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I was playing against a friend the other day and was Sheffield United. I got a 38 yard free kick, which was nothing to worry about since every free kick I take either flys over the bar at the speed of light, or gently drops right into the keepers hands. So anyway, time for my free kick and up steps the legend that is..... Gary Speed. So I smack the ball and it flys up and over the keeper, then dips at the last second, hits teh bar and drops inside the goal - before bouncing back out.

I start screaming at the TV because I never, ever score freekicks and this was amazing, when my mate points out that it hasn't been given. I'm in total shock at this point - my first free kick on FIFA 09 and the ref hasn't given it. So we load up every instant replay angle possible and every single one says that ball was over the line.

The ref was probably Trevor Kettle. ¬_¬

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If 100% of the ball isn't over it wont be given, it's that accurate. So if 0.0001 of the ball brushed the line, no goal, unfortunately.

I once got given offside in my own half though, which is worse.

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I just had 1 1/2 games on Ultimate Team against realy shitty 5 Star teams.

The first one i drew in the last minute to a 1:1 and the second one i held to a draw up untill the halftime wen he quit (o how i wish there was a user rateing system and a lounge in wich you could chose oponents)... i guss a mixture of bad players and me not knowing the timeing of Fifa keept me from winning against those. (yet still there are people that can beat me lieek 6 - 12:0)

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The only update that's occurred recently was for UT and they inserted 12 new 'Premier League' players (I use that loosely because apart from Pavlyuchenko and an unconfirmed Amir Zaki it's a bunch of Chelsea and Liverpool reserves) and in reply to complaints on the official forum they've also stopped issuing gameplay cards in packs that have a negative effect on your opponent. Cause it would just plain suck to get to a final for your opponent to slap a 90minute reduce fitness, reduce passing, reduce shooting, reduce pace card on you at kickoff.

Played my first online game in UT today in the first round of the first bronze cup. My opponent's team was full of megastars (Ibra, Torres, Gerrard, Ronaldo, Iniesta etc) and he stuck a gameplay card on my strikers at kickoff (not sure what it was though). The difference in chemistry was noticable though. My silver CB's Boyce and Upson were muscling Ibra off the ball and outrunning Torres. I scored a beauty with Kenny Miller plus another and a debut goal from N'Zogbia and ended up winning 3-0 so pleased with that. Perhaps this isn't going to be as bad as I thought.

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EA supposedly sorted out the match-making system so that you would only get to play teams of the same or similar level. I guess they didn't if you're playing 5* teams already. Unless it's only for the tournaments.

They definitely need to impose some kind of penalty for match-quitters and a better reward for winners because losing a game on each players contract every time someone quit on you must suck.

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I figured that, i guss there just arrent enough smal teams by now. Every now and than i still get one, but most people are already strong.

I used the trade and sell system to get a full german squad, now it runs a bit smother.

I realy ask myself what kind of people i am playing. I just was behind 12-0 AT HALFTIME. You got this guy... he´s super mega uber powered up being able to score prittymuch wenever he shoots no matter from were but he still feels the need to "cheat" wen i got a goal kick. Loser. Can i aim to injure players of people like this?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I just beat my friend 6-0 (Holland v Mexico) and 4-0 in the rematch (Holland v Croatia). Wahoo. This game is so much more fun when you're not getting trounced by online geeks with seven thumbs.

I was beating my friend 2-0 at the 80th minute. He swore he wouldn't play FIFA again, so I let up and he scored two goals to even it. The lucky bastard beat me in penalties. So I told him I wanted a rematch, because I was pissed.

He thought I was lying when I said I let up on him. But I think he figured it out when I beat him 7-0 in our rematch. ^_^

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I just beat my friend 6-0 (Holland v Mexico) and 4-0 in the rematch (Holland v Croatia). Wahoo. This game is so much more fun when you're not getting trounced by online geeks with seven thumbs.

You mean it's only fun when you're trouncing someone 6-0 and not when you're losing.

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Who the hell finds it fun to lose? :/

I lost to a guy online on penalties after drawing 6-6. I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than a game I won 12-0 shortly before. Mainly because we used Championship teams and it was really close. It's more fun to lose 4-3 than to win 6-0 IMO.

Edited by The Cool One
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I understand enjoying a close game even if you lose but the way you worded it it sounded like you were saying people actually enjoy the losing part of it, I was poking a bit of fun :P

Me though, I enjoy a good trouncing more than a close game. It's probably more rewarding to win a hard fought game by a single goal but I like to pile them up if I can.

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I don't mind losing as long as the other player deserved to win and it wasn't just a flukey goal or cheating.

I came up against another numpty 99 team user today on UT. I was up 4-0 at half time despite him using strength boost on his own team and reduce shooting on mine. All he wanted to do was run at me with Ronaldinho. He used a full team reduce fitness and passing cards on me after halftime then quit when he couldn't get the ball off me playing slow buildup. I got the win and advanced in the tourney but I get 0 coins which doesn't help renew the contracts that I lose playing. Even if he had lost he would have still got some coins. I don't understand why these people have to ruin it for everyone.

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