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Gyllenhaal and Arterton Cast in Prince of Persia

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Jake Gyllenhaal (who was first rumored by Latino Review) and Gemma Arterton (upcoming Quantum of Solace) will star in Prince of Persa: The Sands of Time, Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films' adaptation of Ubisoft's popular video game. Mike Newell is directing.

In the fantasy adventure, Gyllenhaal will play Dastan, a young prince in sixth century Persia who must join forces with Tamina (Arterton), a feisty and exotic princess, to prevent a villainous nobleman from possessing the Sands of Time, a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.

Doug Miro & Carlo Bernard, Jordan Mechner and Boaz Yakin wrote the script, which is based on the many games created by Jordan Mechner.

Bruckheimer is producing, while Mike Stenson, Chad Oman and Patrick McCormick are exec producing.

Production is set to start in July.

They gave The Prince a name (unless that was revealed in games and I missed it), I always preferred referring to him as The Prince, but it's hardly a big deal. Jake doesn't really have the look, but he has the skills and style to pull it off for sure. Not seen Arterton so no judgment here on that.
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  • 1 year later...


For those of you who have a eyes in your head, you will fall in love with this trailer :wub:

To paraphrase Dorothy from Jerry Maguire, "It had me at the-bit-where-Gyllenhaal-jumps-towards-a-wall-hits-it-then-bounces-off-in-the-other-direction. And hello."

The film looks like pure popcorn theatre and I truly can't wait. Plus, Gemma Arterton = :w00t:.

Just wondering, is it just me or is Gyllenhaal's English accent a little too much?

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Just wondering, is it just me or is Gyllenhaal's English accent a little too much?

I thought the same, even weirder is the fact he isn't English and this is set in... well... Persia. The accent reminds me a lot of Orlando Bloom in POTC, I'm wondering if Bruckheimer made the call or if it was just an odd choice of moment to highlight his voicework.

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I thought the same, even weirder is the fact he isn't English and this is set in... well... Persia. The accent reminds me a lot of Orlando Bloom in POTC, I'm wondering if Bruckheimer made the call or if it was just an odd choice of moment to highlight his voicework.

Yeah, I always found that weird about the game - and by game, I mean Sands Of Time as that's the only one I've played - that the only character that had your stereotypical Arabian accent was the Visier. Both the Prince and Farah were both generically well-spoken...not necessarily English but almost there.

As you say though, Bruckheimer just seems to love the conventional cinematic English accent. Arterton and Kingsley are so English, it hurts, and Gyllenhaal almost ends up Cockney at times. "Don't push your luck" especially sounds a bit Eastenders.

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I'm not getting all the sputnik about the trailer.

Looks like a generic plot to me, and the special effects aren't anything we haven't seen done before. Still looks decent, but the way the people on Youtube are talking about it, I was expecting nothing short of Passion of The Christ 2.

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I've never played the POP series, but I was looking forward to the movie. I'm a little let down by the trailer, I felt this had potential to be Disney's next Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise. It looks like a fun popcorn flick (ala. The Mummy 2, Van Helsing) which is perfectly fine, I'll probably see it, but I just expected a little bit more.

It may be my general dislike of him but Gyllenhaal really doesn't feel stylish enough to pull off half of what he's saying. That's probably why I'm not so overwhelmed, the film is missing the Depp or Downey it needs to be a huge hit. Still, I look forward to seeing it.

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I haven't played any of the Prince of Persia games, but this really has a Pirates of the Caribbean feel to it. I'm sure that they're hoping it does the same kind of numbers too because it really looks like the type of movie where they can turn it into a franchise. Time will tell I guess.

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Looks okay to me. Jake is of course gorgeous in it but I didn't find the special effects all that amazing. However, for a video game movie this probably has as good as chance as any as being the best one ever.

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Looks okay to me. Jake is of course gorgeous in it but I didn't find the special effects all that amazing. However, for a video game movie this probably has as good as chance as any as being the best one ever.

Considering it's only real competition (as in half decent game films) is Resident Evil and Tomb Raider, I'd say that's a pretty sure bet. :P

Though I did enjoy the first Mortal Kombat for cheeseyness factor alone. And the other Resident Evil films were kinda fun.

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  • 6 months later...

I watched it yesterday on a whim and didn't actually realise that I was watching it on its UK release day.

Seriously, it seems as though there's been pretty much no hype for this movie.

Essentially, it was everything I expected. A big budget film with a few video game elements and the odd scene that seems forced and beyond over the top.

But still one of the best video game films by far if you go in expecting a no-brainer action film and not The Godfather.

I am however pissed that they didn't use the soundtrack from the original Prince of Persia: SoT. Playing Time Only Knows over the credits would have set the scene magnificently :/

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