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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

When I went to see Juno, I went in with very low expectations. That's probably the main reason I ended up enjoying it more than I expected - not a great movie, but not horrible either. That said, there was something I didn't like that I couldn't quiet put my finger on - and after reading the link below, I'm starting to realize that, as a movie, it really wasn't that good.

The article is funny, though. :shifty:


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There's two things I want to do...

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

Watch a marathon of overrated teen films (Juno, Knocked Up and Superbad) to see if the same thing happens.

Option two is more likely.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
There's two things I want to do...

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

Watch a marathon of overrated teen films (Juno, Knocked Up and Superbad) to see if the same thing happens.

Option two is more likely.


I didn't like Juno either, but there is no way it deserves to be put in the same category as those other two and Napoleon Dynamite.

And DMN, I'm starting to think that's the only reason anyone says they liked it - girls want to be like her and guys want to be with her.

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Well, the funny thing is that the guy who wrote it clearly... actually likes it, if you go to his own website and see that he graded it, as a film, as being four stars. So he basically just has a talent for being vitriolic about any film (though it's definitely easy with Juno which I enjoyed but is a very, very easy target for mockery due to the overdosing on quirk and the massive amount of hype it got).

That being said?


So who is the father of the little bastard?


Oh, just this awkward, typecast kid at school named Michael Cera.


No shit? He played my son on Arrested Development. I look forward to the scene in this movie that reunites us for the first time since the show was canceled, which is sure to be a real pleasure for fans.


Absolutely dead-on.

EDIT: Also, I enjoyed it because of the acting performances that weren't Ellen Page's, actually. J.K. Simmons, Jason Bateman, and even Jennifer Garner were on in that movie.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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There's two things I want to do...

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

Watch a marathon of overrated teen films (Juno, Knocked Up and Superbad) to see if the same thing happens.

Option two is more likely.


I didn't like Juno either, but there is no way it deserves to be put in the same category as those other two and Napoleon Dynamite.

And DMN, I'm starting to think that's the only reason anyone says they liked it - girls want to be like her and guys want to be with her.

I don't deny it.

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Well, the funny thing is that the guy who wrote it clearly... actually likes it, if you go to his own website and see that he graded it, as a film, as being four stars. So he basically just has a talent for being vitriolic about any film (though it's definitely easy with Juno which I enjoyed but is a very, very easy target for mockery due to the overdosing on quirk and the massive amount of hype it got).

Oh, there were a lot of things I thought I wouldn't be able to stand about it, but I think it came down to the fact that I liked Juno as a character. And, I, like DMN, would love to date a girl with that amount of purely awesome interests (even though, was it just me, or did it seem like The Moldy Peaches and Kimya Dawson never would fit with a girl who arguably had more punk music interests?). Thankfully, I'm still sort of young, so it's not creepy just yet. ( :shifty: )

That said, GoGo is right that the other performances were better than Page's. As much as I liked Juno as a character, I liked Jen Garner's acting so much better. Bateman, Simmons, and Janney were also fine in the movie.

That also said, why did I forget that "pork swords" was in the movie? That's just a downright stupid term.

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There's two things I want to do...

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

Watch a marathon of overrated teen films (Juno, Knocked Up and Superbad) to see if the same thing happens.

Option two is more likely.

I can't pinpoint exactly what I liked about Juno but I know it shouldn't be put into any sort of category with Knocked Up or Superbad. I haven't seen Superbad but I thought Knocked Up was one of the one worst films I've intentionally sat down to watch. I still resent the fact Juno was even considered for a Best Picture nomination when The Assassination Of Jesse James didn't receive any kind of nod. It's a fairly average indie-looking film that's overrated due to the Academys obsessession with it last year.

Edited by brenchill
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The Mouldy Peaches are fucking godfuckingawful piece of fucking shit band music thing.

Also, a lot of the criticism I saw Juno getting was the massive overuse of stupid hipster language, which I partly agree to, because the first quarter of an hour was abominable for that - "honest to blog". Seriously, just "honest to motherfucking blog" - but thank Christ it mostly died out past then. I liked it apart from the Mouldy Peaches and the unrealism of J.K. Simmons not pounding the fuck out of Michael Cera when he found he'd knocked up his daughter (and if the movie had indeed featured a scene where Simmons wailed on Cera, even if it was in the hospital room after she'd given birth, it would be have been a shoo-in for the Oscar. Seriously, I like Cera but his awkward stuff tends to grate a bit. He reminds me of Ross Geller in that he can't ever get a fucking sentence out).

Summary: Juno was a good film, going on great, and didn't deserve a lot of the criticism it got. I'd also happily fuck the stupid slang out of Ellen Page. Just fuck the Mouldy Peaches. Fuck them.

Alternate summary:


So, I'm pregnant.




Dad, you're in an indie flick, remember?


Oh right. Sorry, I didn't mean to blow up, I meant to make a dry, sarcastic remark.

Edited by De
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Superbad was an absolute shit movie with no real plot "Hurr hurr hurr, let's get laid. Hurr hurr. McLovin is awkard. Isn't that funnay?"

Knocked Up had, at least, the excellent bonding scenes between Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen. All in all, I thought it was decent.

Juno was pretty much an average film for me. Not "OMGZTERRIBLE" but not movie of the year either.

That said, my huge crush on Ellen Page made it very easy to sit through.

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I don't get the lump-together of Juno with Superbad and Knocked Up. Yeah, the demographics are similar but I would put Juno together with Thank You For Smoking before the other two just because it has the same feel that Reitman did with TYFS but maybe it's because you can sense his approach to it.

That being said, I loved Knocked Up and thought it was one of the funniest movies to come out lately, especially since 40 Year Old Virgin. Though I can see why people dislike Superbad, I still liked it as I like the humor and contrary to what the poster above might say, there's enough plot (it's there, just not that sophisticated of one) that it's not totally random like comedy tv is quickly becoming.

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I liked Superbad, but only after the excruciating first act was over with and they actually started heading to the party. The first act was just weak sex jokes that I tired of when I was actually a high school student (and seeing as I had just graduated like a month and a half before I saw the movie, I didn't need the reminder). Once the plot actually started happening, I enjoyed it well enough.

That being said, I'm already getting the distinct impression that I'd rather not see Christopher Mintz-Plasse in anything else ever (the Night of Too Many Stars segment where he and Kristen Bell made fun of the fact that he's pretty much going to have his career peak with McLovin and there's nothing left was entirely too true, most likely). And now Jonah Hill is back to doing parts in shitty comedies (Strange Wilderness) and being a recurring guy in Apatow's films, whilst Michael Cera's the only one who really seems like he has the potential for a career (but even then, he's very funny but he also... pretty much plays the same character every time, so he'll probably be playing variations on George-Michael Bluth for the next five years).

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I don't see what the big thing about ELLEN PAGE is. If the idea is Jailbait "hotties" go hit the mall; you can stare at much better.

I haven't see the movie yet. My g/f said she wanted to see the movie, she heard from a few of her friends (who probably had people tell them, or read it somewhere) that it was a really good movie. However, after I saw the preview with her, her first reponse was "She's me." (my g/f's 22 w/ 6 year old daughter. I'm 24) And after hearing that response, I pretty much said "Fuck this movie." I may give it a shot in the future...maybe if I happen to catch it on tv.

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

None of those movies were horrible. A little bad acting, some worthless, not needed scenes, but if these movies are on cable, it's not a bad watch. (I only caught 1/2 of the condemned)

See No Evil: Your generic horror film of the 20th century. Compare it to most horror films that were released in the last 8 years, it's not anywhere near the bottom of the list.

The Marine: Not a movie you'll want to watch over and over, but if you take out the 500000billion explosions, it's not horrible.

Who's that fat guy in Superbad? I don't know if he's in Knocked up as well, but he's pretty much every new comedy being released, or released recently. (He's in that Saving Sarah one coming out) Anyway, everything about him annoys me; The acting, his face, the way he delivers his lines, the sound of his voice - ALL ANNOYING!

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I don't see what the big thing about ELLEN PAGE is. If the idea is Jailbait "hotties" go hit the mall; you can stare at much better.

I haven't see the movie yet. My g/f said she wanted to see the movie, she heard from a few of her friends (who probably had people tell them, or read it somewhere) that it was a really good movie. However, after I saw the preview with her, her first reponse was "She's me." (my g/f's 22 w/ 6 year old daughter. I'm 24) And after hearing that response, I pretty much said "Fuck this movie." I may give it a shot in the future...maybe if I happen to catch it on tv.

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

None of those movies were horrible. A little bad acting, some worthless, not needed scenes, but if these movies are on cable, it's not a bad watch. (I only caught 1/2 of the condemned)

See No Evil: Your generic horror film of the 20th century. Compare it to most horror films that were released in the last 8 years, it's not anywhere near the bottom of the list.

The Marine: Not a movie you'll want to watch over and over, but if you take out the 500000billion explosions, it's not horrible.

Who's that fat guy in Superbad? I don't know if he's in Knocked up as well, but he's pretty much every new comedy being released, or released recently. (He's in that Saving Sarah one coming out) Anyway, everything about him annoys me; The acting, his face, the way he delivers his lines, the sound of his voice - ALL ANNOYING!

Know what I find annoying? People who complain about things without actually knowing what they are talking about.

You don't understand the big deal about Ellen Page, but you haven't seen Juno, the movie which made her a big deal. And you can't even bother to Google search to find Jonah Hill's name, or the correct name of the movie out now, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. And you complain about his acting but the only thing making The Marine from being "not horrible" was the amount of explosions? :wacko:

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I don't see what the big thing about ELLEN PAGE is. If the idea is Jailbait "hotties" go hit the mall; you can stare at much better.

I haven't see the movie yet. My g/f said she wanted to see the movie, she heard from a few of her friends (who probably had people tell them, or read it somewhere) that it was a really good movie. However, after I saw the preview with her, her first reponse was "She's me." (my g/f's 22 w/ 6 year old daughter. I'm 24) And after hearing that response, I pretty much said "Fuck this movie." I may give it a shot in the future...maybe if I happen to catch it on tv.

Watch a marathon of the WWE Films (See No Evil, The Marine and The Condemned) to see if I vomit blood.

None of those movies were horrible. A little bad acting, some worthless, not needed scenes, but if these movies are on cable, it's not a bad watch. (I only caught 1/2 of the condemned)

See No Evil: Your generic horror film of the 20th century. Compare it to most horror films that were released in the last 8 years, it's not anywhere near the bottom of the list.

The Marine: Not a movie you'll want to watch over and over, but if you take out the 500000billion explosions, it's not horrible.

Who's that fat guy in Superbad? I don't know if he's in Knocked up as well, but he's pretty much every new comedy being released, or released recently. (He's in that Saving Sarah one coming out) Anyway, everything about him annoys me; The acting, his face, the way he delivers his lines, the sound of his voice - ALL ANNOYING!

Man, I thought we confined you to the Ring.

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