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Do We Like Hollywood Undead?


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I was in club the other night, and this rap metal tune comes on. I stick some of the lyrics on my phone to google later, comes back as Hollywood Undead - Undead / Out The Way.

Tracks pretty good, still quite liking it, even without the addition of alcohol, but how's the album?

Anyone have it?

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They've been my myspace friends for years now (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=17715531), but sometimes I second-guess adding them. I really only like one song of theirs - Sell Your Soul. I love that song to death. And visually, I think they've got a great gimmick. I love their masks and such. But a lot of their songs are not fit to tie my shoe. No. 5 being one of them I despise. You can't look like you do, perform like you do in Sell Your Soul and send a message like you do in that song, then produce a party song.

And on that note, it's an unpopular opinion here, but I hate Paralyzer by Finger Eleven.

Current Hollywood Undead, I rate (N) but I hope they get some good management to steer them in the right direction, because they strike me as having potential.

Edited by Inner D Monz
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We like Hollywood Undead. I brought something up about them ages ago and everyone was all "who the fuck are they and why do we care?". I really enjoy the album as a whole, check it out Keef. They are a pretty fun band/group to listen to and drink to.

And Inner D Monz, I hope you realize that No. 5 was out years before Sell Your Soul. Most of their stuff is that type of song. No 5., Bitches, Bottle and a Gun, Everywhere I Go, etc. The list goes on.

Edited by Gene Kiniski
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Hollywood Undead are rather good, I reviewed the album in the music thread <_<.

Thought to be honest, the darker songs like 'City' 'Paradise Lost' 'Young' 'Black Dahlia' are better than songs like 'Pimpin'' and 'No Other Place'.

However the song 'Bitches' they had on myspace....

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Wow, irony in this topic.

Was supposed to go see these guys in concert at Orlando tomorrow with Lorina and our friend. Probably won't be going since she tried to commit suicide yesterday. Needless to say that'll probably keep us at home.

Anyway, I'm slowly getting hooked on this band. The friend introduced us to them, they're really enjoyable thus far. Love the instrumentals, love the lyrics, right now I'm hooked on "City" and "Undead", but I'm loving their other songs too. Really intense music.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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What kind of person can dis a band that deserves to get big?

I hate to be that person when my verse comes out of the kid's lips.

Seriously, I love some of the lines in "Undead" alone. Honestly one of the best self-titled songs I've heard in awhile, gets you pumped for the rest of the CD.

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Just listened to the whole album. I don't think I've ever been so conflicted about a band.

I like the sound, like the flow, the beats, like the different vocal styles the different members bring.

I hate the message, I hate the band, I hate the masks, I hate the boasting and braggadocio and I hate the chauvinism.

They should be commended for trying to grow the scene but reprimanded for being everything wrong with it.

I'll probably listen again, but I'd never admit it if it were not for the (admittedly limited) anonymity the internet provides me.

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I like Hollywood Undead, but I have to be in the mood for it. Sometimes they run the risk of their songs sounding the same. They've always struck me as what would happen if ICP and Linkin Park had a baby.

I could agree with this, in some of their songs they really do have that sound to them, don't they?

I dunno, I finally gave the full CD a listen last night off of Youtube... I gotta agree with Keith in areas. It was nice to hear the self-promotion in "Undead" because, hey, it's a self-titled track, it's supposed to promote your band and hook people into the CD. The bravado there was well worth it, but... it stayed through practically the entire CD. That was a bit overkill.

Still like them, but not sure about the CD on a whole.

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