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Do I really need?


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Is that seriously the only difference between the regular and the elite? Besides the elite being a swank black colour. Seeing as I used literally fuck all space on my original X-Box...will I honestly need like 120gb? So do I really need to buy an elite, or will I be able to get away with the regular?

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The new premiums are supposed to have all of the benefits of the Elite (better GPU, more efficient mother board, etc.).

But with our 360 we have multiple saves across just about every game we own or have owned (well over 20 something), with all the extra map pack stuff and extras you can get for free (Halo 3 maps, Gears of War maps, etc.) with over half a dozen Live Arcade games on top of it. And even when the Oblivion expansion was installed in barely dipped close to 9 Gb.

All that extra space is only really important for the video stuff and possibly downloading the 'Xbox Originals'.

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To be honest having worked in a Gamestop off and on since release.

I've never once seen a RRoD Elite system.

Funny you should mention this: Last weekend I was at my local Gamestop & someone was returning an Elite since it RRoD when he turned it on for the first time. DOH!

*Wasn't aware the regular one had HDMI capability. I thought that was only on the elite.

Edited by CQI13
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Regular 360's made from around August last year will have HDMI ports, but it's just the Elite that comes with the cable. So yeah, difference between regular and Elite 360 = bigger hard drive, HDMI cable and black finish. So unless you're gonna be downloading a buttload of demos, Live Arcade games, movie rentals, extra content, Xbox Originals etc. or ripping music to it then you'll be fine with the regular. I think my bro's one has around 9Gb free still from the starting 14Gb (6Gb is reserved for system use). All the demos are free anyway, so you can always redownload them at a later date if you need to delete them. But apparantly Elite consoles are less prone to RRoD, although I imagine they're using the updated technology in the regular ones by now.

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I have an Elite because at the time it was the only model with the HDMI port. And it looks cooler in black. After about 6 months of ownership, I've still got 90-odd gig free (which I really wish I could transfer stuff to from my laptop, which is crying out for more hard drive space). Elites are supposedly less susceptible to red ringing, but I don't want to jinx it >_>

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I mainly got an Elite because I suspected I would end up wanting the bigger hard drive eventually anyway, so I decided to 'save money' in the long run. It's been six months and I've used approximately 10 GB, but I remain determined to find a use for it somehow! :shifty:

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If you just get a regular one make sure it has an HDMI port on it, which means it's one of the more recent models at least and won't self destruct when you try to play Big Bumpin.

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HDMI is a fancy way of connecting shit to your TV, specifically for High Def. If you don't have a HDTV and/or have no intentions of buying one in the next few years then no worries.

As for your 'new' query, it depends what they have and what they give you. There are ways of seeing what you're getting, I posted them in another thread, I will go and find it for you in a moment, just a matter of asking for that in store.

Okay, here's the link. http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/02/05/ho...60-in-the-wild/ Now, that is mainly a US site so i'm not sure if things may differ over here.

As for the general topic at hand, it really does depend on what you intend to do. Personally, I downloaded a ton of HD video which clogs up my 20GB (which is actually 13 after system files and operating system etc) plus I have demos, map packs, add ons, arcade games etc etc etc.


Edited by Ellis Misses Benji
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The only reason I say make sure it has an HDMI port is it just means it was made after a certain date, and might have the new chipsets and shit. Even if you don't use it you should get a 360 with one if you're getting a honkey and not a blackie.

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Since I do not own an HDTV and dont really plan on getting one, I just went with the normal Xbox. I have planted a shitload of music and alot of saves and stuff, and I haven't even used up 5 gigs yet. I could never for the life of me figure out what I would do with a 120GB drive, so I say just go witht he normal 360.

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I'd agree with that. The amount of memory you need can be surprising. When iPods first came out I couldn't imagine anybody being able to fill a 20GB iPod. Now it seems an 80GB might not be enough for me at the current rate.

It's probably the same in xbox terms. I wouldn't know.

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So yeah I bought the normal version :shifty: If I ever need more than 20GB I'll buy an extra card. Now I've used the 360 for I guess 4 hours now and this is what has happened already:

- Test Drive Unlimited demo wouldn't load, nothing responded

- While I was downloading Condemned 2 demo, the xbox shut itself off, I got a red light. I put the cables in again, it worked again. But it scared the shit out of me.

- Downloading is going pretty darn slow.

So yeah, is this normal for an Xbox user? :shifty:

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