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Movies you should see...


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The Godfather and Scarface. I've just never had a real interest in seeing them.

The Godfather I can see. but even my Grandmother goes out of her way to see stuff like Scarface - or ay film known to be good - when it's on, she kinda puts me to shame. I wanna see Citizen Kane, only recently seen the few Seth Rogen films (Knocked Up, Superbad and 40 year old Virgin). Never seen the SAW films because it's too much gore - horror I love, gore; not so much.

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And while I don't consider these films I "should" see, it's a regular talking point with a few of my friends that I've never seen any of the following: Snow White, Aladdin, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Pinnochio, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady And The Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Book, Aristocats, The Fox & The Hound, Beauty And The Beast, Mulan, Pocahontas, Hercules.

Dude, forget all the others. That's the ultimate Disney film.

Anyway I've been told I really need to see more classics like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I'm guilty of the Rambo series too even though I see it for 10 bucks the other day and didn't pick it up.

I completely agree. Fox And The Hound was the shit.

Anyway, I've still yet to see any of the Godfather movies, Goodfellas, and I've only seen about 20 minutes worth of Scarface. Never seen the Boondock Saints either, and these are all films my friends rave about all the time.

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Natural Born Killers (towards the top of my "DVD's to watch pile" thats sitting at the side of me), Se7en (which is towards the bottom of said pile)

I'd turn that pile upside down if I were you (Y) . NBK is must see, but for all the wrong reasons wheras Se7en is a masterpiece.

There are a lot of films that I want to see but they're fairly obscure and uncommercial. So going with the original point of the topic based on reputation I'd say Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption and Seven Samurai.

Edited by Animal Mother
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I don't think I've seen Back To The Future either.

And while I don't consider these films I "should" see, it's a regular talking point with a few of my friends that I've never seen any of the following: Snow White, Aladdin, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Pinnochio, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady And The Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Book, Aristocats, The Fox & The Hound, Beauty And The Beast, Mulan, Pocahontas, Hercules.

So, yeah, I'm fairly Disney-less.

I'm the same with the Disney flicks, haven't seen any of that myself.

I've never seen the Goonies, and don't think I will out of spite of every person saying "OH MY GOD YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE GOONIES!?". Fuck the Goonies.

One I do want to see and am sorry I've never gotten around to is Animal House.

I've had more a few different people all tell me different, unrelated times that I should see Jacobs Ladder because "It seems like something you'd like since you're into all that weird shit". Thanks. <_<

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I completely agree. Fox And The Hound was the shit.

Anyway, I've still yet to see any of the Godfather movies, Goodfellas, and I've only seen about 20 minutes worth of Scarface. Never seen the Boondock Saints either, and these are all films my friends rave about all the time.

You must fully watch Scarface, and see the Boondocks.

Natural Born Killers (towards the top of my "DVD's to watch pile" thats sitting at the side of me), Se7en (which is towards the bottom of said pile)

I'd turn that pile upside down if I were you (Y) . NBK is must see, but for all the wrong reasons wheras Se7en is a masterpiece.

There are a lot of films that I want to see but they're fairly obscure and uncommercial. So going with the original point of the topic based on reputation I'd say Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption and Seven Samurai.


Se7en is everything a thriller should be.

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