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Max Payne


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The trailer for the video game adaptation is now online (presumably because it's the same day they're at Comic-Con) and I must say, that it looks absolutely awesome. As with all video game adaptations, I was hesitant but from the looks of the trailer, this might be the best video game movie ever.


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Okay, please put up with my ignorance, seeing as how I've never played the game, but what is this supernatural stuff in the trailer? (Notably, the black winged thing that appears to be dragging someone out of a window) I had no clue that MP was like that at all.

EDIT: And my undying gratitude goes to C-MIL. Thanks!

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The game revolves pretty heavily around a drug called Valkyr. At one point, I think maybe two, Max falls under it's effects and you enter into his "nightmare" world or something. The game, at least the first one - never played part two, doesn't actually feature the black-winged thing, but the nightmare does center around him losing his family.

I imagine that part of the trailer is from one of those sequences.
Edited by C-MIL
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That looks fucking great. I loved the Max Payne series and Mark Wahlberg was awesome in both The Departed and We Own the Night.

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I don't mind the PG-13 rating because a PG-13 rating these days is a lot different than a PG-13 rating ten years ago. There is a bit more leeway these days as to what's aloud and what's not in a movie with a PG-13 rating, so that doesn't necessarily bother me.

In an ideal world, I would love for it to be R but I think it'll be just fine as PG-13. Besides, making it R would be eliminating a large part of the movie's demographic.

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I don't mind the PG-13 rating because a PG-13 rating these days is a lot different than a PG-13 rating ten years ago. There is a bit more leeway these days as to what's aloud and what's not in a movie with a PG-13 rating, so that doesn't necessarily bother me.

In an ideal world, I would love for it to be R but I think it'll be just fine as PG-13. Besides, making it R would be eliminating a large part of the movie's demographic.

You really think that a big part of the movie's demographic is kids under seventeen? Maybe I'm crazy, but I'll have to disagree. I'm certain it's definitely part of the demographic, but not a big chunk. I don't think many teenagers who are under the age of 17 or so know much of Max Payne.

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If they are going for primarlly the audience who played/were old enough for the game upon release then no making it an R/18 would not eliminate the target demographic.

Max Payne the first game released 7 years ago in 2001 was rated M stateside (correct me if I'm wrong) and 15 here in the UK so seven years later should all be old enough for an R(US) or 18(UK) released game.

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Yes, that's true, but a lot of 13 year old play video games and I'd imagine a fair amount of them know/have played Max Payne before even with how old it is.

Regardless, the demographic for all video game adaptations, no matter how old they are, are the same demographics as those who play video games, which would include 13-17 year olds.

Still, my main point, is that the rating isn't indicative as to how good it'll be. Keep in mind that The Dark Knight is also PG-13 and that definitely looks like something that would've been an R movie years ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest R.Moncrief

Hey guys, The Dark Knight is PG13. Don't you think The Joker got away with a whole lot? And this has nothing to do with movies, but WWE programming has recently been downgraded from TV14 to PG.. and JBL just tried to kill Cena last week.

Ratings mean nothing. The song from the Max Payne trailer is pretty awesome. Marilyn Manson is a decent musician but as an instrumental, the song just kicks ass. Simple but powerful drum work.

As for the movie, I'll watch it. Wallberg always winds up being decent.

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I loved Max Payne. Discovered it during one long, boring winter vacation and played it to death. Always felt it had one of the best storylines going around in the world of gaming. Excited to see that translated onto the big screen, even if it does come with the side of bland that is Mark Wahlberg.

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