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EWB's Top ## Anime

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Stokerino and Stokerina and I are the cool squad for voting on Gurren Lagann, and the rest of you are all lame ducks. Especially Ruki. I give the little bastard the world and this is what he does to me? Psh.

I haven't gotten around to watching it yet! :crying: Please don't hate me Norro! That is next on my list after I start/finish FMP: SR!

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That was such a classic, too... gah, no room for it on my list D:

Also, Reflecto joins the cool kids club, and Ruki will too if he ever gets around to picking up GL and amending his list shortly after >_>

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1. Code Geass

2. Elfen Lied

3. FMP

4. School Rumble

5. Death Note

6. Azumanga Daioh

7. Tengen Topp Gurren Lagann

8. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

9. Samurai Champaloo

10. Bleach (Im more talking about the first 50ish episodes, the later ones can be lost in time)

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1. Porco Rosso

2. Laputa: Castle in the Sky

3. Spirited Away

4. Lupin III 2nd Season

5. Dragonball (which, if we are going by US standards, is what spans from episode 1 to the end of the Piccolo stuff... I believe. Everything before they bastardized the fuck out of Z)

6. Lupin III and the Castle of Caligostro

7. Neon Genesis Evangelion

8. Samurai Champloo

9. My Neighbour Totoro

10. Bible Black

I am a Ghibli nerd.

And if retarded people can vote for shit anime like Naruto, then I am voting for Bible Black!

Edited by LUKIE
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1. Naruto

2. Pokemon

3. One Piece

4. Yu-Gi-Oh.

5. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (I saw a single episode of it)

Fuck it. Someone show me some more anime, and i'll adjust the list. I had to look at other people's lists for anime i'd seen. I just wanted to vote Naruto #1 <_<

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I'm not considering Avatar to be "anime" because... it's not. Not unless we use the term where it means EVERY animated series ever. I only discuss it in the anime thread because it doesn't warrant its own thread given that only three of us on EWB watch it.

1. Cowboy Bebop - the epitome of a Japanese animation series both as a series an art; incorporates Western concepts and references, adds its own unique sci-fi twist, and can translate universally (unless you are my father and brother-in-law and don't get why the episodes "don't have endings," orz)

2. Spirited Away

3. Trigun

4. Ranma 1/2 -- it made me acknowledge that I was interested in anime. So it gets a high spot for that reason. Mm.

5. Azumanga Daioh

6. Cromartie High School

7. One Piece (yeah yeah yeah, this is the only shounen retard series that will ever make my list)

8. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi

9. Code Geass

10. Ouran High School Host Club

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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1. Naruto

2. Pokemon

3. One Piece

4. Yu-Gi-Oh.

5. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (I saw a single episode of it)

Fuck it. Someone show me some more anime, and i'll adjust the list. I had to look at other people's lists for anime i'd seen. I just wanted to vote Naruto #1 <_<

oohhhoohohoho. It's on Plubby. It's on.

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That was such a classic, too... gah, no room for it on my list D:

Also, Reflecto joins the cool kids club, and Ruki will too if he ever gets around to picking up GL and amending his list shortly after >_>

Damn, me too! Can we edit our lists, or is it set in stone after posting?

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1. Fullmetal Alchemist - I finished rewatching FMA this morning and remembered why I fell in love with this show. I was actually on the verge of crying... but there were other people in the room, so I stopped myself. :shifty:

2. Pokemon (Season 1) - This is the show that started me on anime in the first place... or at least, I think this was the one. I nominate only season 1 though, cause the rest were shite until the more recent ones. Season 1's biggest factor for me has to be that it tied in with the first movie, and the rest of the season's have just been merchandise movers.

3. Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 - This was the first anime I saw that wasn't targeted towards children (in the west) that piqued my interests from the get go. Yeah, there was Evangelion, but I saw it when I was like 10 years old, and didn't understand shit, that I still don't understand now. Fuck Evangelion. Yeah, I need to watch it again. >_>

4. Eureka Seven - Best Mecha anime I've seen yet. Near the end, where Renton and Eureka's story got repetitive, I kind of lost hope, but then the series picked up again and I was right back into it.

5. Ghost in the Shell: Innocence - This movie was beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen anything as visually stunning as GitS Innocence. The music, if you can stand shrill Japanese voices, is amazing as well.

6. Appleseed Saga (2004 - 2007) - These movie's are quite brilliant. The second moreso. Ghost in the Shell, but a bit easier to understand.

7. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Such an amazing series. It's choreography is amazing, but the terminology is a bit difficult to understand at times, which is why Appleseed got a spot higher.

8. Trigun - Such a fun show. I still haven't seen the last few episodes, though I have it on DVD now, so I shan't be holding off for too much longer.

9. Spirited Away - Amazing. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Awe Inspiring. Masterpiece. Those are just a few words that critics have used to describe Spirited Away. With descriptions such as those, why should I formulate my own opinion. :shifty:

10. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust - Technically this is a sequel to the 1984 (I think) Vampire Hunter D movie. I prefer to think of it as stand alone, because the 1984 (Again, I think) movie was utterly abysmal. Bloodlust was much more plot driven, far more coherent, better drawn, better voiced, better everything.

Trinity Blood could have made it on to this list too if it wasn't the same overall concept as Trigun with Vampires. Trigun came with more funny's though, so it won out.

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GoGo: Avatar is an American story but is animated by Koreans, so by all technicality it is asian and therefore qualifies as an anime >_>

There have been animes in the past made off of western concepts. That's how anime was born >_>


In Japan, the term does not specify an animation's nation of origin or style; instead, it is used as a blanket term to refer to all forms of animation from around the world. In English, dictionary sources define anime as "a Japanese style of motion-picture animation" or "a style of animation developed in Japan"

Going by Japanese, yes, anime is all animation. However, we're not going by that, we're going by the western interpretation, which is to say "a Japanese style of motion-picture animation". It's all about the style. Just because it's western-made doesn't mean it's not anime. Anime is an animation and art style from Japan, which can be adapted to by non-Asians who, if they draw in that style, are drawing anime.

So nyeh.

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GoGo: Avatar is an American story but is animated by Koreans, so by all technicality it is asian and therefore qualifies as an anime >_>

Okay, new #1 anime: Clerks, the Animated Series. >_>

Also Norro, speaking personally I interpret "anime" and the common Western perception of anime as animation from Japan, much in the same way that even if an American band was clearly, obviously inspired by JRock I still wouldn't refer to it as JRock, because that's not what it is. Especially since if this were the case, Teen Titans would be "anime" and I just can't abide by that.

As for "Suzumiya Haruhi?" When I was first introduced to the series, it was referred to like that. That's what I'm used to, and as such that's what I refer to it as, since it's pretty much the same difference entirely. Shut up, Plubby.

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GoGo: Avatar is an American story but is animated by Koreans, so by all technicality it is asian and therefore qualifies as an anime >_>

Okay, new #1 anime: Clerks, the Animated Series. >_>

Also Norro, speaking personally I interpret "anime" and the common Western perception of anime as animation from Japan, much in the same way that even if an American band was clearly, obviously inspired by JRock I still wouldn't refer to it as JRock, because that's not what it is. Especially since if this were the case, Teen Titans would be "anime" and I just can't abide by that.

As for "Suzumiya Haruhi?" When I was first introduced to the series, it was referred to like that. That's what I'm used to, and as such that's what I refer to it as, since it's pretty much the same difference entirely. Shut up, Plubby.

Yes, but the Western perception is a misinterpretation of what anime really is, which is a style of animation from Japan, not necessarily an animation made in Japan.

Riddle me this: the American band you referred to, if they moved to Japan, learned Japanese, and began performing in Japan doing songs that completely would fit into the style of JRock, would they still not be considered JRock because they aren't Japanese?

Avatar is going to be aired in Japan, it's being translated into Japanese for its fans out there, which is to say, they're getting voice actors to play the parts-- at least, last I'd heard. By all means, the show has gotten popular enough that, despite it being a purely Western-made show, Japan is accepting it into its "anime" culture. Avatar stock would wind up showing up near other anime stocks out there, and chances are it will.

So my point about Avatar is reflected in my point about the American JRock band: if it's now been moved out to Japan, if it's being translated into Japanese, and if it's being accepted by the Japanese anime market as an anime in and of itself... why is it that we can't accept it as an anime here?

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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1 Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch

It has it's moments good and bad but I always look forward to the next episode. very entertaining either way.

2 Fate/stay night

I loved the story and characters. Though it had a sad ending :(

3 Claymore

would of been perfect if they hadn't ruined the ending and had left it open for a 2nd season continuing with the manga. still was awesome before they drifted from the manga.

4 Trigun

one of my first and still favorites. a real classic.

5 Mnemosyne

new and not finished but come on lesbians, zombies, big guns and more. isn't that enough?

6 Bleach

good fights but the filler brings it down.

7 Death Note

entertaining early but certain times there is a lack of logic and the end gets kinda bad.

8 Black Lagoon

should be longer but has some good gun blazing action.

9 Darker than BLACK

enjoyable story, good characters

10 Elfen Lied

too short + lack of good ending but good story

Honorable Mentions - Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, DBZ

my first animes, all in english back then

Edited by mystikz
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