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Gah I hate working long hours this week when I could be sat on my arse getting the Platinum trophy for FIFA. I'm only 5 away. Two of which are simple (buy 50 players and complete a full season MM without simming).

The BIG pain is going to be the 10v10 Clubs game. As 20 players need to all be online at once and be signed up to clubs. Is there anyone here interested in trying this at the weekend? I'm not sure on a day yet but it's gonna take a lot of time and a lot of patience as it'll involve rounding up players and going in and out of the dressing rooms and timing the connection right to meet both teams. Plus we'll need to play 2 games to get everyone the Club and Venhola Ice trophies.

There are plenty of players over on the PS3T forums willing to get involved but there's hardly any organisation going on. Ideally if two of us EWB'ers set teams up as captains (me and TCO or Baddar?) and then go over there and round up some players we might be able to get it done. Plus if there's anyone else here willing to play that's a bonus.

Any takers?

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We have one but have never played a game using it.

I'm trying to get the managerial/captaincy role on a 10v10 which is arranged for 4pm on Friday. If anyone here is interested and can DEFINITELY play at that time hit me up on the PSN (junkd03) and I'll invite you to the club at the time.

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To leave the club you're in go to the Clubs bit and then My Clubs. Find your name. Press X and then Leave Club.

As I said I'm trying to get a 10v10 set up for 4pm tomorrow. If anyone can make it please post your PSN and I'll invite you to a new club. The more the better chance we have of doing it.

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Yeah I'm available. You've already got me on PSN AJ so thats sorted, and I'm already part of the EWB club if thats anything. eitherway I'm in for this.

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If you haven't already got an invite from me send a message over PSN. I've sent a ton today and I'll send some more tomorrow. I haven't actually heard back from the guy who offered his team up for a game so if he no-shows we will hopefully have enough to split into two teams anyway.

Don't worry TCO, we're saying 4pm but something this confusing will take a while to set up.

If you do get involved, you should know not to press X in the dressing room. Leave that to me to communicate with the other team captain as we both need to search for games at the same time to match up. Also, do NOT pick "Any" on the position screen as no-one will get the trophies.

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Okay I just almost got screwed because of a flaw in the game. Online match, I'm 2-1 up, my defender gets the ball but somehow manages to fumble it forward enough for my opponent to get the ball and run towards my goalie. In a reaction I tackle him, but it was just a slight nudge and took 'em off balance a bit but nonetheless he could continue and he scored, so the tackle didn't do anything in the end. Guess what? I get a fucking red card! In real life, a player never gets a red card if he fouls someone but the ball ends up in the net anyway, because that means mission failed. So now I was at 2-2 in first half and also a player down at the same time, yay. Ended up winning though :pervert:

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had a great trophy earning match earlier. Managed to get both the screamer and diving header one. The screamer was quite an easy one, the keeper moved off his line to clear the ball, my winger got it passed it into the center where my striker hit it into the net just past the keeper. The diving header one was a bit of a shock though. Throw in passed it back to the player who threw it in and crossed it for Jack Collison to come out of no where with a diving header. wanted to upload it but my couldn't connect to PSN. How the hell to you get the cross field pass trophy by the way as I've tried but it never seems to accept it. Am I doing something wrong by pressing square to do it or something?

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