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I have a very hard time with non-english language films. It's not that I don't like any of them at all, because Night Watch and Pan's Labyrinth were both class... it's just that I have a very hard time getting into them, and with horror movies, if I can't get into it within the first twenty minutes or so, I'm pretty much dead in the water where it comes to whether or not I'm going to enjoy the movie.

This reason is exactly why I'm stoked that they're going to make an English version of Let the Right One In, which looks completely bad ass, but I probably won't watch simply because it isn't in English.

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Regarding the ending of The Mist:

Someone pointed out to me that when he kills his kid, and he's freaking out and can't kill himself and the mist clears out, it's very possible that it cleared away because the child was sacrificed, which is what the lady who claimed to talk to god demanded. Thought it was an interesting take on it, particularly because the woman who went back for her children is seen looking down on him.
Edited by EndOfAnEra
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Mist ending:

It could clear because the kid gets killed. Or it could clear because of the military that rolls up in the tank. It's not like the mist cleared and Thomas Jane's character was left standing there. The military rolled through, and the mist cleared. I gotta take that as being purely a coincidence. Definitely looking into it too much.
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Finally watched Diary of the Dead after buying it a few weeks ago. I wasn't scared at all by it because there were barely any zombies in it. Unlike most of Romero's "Dead" movies that are zombie movies with an underlying message, this one was nothing but message with underlying zombies. Yet somehow it doesn't come off as preachy, which is probably the movie's greatest strength. But watching the trailers before the movie really made me wanna go out and pick up Teeth, which I still haven't seen.

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Finally watched Diary of the Dead after buying it a few weeks ago. I wasn't scared at all by it because there were barely any zombies in it. Unlike most of Romero's "Dead" movies that are zombie movies with an underlying message, this one was nothing but message with underlying zombies. Yet somehow it doesn't come off as preachy, which is probably the movie's greatest strength. But watching the trailers before the movie really made me wanna go out and pick up Teeth, which I still haven't seen.

I saw Teeth about 4-6 months ago... and I've had the girl from the film in my signature ever since. It was a totally kickass movie. Not so big on the horror, but well written, well acted, and just a lot of fun.

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Finally watched Diary of the Dead after buying it a few weeks ago. I wasn't scared at all by it because there were barely any zombies in it. Unlike most of Romero's "Dead" movies that are zombie movies with an underlying message, this one was nothing but message with underlying zombies. Yet somehow it doesn't come off as preachy, which is probably the movie's greatest strength. But watching the trailers before the movie really made me wanna go out and pick up Teeth, which I still haven't seen.

Was the underlying message not to do with media cover ups? Throughout the movie they showed the news pretending nothing was wrong while everyone posted the real videos online?

I didn't like Diary much compared to the others, there wasn't much at all. Even when they did get caught it was by one or two zombies never a horde. Where was the obligatory feast! I don't think you can even call it a zombie film without that. :(

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Just got done watching Hostel Part 2. Not bad, but it was practically the same movie as the first one, only with girls getting killed instead of guys. The subplot with the new members of the Bloodhound Gang (I forgot what they were officially called but I'm sticking with that) was decent but I could see the "twist"...

Where the super pumped guy wusses out and the nervous guy gets into it

...a mile away. But just when I thought they weren't going through with it, they did, so kudos for that. The way the female lead survived was a bit of a cop-out...

"Hey, I'll buy my way out." "Ok!" End movie. Oh, and did she really have to get the bloodhound tattoo as a tramp stamp, just because she's a chick?

So, if you liked the first Hostel, I'd recommend the sequel. Just don't expect any mind-blowing differences between the two. But I did get a good laugh at the credits, when I found out the Cannibal guy was Ruggero Deodato, director of Cannibal Holocaust, following in the footsteps of the first Hostel, where Takashi Miike had a cameo.

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DreadCentral.com has a story up about Sid Haig declaring his intent to run for Presidency of the United States of America.

There's a video of him talking political mumbo jumbo as well...

Vote for Captain Spaulding in 08!

He's been at it for over a month now at the very least.

He did a panel at the Scarefest horror convention on it. I was somewhat surprised at how well informed he seemed.

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Sid Haig is an incredibly well-informed and intelligent man. He's, admittedly, a little weird... but I think it's really cool that a horror genre veteran like himself is able to stand up and do those things, and at least show that we're as well-educated as any other type of person... we just like to see people get cup up and chased by monsters, is all.

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I finally got around to watching the americanized version of Funny Games. I got it three weeks ago from Netflix and couldn't work up any enthusiasm for it. After watching it, I now wish I could have that time back. I am well aware what the director was supposed to be doing, I just felt nothing at all. It was just blah for me. It did not inspire even mild dislike and far from hatred, just blah. There was nothing mildly good about it. Nothing horribly bad. Just blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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Just got done watching Hostel Part 2. Not bad, but it was practically the same movie as the first one, only with girls getting killed instead of guys. The subplot with the new members of the Bloodhound Gang (I forgot what they were officially called but I'm sticking with that) was decent but I could see the "twist"...

Where the super pumped guy wusses out and the nervous guy gets into it

...a mile away. But just when I thought they weren't going through with it, they did, so kudos for that. The way the female lead survived was a bit of a cop-out...

"Hey, I'll buy my way out." "Ok!" End movie. Oh, and did she really have to get the bloodhound tattoo as a tramp stamp, just because she's a chick?

So, if you liked the first Hostel, I'd recommend the sequel. Just don't expect any mind-blowing differences between the two. But I did get a good laugh at the credits, when I found out the Cannibal guy was Ruggero Deodato, director of Cannibal Holocaust, following in the footsteps of the first Hostel, where Takashi Miike had a cameo.

I was really dissapointed with Hostel 2. Aside from getting laughs at the bidding war for the girls at the beginning (that was HILARIOUS), I felt the director just mailed it in and relied on a few gruesome deaths. That and the fact that he said his movies were what was needed to fight the Iraq war made me really turned off. Hostel was inventive and I liked the whole idea of how the guy got away. I liked that when shit hit the fan, the girls who seduced him were shot as hideous, and the town just seemed to change. Hostel 2 didn't have much else going for it.

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