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EWB's Top ## Anime

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In perusing the anime thread, I think it's safe to say we have just enough anime fans here to do a list. So please, EWBers, post your top 10 anime. I'm going to do this as a favorites list, and not a greatest list. The reason why? I doubt most of us have seen enough anime to really make a solid judgment on what we consider to be the greatest. It's not like movies or music lists where quite a few of us have seen hundreds of movies or heard hundreds of bands. So this will be more like a popularity contest I suppose, but really, what EWB list isn't these days?! Also, I'll determine the list number when all the votes are in, and I'll pick a good even number of some sort to start at.

Points will be distributed like this.

1- 15 points

2- 12 points

3- 10 points

4- 8 points

5- 6 points

6- 5 points

7- 4 points

8- 3 points

9- 2 points

10- 1 points

If you don't have 10 anime on your list, you start at the bottom and work your way up. So if you've only seen 6 anime, your list starts at rewarding 6 points and so on. This way we reward those who have seen more, and also don't create an unfair advantage for anime that have been localized and thus has been seen by more people. Blah, blah, blah. Get voting!

My list:

1- Neon Genesis Evangelion

2- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

3- Cowboy Bebop

4- Genshiken

5- Princess Mononoke

6- Ergo Proxy

7- Spirited Away

8- Gungrave

9- Berserk

10- Serial Experiments Lain

Edited by damshow
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Well, I'm gonna try to make this list both personal favorites and using logic to denote what should naturally be up there, but in all honesty it'll probably wind up being me shilling my favorites >_>

1- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Come on, was there any doubt? This show has redefined anime for me.

2- Dragonball Z: Still a classic, and one of the most widely talked about and recognized shows in anime.

3- Soul Eater: An up-and-comer for me and definitely a show I think will come around excellently come its end.

4- Trigun: Still such a classic. Such a classic.

5- Avatar: The Last Airbender: Like it or not, I'd consider this an anime, and it's a damn fine one at that so far. It's an American concept with Korean artists and, come on now, anime itself was inspired by western artwork to begin with. It fits just fine.

6- Paranoia Agent: This was one of the trippiest animes ever for me and I absolutely loved it.

7- Cowboy Bebop: See, Trigun. Will always be a classic for me.

8- Fullmetal Alchemist: Still haven't seen all of it, but it's quite a powerful anime and has some great concepts and ideas. I've enjoyed what I've seen, so...

9- Princess Mononoke: I almost feel dirty putting Mononoke down so low, honestly. It was an excellent movie, definitely one of the greats.

10- Spirited Away: See, Princess Mononoke. Spirited Away was a breath of fresh air and it definitely deserves some mentioning.

Aaaaand there we go. I'll probably look back at this thing later on and be dissatisfied, but for now, it'll do :P


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I haven't seen much...so you know my list won't be anything special.

1. DragonBall Z

2. Black Cat

3. Elemental Gelade

4. Speed Racer

5. Yu-Gi-Oh

6. Final Fantasy

7. Pokemon

So yeah, I haven't exactly seen much to be honest.

Edited by Split Second
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That actually begs the question... is it anime if it's all CGI like FFVII: Advent Children? What do you class that as?

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Are you making me list anime? You evil bastard!

1. FMA- I just loved this series from front to back

2. Deathnote- I loved this series as well, except Misa, she can go die.

3. Cowboy Bebop- I watched this entire series in one day, what helped me get into anime in my older years.

4. Azumanga Diaoh- Horribly cute and funny.

5. Trigun- I really enjoyed this series, t'was awesome.

6. NGE- This might have been higher up but no, the ending fucks this series over.

7. Akira- A very good movie, and if done right, I'll be excited for the live action version of it.

8- Soul Eater- Only seen two episodes, but I have high hopes for this series.

9- Pokemon- ....I used to love pokemon, fuck off.

10- Salior Moon- Really, the first anime I ever watched. So it had to make the list.

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I'd say Advent Children counts, yes.

There are so few fully-CG ones that you might as well question them on a case-by-case basis. >_>

You may want to clarify the 'Final Fantasy' one, Split Second. It could mean any of Final Fantasy Unlimited, FF7: Last Order, or FF7: Advent Children. :P

As for my own list, I shall create it in my own time and come back...

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1. FLCL. It was pretty much the first series I really watched way back when (that wasn't Dragonball anyway) it was first shown on Adult Swim. It actually got me then watching the other shows that were on at the time, and isa main component of why I'm still taking the time and money to watch today.

2. Princess Mononoke. I watched Castle in the Sky in the past and thought it was pretty cool, and figured that pretty much any Miyazaki was going to be generally for the younger crowd. I was wrong. This movie could get almost any movie goer into watching anime, and if not it's STILL just a great piece of film overall.

3. Lupin III. It's ancient, but I still buy the books when I find them, and when Starz feels like showing Castle of Cagliostro I stop whatever i'm doing to watch. It's a classic for a reason, and I would still choose it over most anime I've watched lately.

4. Trigun. It's a classic, and should be high up on the list, so I don't mind it going here. It's fun as hell to watch, and you just feel like it was worth it when it's all over.

5. Cromartie High School. It was either this or Azumanga Daioh, which I also love. Cromartie though is something that doesn't require as much knowledge of Japanese culture, and is just as funny wherever you live. The show is just awesome, and so is the damn movie.

6. Detective Conan. I LOVE THIS SHOW, but it needs to go a bit down the list since things get a bit formulaic at times (Convenient murder, obvious conclusion, some adult get's knocked out, Conan uses voice changer, bad guy gives up even when he doesn't have too, Rachel wants Jimmy but can't find him, Conan laughs, end credits) but it's somewhat saved by the movies that have been made overtime that I'd rather watch in the end.

7. One Piece. I know. I know. I got started on the books years ago when my library first started getting them in, but soon lost interest for awhile. When I was able to start watching the shows on Youtube, and on Cartoon Network when I can, I remembered why I was reading before. The overall look of the show just keeps you going, and it's easy to pick out a favorite character early on, and then ignore that character because a even more awesome on popped up. How it hasn't become the next DBZ in terms of American overkill I don't know.

8. Full Metal Alchemist. If were counting manga here, then this works. Even though I've seen the anime, I still am even more excited for the actual manga's story. It doesn't feel stretched out, and it's just an awesome story that could potentially be a satisfying, if not extremely depressing finish.

9. Yu Yu Hakusho: I was so happy when this show first came on, as now I would really be able to watch something new (DBZ was through, I think, it's 4th run through). The whole concept is awesome, and the fights just keep you going to the end.

10. Flame of Recca. Again, it's the manga i'm mostly basing this off of. While the anime leaves out somethings, it still has some awesome fight moments, even with the style being somewhat lacking. It's not the most original story, but it was just fun overall.

Edited by VinnyT
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1. Azumanga Daioh

2. Trigun

3. Cowboy Bebop

4. Death Note


6. Spirited Away

7. Princess Mononoke

8. Full Metal Alchemist

9. Outlaw Star

10. Sailor Moon

Outlaw Star and Sailor Moon are on the list for much the same reason Sailor Moon is on Ruki's, first two animes I ever saw. Honorable mention to Tenchi Muyo too >_>

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In a multi-series franchise (like Sailor Moon or Pokemon, to name a couple already listed) do we we have to specify between series or just vote for the franchise as a whole?

I ask for the sake of 'Full Metal Panic!' - would that include Fumoffu and The Second Raid under one banner, or would I have to choose between them?

This obviously gets trickier with franchises that have very distinct splits - like Gundam/Wing/Seed/etc. or Dragonball/Z/Gt/etc...

Edited by Gul Stokeriño
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1. Byousoku 5 Centimeter - Brilliant Brilliant Brriiilliant anime Short film. Fantastic Music. Very toucing and justt beautifully made.

2. Samurai Champloo - Basic Story yet gripping and halarious. Very good touch of Feudal Japan and Modern Japan.

3. Death Note - One of the best stories on any manga. Produced perfectly as an Anime. Each episode begs for the next.

4. Naruto Shippuden - Produced to a beter degree than the original Naruto. The story is alot tighter with less walk offs and fillers.

5. Ghost in The Shell SAC - Brilliant Series, Smart story great characters. Like Death Note, very addictive series.

6. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Very Funny saterical take on Japanese Schools and outside life.

7. Love Hina - Best Love story in any Anime. Very funny. Cringey to watch.

8. Avatar - Like Norro I agree this is a very well written Anime despite it's Western Publishing.

9. Chobis - Cute, Funny good love story with a technical twist.

10. Soul Eater - 6 Episodes in and I love it. Basic backgrounds but lovely art style and humour to boot. Long Live SE!

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1. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

2. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!

3. Azumanga Daioh

4. Samurai Champloo

5. Juuni Kokki

6. Hikaru no Go

7. Kurau Phantom Memory

8. The Vision of Escaflowne (TV series)

9. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

10. Monster

If you haven't seen all of these series or at least been exposed to them in some way, do so now. So says Stokerina ^_^ heehee

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In a multi-series franchise (like Sailor Moon or Pokemon, to name a couple already listed) do we we have to specify between series or just vote for the franchise as a whole?

I ask for the sake of 'Full Metal Panic!' - would that include Fumoffu and The Second Raid under one banner, or would I have to choose between them?

This obviously gets trickier with franchises that have very distinct splits - like Gundam/Wing/Seed/etc. or Dragonball/Z/Gt/etc...

Sailor Moon, Pokemon, FMP are all under one banner I would have to say. Gundam, Macross, Dragonball and the like all have distinct splits and a series needs to be specified.

And, yes, please clarify which Final Fantasy, but Advent Children does count I would say. Even though by all definitions it isn't anime, I'm not a big jerk like that.

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1. Azumanga Daioh

2. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

3. Full Metal Panic!

4. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

5. Neon Genesis Evangelion

6. School Rumble

7. Samurai Champloo

8. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

9. Saikano (aka 'She, The Ultimate Weapon')

10. Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

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Stokerino and Stokerina and I are the cool squad for voting on Gurren Lagann, and the rest of you are all lame ducks. Especially Ruki. I give the little bastard the world and this is what he does to me? Psh.

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To be honest I haven't actually seen one of the movies, I just liked the games and I thought my list was a little lacking. I can remove it if it doesn't count. I also added Pokemon realizing it was an anime.

It's fine. Anime is much more than the TV show, it's a blanket term for games, merch, manga, etc.

Oh, and Stokerino's the shizznit for Code Geass.

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1- Kimagure Orange Road

2- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

3- School Rumble

4- Love Hina

5- Suzuka

6- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

7- Welcome to the NHK


9- Neon Genesis Evangelion

10- Death Note

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