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Mirrors Edge


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There was that "Free Running" game which sucked. This actually seems to have nailed it better because it's simplified, more tangiable and I love the way the camera angle is always moving around.

Getting a good flow just feels REALLY good.

When you see the police guys there was a few cool seconds of running up the stairs as they shout and shoot, kicking through the door (which just feels great in the game), running and sliding under the walkway, running past the door being hammered on from the inside by more police, turning right, taking a big jump to a lower building, rolling, vaulting up onto another building, disarming the policeman....All in one fluid move. Classy.
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Free Running was a fucking car crash. Am I Tony Hawk's Pro Runner, am I some bullshit 3d action game, or am I just shite. Yeah, the last one. Collision detection was horrible, the camera spacked aorund like it was chasing a pinball on acid, ugly, ugly game.

Mirror's Edge could be great. It has a solid point to it in the story rather than tossing around, and yeah you could run about to your heart's content in AC, but did you want to? That's the difference. From what I've seen, read and played, I'm going to have no problems running around for FUN in ME.

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I am buying Mirror's Edge regardless of reviews, and for two reasons. Firstly, it is not a brownish, greenish mire. Secondly, it's a game that actually realises that first-person and shooter are not inseperable concepts. Plus, IGN's review seems pretty complimentary, I know anything that gets less than 8 or 9 these days is AVOIDAVOIDAVOID for the legions of online fuckwits, but for me at least it indicates a solid effort and a worthy pickup.

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It could be Killer 7 Syndrome... a perfectly fine game, but actually tries to be something different and reviewers' minds can't handle it. I'm still hesitant about it until you guys give it the thumbs up or down.

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The reviews for this are not pretty. I'm pretty bummed since I was looking forward to it, but I had a feeling from the get-go that the first person aspect would not work with this kind of game in the slightest.


Depends on where you look. Its got 82% through 14 reviews on Metacritic.

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Honestly, just rent it.

I look at it this way: you either waste eleven bucks and have fun for a bit, but realize it's not that great of a game, or you thoroughly enjoy it and probably beat it anyway because I assume it's not going to be that long of a game. And with so many other games that have come out recently I think a rental would be good enough.

Edited by Will.
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Official Playstation gave it a 9 and their ratings are generally pretty good and not too biased (I'm guessing it's getting the same reviews for the 360 version).

Anyway Dragsy is right and I agree. I'd get it even with average ratings cos I thoroughly enjoyed the demo and it's trying something different, a fantastic colour scheme and feel, great combat (i.e. massively minimal combat) and coolness.

If it does suffer from Killer 7 syndrome then no problem cos I'll no doubt enjoy it and I can take great pleasure out of games that try something different even if they're flawed (see Way of the Samurai, Republic: Revolution, The Movies, Assassin's Creed, Colosseum (PS2) etc etc).

I don't think Mirror's Edge will be too flawed though.

Is it out this week? I believe it's a worldwide release so I'll head into the shops over here)

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The only review I've read of it has been pretty complimentary. PS3Fanboy reviewed it and the only negative points from their review (that I can remember) are that the game's pretty short, and that the storyline is a mess. Other than those two points, the review was positively glowing. I believe said reviewer also called it a "Mario for the next generation".

Honestly, I'll probably still pick it up. I haven't stopped playing the demo for the past 4 days or so.

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The reviews are all over the place, much like Assassin's Creed. Look at IGN; IGN US gave it the lowest score, rating the Lasting Appeal below average, whereas IGN UK & IGN AU gave it a much higher score then IGN US, rating the Lasting Appeal slightly above average. The main complaint is length; if you played through the demo multiple times and liked it, pick it up. If not, rent it. The single player is about 4 to 7 hours depending on how good you are.

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Yeah, out this week. I hope. I'm mildly concerned as we usually get new stuff in on a Wednesday. We got World at War nice and early on Tuesday as per usual with massive releases, we got the new WoW expansion today for its release tomorrow, it seems odd that they'd leave ME till Thursday for us. Or maybe I'm just pissed because I couldn't get to play it three days before everyone else.

I'm buying it over renting it because...well, staff discount for one, but renting doesn't help sales figures and without sales figures, new IP's are likely to get dropped, and I really need unique games to stick around, because everywhere I look on the 360 there's a bastard FPS, and I'll be lucky if it at least isn't WWII-themed. I know gaming is more of a business now, but fuck me, I miss the days of randomly absurd games that weren't afraid to do something different. It's why I love stuff like Fahrenheit, Killer 7, hopefully ME and too a lesser extent the likes of Wipeout (new twists on the genre plus one of the earliest attempts I can remember at really utilising a soundtrack into generating an atmospher and sense of immersion).

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Well I dicked around with the demo and thought it was enjoyable. I'd rather not have the whole "follow the red stuff" thing holding my hand the entire time but that's something I can live with.

HOWEVER, isn't radio wave transmission supposed to be monitored by the government or some shit? If so, why in the fuck is Faith getting all her instructions through a fucking radio? Seems kind of counter productive...unless they explained it somewhere in the game.

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Hmm, haven't suffered motion sickness, but playing the game on my lunch at work, when I came back my head felt a little weird. Kinda of hard to explain, but it was like I wasn't actually in my head, it felt like I was watching a screen with an FPS on or something. Similar to the Guitar Hero sensation I guess, but less scrolly.

Great fun so far, I'll give it more of a caning tonight. Don't buy if you don't have an HD setup though, I was forced to play on standard component after snapping our HDMI cable, and it looked atrocious.

Edited by Dragsy
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Mirror's Edge = Fun.

It's just one of the most fun and simple games in a long while.

I did miss out on a trophy though earlier. I've been playing the demo a lot the last few days, skipping over the training, as I did with the game, only to realise you get a trophy for it. D'oh.

Only problems I have with it is that my TV sucks. After I saw it running on the big PS3 display thing in HMV, it looked epic.

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Rented it for the week, and Stokerina's been off work today and yesterday so she's been playing through it (when I got home yesterday, she was at that bit where you jump onto the top of an underground train?). I mainly rented it for her of course, since it combines her love of any kind of let's-clamber-around-over-things games (her favourite game we own is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune) and the jumping-between-rooftops thing the name of which I can't remember, seemingly practiced by lanky French students more than anyone else. :shifty:

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Parkour which was created by David Belle in order to get from A to B as directly as possible, or Free Running which doesn't quite follow the same concept as it throws in pointless flips and somersaults and isn't quite direct but is more made for video clips.

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