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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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I told my ex g/f, we're still friends..broke up because she moved to florida, but she recently moved back to pennsylvania, that if the Pens/Flyers series goes to game 6, I'd get tickets for it. No problem. Looked them up on stubhub and they are relatively cheap.

Accidently forwarded the text message to my sister also. Now my sister wants me to get her, my brother in law, my niece and nephew tickets for the game also. Lookin at about 600 bucks total. And I'm not even sur eif I'll be able to go. Got my schedule confused at work, thought I was working friday and off saturday but its the other way around. I'm off friday and work saturday. So hopefully she'll be willing to switch days with me.

Anyone have any experience with Stubhub? Good bad etc..?

Edited by Lint6
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I told my ex g/f, we're still friends..broke up because she moved to florida, but she recently moved back to pennsylvania, that if the Pens/Flyers series goes to game 6, I'd get tickets for it. No problem. Looked them up on stubhub and they are relatively cheap.

Accidently forwarded the text message to my sister also. Now my sister wants me to get her, my brother in law, my niece and nephew tickets for the game also. Lookin at about 600 bucks total. And I'm not even sur eif I'll be able to go. Got my schedule confused at work, thought I was working friday and off saturday but its the other way around. I'm off friday and work saturday. So hopefully she'll be willing to switch days with me.

Anyone have any experience with Stubhub? Good bad etc..?

Don't worry, there's not going to be a Game Six. :pervert:

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I told my ex g/f, we're still friends..broke up because she moved to florida, but she recently moved back to pennsylvania, that if the Pens/Flyers series goes to game 6, I'd get tickets for it. No problem. Looked them up on stubhub and they are relatively cheap.

Accidently forwarded the text message to my sister also. Now my sister wants me to get her, my brother in law, my niece and nephew tickets for the game also. Lookin at about 600 bucks total. And I'm not even sur eif I'll be able to go. Got my schedule confused at work, thought I was working friday and off saturday but its the other way around. I'm off friday and work saturday. So hopefully she'll be willing to switch days with me.

Anyone have any experience with Stubhub? Good bad etc..?

Don't worry, there's not going to be a Game Six. :pervert:

Well crisis averted...can't get off for Saturday. Boss has plans with her mom so she can't switch with me.

We're just going to wait until around two :pervert:

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I told my ex g/f, we're still friends..broke up because she moved to florida, but she recently moved back to pennsylvania, that if the Pens/Flyers series goes to game 6, I'd get tickets for it. No problem. Looked them up on stubhub and they are relatively cheap.

Accidently forwarded the text message to my sister also. Now my sister wants me to get her, my brother in law, my niece and nephew tickets for the game also. Lookin at about 600 bucks total. And I'm not even sur eif I'll be able to go. Got my schedule confused at work, thought I was working friday and off saturday but its the other way around. I'm off friday and work saturday. So hopefully she'll be willing to switch days with me.

Anyone have any experience with Stubhub? Good bad etc..?

Don't worry, there's not going to be a Game Six. :pervert:

Well crisis averted...can't get off for Saturday. Boss has plans with her mom so she can't switch with me.

We're just going to wait until around two :pervert:

It's already 4:20 PM dude.

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Err..typo..ROUND 2..

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*expect longer post later*

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Because it's like watching a Peewee game with grown men. Everytime the star player gets hit, he cries.

Yes! Thank you!

Seriously, so many bad non-calls in the game tonight it was unreal. Would the NHL atleast come out and say "Listen..we want Crosby to look like the best thing since Gretzky, so we'll ignore everything the Penguins do wrong in the playoffs". Atleast then we know we don't have a shot. Giving him that goal when he slide into the net was such bullshit

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Because it's like watching a Peewee game with grown men. Everytime the star player gets hit, he cries.

Yes! Thank you!

Seriously, so many bad non-calls in the game tonight it was unreal. Would the NHL atleast come out and say "Listen..we want Crosby to look like the best thing since Gretzky, so we'll ignore everything the Penguins do wrong in the playoffs". Atleast then we know we don't have a shot. Giving him that goal when he slide into the net was such bullshit

I didn't see it, because they didn't show the game on TV here, instead, they showed the Vancouver game. Great, right? Wrong. Pittsburgh/Philly has been a kickass series to watch. Vancouver/St. Louis, not so much unless you're a Canucks fan. The Blues showed a few glimmers of hope for their fans, but ultimately, they just didn't put up much of a fight. Not due to lack of effort, just... they couldn't do it.

Anyways... the Crosby goal... if Crosby was knocked down by a Philadelphia player, which is what sent him into the net in the first place... it's a goal. If Crosby goes down on his own, or purposely crashes the net, it's no goal. Nobody's tipping the scales here... in fact, Don Cherry and Ron MacLean have even pointed out the multitude of non-calls against Crosby due to him being who he is. There are more non-calls committed against Sid, than he gets away with.

Like I said, I didn't see the game, but judging by history, this sounds like Philly fans just kicking the bucket around because they're being outclassed by a better goalie, better star players, and better grit guys.

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Right, they didn't put up much of a fight. It was all 4-1 blowouts like... WAIT SHIT THAT WAS THE OTHER SERIES.

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Looking at the Detroit/Columbus series pretty well shows how poor of a team Columbus really is. When players like Voracek, Brassard, and Filatov enter the lineup and grow they'll have a much stronger forward core...but their defense will still stink to high heavens.

Fact is that Steve Mason pretty well carried them into a playoff position, but obviously couldn't really put them over the hump in any major way. Which is a shame, because I like Mason, I like Nash...I like the Jackets in general, but this was a major case of a team being outclassed.

Now if the Red Wings go on to win the Cup again I'll puke. :puke:

As far as St. Louis goes (as far as late third/OT is concerned, where I came in)...they just weren't taking good enough shots to get scoring chances. Shooting from the perimeter, or right into Luongo's chest isn't going to get it done. He seems to feed on taking shots, and it showed in his positioning and awareness. Chris Mason played extremely well from what I'd seen of the series so far, but when your power play is as shakey, and frankly uncreative as St. Louis' seemed to be...it's gonna be tough to win a game.

Kudos to the Canuck's defense too. They were really clearing rebounds away during the last part of the game. I think that would have been the Blues' only really good chance to score on Roberto.

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Because it's like watching a Peewee game with grown men. Everytime the star player gets hit, he cries.


Because it's like watching a Peewee game with grown men. Everytime the star player gets hit, he cries.

Yes! Thank you!

Seriously, so many bad non-calls in the game tonight it was unreal. Would the NHL atleast come out and say "Listen..we want Crosby to look like the best thing since Gretzky, so we'll ignore everything the Penguins do wrong in the playoffs". Atleast then we know we don't have a shot. Giving him that goal when he slide into the net was such bullshit



Here's a stat for you...

0-8. The Flyers had EIGHT power plays, a couple of them on bad calls, and they couldn't get it in the net.

If you wanna bitch about something, bitch about the Flyers lack of being able to score on the PP.

Also, the whole "Crosby Sucks" chant thing might be the saddest thing I've ever heard.

1. It proves that the Flyers' fans hate (read: jealousy) over Sid outweighs the love for their team.

2. Obsessed much?

3. He scores a goal and the Flyers fans don't say SHIT the entire game. Then they score one goal and it starts up again...hilarious.

4. They're doing it when he's not even on the ice. Jokes.


Edited by Evil Chase K
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Oh, sorry, I guess a game with 58 shots on goal through 3 periods was too much of a defensive game for you. And there were far too many whistles and stoppages in that third period, with it's 19+ minutes of 5 on 5 hockey.

I know that the game didn't feature six plus goals like you're used to, and I am sorry for that. Unfortunately the Vancouver GM brought in a goalie who can make saves. You might consider investing in one, but then, you guys do have a record setting goaltender already. Plus, 8-3 blowouts are excited! That red light is so flashy.

By the way, since you're such an avid Leafs fan, maybe you can answer a question for me... is Luke Schenn more of a big driver, or is his strength in his short game and putting? Do you think he has a talent for the game, or do you think he might want to eventually join a team that actually plays meaningful hockey after christmas?

Edited by SeanDMan
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whine whine bitch bitch

I disagree. Idiot.

By the way, since you're such an avid Leafs fan, maybe you can answer a question for me... is Luke Schenn more of a big driver, or is his strength in his short game and putting? Do you think he has a talent for the game, or do you think he might want to eventually join a team that actually plays meaningful hockey after christmas?

Oh, he's a hell of a driver. Seriously, even his medium game is fantastic, he's just missing finesse.

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Do I have to remind Sean that once again....there is no rivalry between Toronto and Vancouver. Please stop imagning one and leave us alone. We don't care for you.

Plus, Luke doesn't need any help with his drive or anything. His real dad just helps him by making the ball go in the hole every shot.

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