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Championship Manager or ... ?


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Hey guys! Apologies if this kind of thread already exists i tried to find one but failed :shifty:

So to keep it short - I used to play a lot Championship Manager back in the days but then the games became more demanding and there was this split ? which produced 2 games one keeping the CM name and the other one renamed to something similar I can't remember what exactly.

So basicly I got a better PC and would like to get back into CM but need to know which one of these games is better (their latest installments preferably) or maybe there is a better alternative nowadays?

I completely stayed ouf ot the managerial games for the last few years so I really have no clue :wacko: Thanks in advance!

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Football Manager is by far the best of the lot. It's made by Sports Interactive who were behind all the old Championship Manager games. So, although Sega's games have kept the Champ Man name, it's Football Manager that is the "continuation" of the series if you like. I'm sure there are demos of both around that you could try though.

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Football Manager is by far the best of the lot. It's made by Sports Interactive who were behind all the old Championship Manager games. So, although Sega's games have kept the Champ Man name, it's Football Manager that is the "continuation" of the series if you like. I'm sure there are demos of both around that you could try though.

Not sure if you've just made a typo there, but it's Eidos who are publishing Championship Manager.

To Riddermark, basically back in the day SI made Champ Man and Eidos published it. Then they went their separate ways with Eidos retaining the Championship Manager name and the general "look and feel" of the game and SI keeping the database, code and obviously all their staff. So Eidos got some other developers to remake Champ Man from scratch and SI found another publisher (Sega) to publish their game which was now called Football Manager.

I would absolutely recommend Football Manager over Championship Manager and if you can hold off until November 14th then Football Manager 2009 is shaping up rather nicely. But as WitW says, I believe there are demos of both you can try.

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Thanks for the replies guys, I went to the football manager website and watched the video there promoting 09. It sounded pretty impressive, I took notice of the fact that they seem to really care about user input and actually involve their players' community to dictate what needs to be done with the game.

I think I'd wait for 09 to get released, I'm not sure if 08 will have updates for the rosters for the current period.

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Thanks for the replies guys, I went to the football manager website and watched the video there promoting 09. It sounded pretty impressive, I took notice of the fact that they seem to really care about user input and actually involve their players' community to dictate what needs to be done with the game.

I think I'd wait for 09 to get released, I'm not sure if 08 will have updates for the rosters for the current period.

For what it's worth, there is. Not official mind, fans tend to make their own updates and there should be alot of them containing updates for the September transfer window. I think there's 2 or 3 mentioned in the FM08 thread actually.

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