The only ones I'm especially concerned with are Evil Dead, Battle Royale and The Thing. The Thing is already a remake, so that's just silly.

Evil Dead could be dreadful, but with Raimi and Campbell attached to it, I've got high hopes; hell, it might not even use the "Ash" character at all, necessarily, especially seeing as there's always the rumoured Evil Dead 4 knocking around. I call a Campbell cameo, though.

Last I heard, the Battle Royale remake was "indefinitely postponed" post-Virginia Tech, as they felt people would be too sensitive about a film where school kids are forced to kill each other. Thank fuck for that, as I can't imagine it being anything but horrible.

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Starfighter - There's no way they can remake this film. It's a great movie and today they just won't do it justice.

Short Circuit - eh, I liked the first one...never saw the second one, so they can remake it and chances are I'll go and rent it, but really why not leave it alone, I don't see a big market for this type of movie now. It'll be like remaking Ghost Busters, you'd get a nostalgia hit, but little else, IMO.

Porkys - I assume this means the recently released Trilogy is selling quite well, otherwise I don't think they'd revisit this, American Pie's have pretty much killed off this market, pretty much its a whole lot of the same and is getting stale.

Dune - Please NO, if anything I want them to pick up where Sci-Fi left off with the Children of Dune miniseries, I want them to finish the last 3 original and 2 new books off closing out the remaining of Frank Herbert's books with movies. Although I didn't care much for the movie with Sting, I enjoyed the Sci-Fi version of Dune.

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I can't believe some people in here thought this was an April Fools joke. It's Hollywood! They updated Bewitched for fuck's sake...

Out of all the remakes, I'm only interested in seeing The Birds so I can rant about it afterwards. I might also see how shit Conan the Barbarian is as its my mate's favourite film. I'm not interested in seeing the rest - most of which are seemingly being produced by Michael Bay - as I have a policy of dodging sequels and remakes.

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You forgot to add the remake of Korean movies My Sassy Girl and Sympathy For Lady Vengence. Seriously all these remakes make me sad:( Always fucking up good movies.

I almost always hate Hollywood remakes of Asian films. Who am I kidding........I pretty much almost always hate remakes. If the film industry is running out of good ideas, maybe they need to branch out more and embrace some of the indie writers and filmmakers more. I'll write for them if they'd just ask. ;)

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Battle Royale

Hmmm...It might bring the film to a wider audience, but if there's not young asian schoolgirls running around killing one another speaking asian languages, in what sense is it Battle Royale?


Fuck. Off. This has to be the best remake ever, otherwise I'll be pissed. A sequel would also annoy me.

The Warriors

After thinking about this, it relies a lot on the casting for the remake to be anywhere near decent.

The Witches

That was a mildly creeping film, again it could be okay with the right actors.

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Anyone else see The Rock starring as Conan?



The Taking Of Pelham 123

This one could be good. Tony Scott's a good director and Travolta, Denzel and Gandolfini are great actors. Finally people will get to see exactly where Tarantino stole borrowed ideas from to form Reservoir Dogs. I just hope it doesn't turn into another Ocean's 13 odyssey.

Actually, parts of Reservoir Dogs - especially the ending - were also ripped off the Hong Kong movie City on Fire.

There are far more similiarities between Dogs and City On Fire than just the ending. Dogs has everything City On Fire has, from the entire plot itsself to the black suits with skinny ties. What's worse than the obvious theft is the fact that when Dogs was released and people started to take note of the homage/ripoff, Tarantino tried to claim he had never seen the film before.

The movie I think is the biggest crime, however, is the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still, with Ted Neo Utah Constantine himself Keanu Reeves playing Klatuu.

I agree. Klaatu barada nikto!

Edited by Animal Mother
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