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Batman: Arkham Asylum Video Game


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It also happened to be pretty short, and this is coming from a guy with a 60 hour workweek including 20 hours of schools, 2 dogs, a fiance, and asthma. I don't recall playing it a lot, it just went by fairly quickly. Hell a lot of people beat Call Of Duty in 1 night, I reckon the same could be done with this.

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Aside from collecting Riddles, and acquiring the interview tapes there really wasn't anything else to do. There aren't any side quests, and once you find the area's respective Riddle map it becomes even easier to find those riddles. I'd say it took 8 hours to complete at a normal pace, achievement whores could probably beat it in 15 not including the challenge rooms.

One thing you said that probably holds true is the fact that ignoring everything except the main stoy. I was so engrossed in the story that I really just kept pushing harder so I could see what unfolded next.

Edited by Captain Eo
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The story is amazing yes, but moving around the grounds\exploring the map\solving the riddles, all of it is very fun to me. Hell, if you know enough about Batman you can't turn a corner without noticing something that will make you geek out. They built the atmosphere and levels SO well that I don't really know what to say bad about it all.

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Picked this bad boy up at EB Games on Tuesday for $40, and I love it. Not hugely far into it yet, but Paul Dini's fantastic writing already shines through. The familiar voice cast is excellent to hear too. Sadly I've been hearing that Mark Hamill is finding the Joker voice painful to do now, and that this may be his last time voicing the character. :crying: That's a real shame.

It's great to FINALLY play a game where you really feel like Batman. The satisfaction I get from seeing thugs firing their weapons randomly in terror as I stalk them from above is just epic. Picking them off one by one from the shadows...just awesome.

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Right, this arrived today (After I ordered it on tuesday, how awesome is that?) and I'm really enjoying it thus far.

The predator fighting stuff is awesome as was expected, but maybe it's because I'm not that far into the game, i'd really like for them to include a lot more and with a lot more variation. There's so much that could be done with this, I'd love to see them go crazy and have a map with like a dozen hiding places and 20 villains. That'd be awesome.

I just got through the fight with Scarecrow earlier, and hot damn, that was PERFECTION. That was one of the best scene's I've seen in a game in a long time, it was done perfectly. Can't wait for the next one. Also, what the hell, Bane was fucking HARD man! I had to go through 2-3 times before I managed to survive the thugs, Bane throwing giant rocks and him charging, all the while hitting him with a batrang, dodging and then knocking out his venom. (Which btw, would've been nice if they'd given SOME indication as to what I was meant to do, I was flying blind until I died and it was all like "Stun then attack Bane to damage his health")

I'll be leaving the game there until tomorrow, but it really is fantastic. The story is brilliant so far, I'm very interested to see what's going on, and the action is at the perfect learning curve. The fights are easy, but when there's a lot of guys and you're in a tense situation with not much room for error, you really feel it, it really is just like a Batman game should play out. I would've like a few more special moves though. Do you have to unlock the ability to use the Grapple Hook as a weapon or what?

I'm also dissapointed that I was promised a Armoured BatSuit Unlockable, yet don't seem to have received any kind of code or anything for it >_>

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Right, this arrived today (After I ordered it on tuesday, how awesome is that?) and I'm really enjoying it thus far.

I'm also dissapointed that I was promised a Armoured BatSuit Unlockable, yet don't seem to have received any kind of code or anything for it >_>

Don't worry, the Armoured BatSuit is unlocked after you beat the game. It can only be used in the challenge rooms though.

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The Scarecrow bits are fucking awesome. I've only gotten through two (apparently there's a third?), but the first one was just so incredible. Shit, I was playing it in the middle of the night and had a quasi-mental breakdown/acid flashback when shit started going bad. That was crazy. I just locked up Harley, and am on my way to the Gardens now.. I think I'm nearing the end, which sucks.


Great game. Don't know about replay value just yet, but the first run through is amazing. Definitely one of the top games of the year so far (I'm thinking Modern Warfare'll be the best, but yeah, this is definitely up there).

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This game is so fucking awesome. The combat is really cool, the way it all flows together is pretty sweet. But I spend too much time looking for riddlers challenges, but I think I need to advance ot unlock stuff so I can find them. Is it true you can go back into the game after beating it?

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I haven't beat it yet, but I did a search online to find out if I could and I read that once you beat the game, you can load up your save and go through the map with all your gadgets, etc.. only there are no enemies to impede your progress. It's basically either do that or find out when the "fuck, you can't go back" point in the game is.. like I had to do with Shadow Complex.

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Anyone else having problems finding all the Riddler Trophies and solving the Riddles? I've just aquired to line grapple thing, which I'm hoping will be useful for the walls you can shatter that are too high to reach.

Stories good thus far, though I'd heard Clayface was in the game somewhere, shame it doesn't look like he makes any kind of appearence. I'm currently tracking Poison Ivy and trying to unlock some more Challenges. (Also I did the Silent Predator trophy, yet didn't get the trophy >_> Pretty gash.)

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