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Some of my recent favorite games are

Cave Story(doukutsu)

Cave Story is a freeware sidescrolling action/adventure/platformer title with leanings towards Wonderboy and recent sidescrolling Castlevania titles. You control a little amnesiac who runs around helping out these rabbit-ish creatures called Mimigas while trying to find your way out of the giant cave inside the floating island which makes up the game's setting.

White Butterfly

is a vertical shooter created by Linley Henzell, developer of the excellent Dungeon Crawl and Garden of Coloured Lights. Players begin the game by choosing one of the four available ships to pilot, with a fifth one only unlocked after you've completed the final stage.

Use the cursor keys to move, press the Z key to shoot, and hold the X key to fire your secondary weapon. A third attack can be executed by pressing the Z and X key together. Hold the left shift key to move your ship around at a lower speed. Use the escape key to access the pause and quit menu.

You would need to level up all three attacks for automatic weapon upgrades. Using just one type of shot throughout the game does not upgrade the weapon, even though it continues to gain a new level after repeated usage.

There are three long stages to play in total.


is a unique 2D platformer created by Tyler Glaiel, co-developer of Edmund McMillen's Aether. The game involves using orbs to light up your surroundings, as the entire area is shrouded in complete darkness with each step outside the light most likely a fatal one.

Note that you will need to have Flash Player 10 installed for this game to work properly. There are thirty stages to play in total.

The Underside

the underside is an exploration based action platformer in the vein (it's a pun~) of games like castlevania, metroid, and cave story. however, unlike most other games in this genre, the gameplay is driven more by plot than by free-roaming exploration (though the world is fully explorable).

the game's graphics and engine are (believe it or not) completely original. the game's engine is written in clickteam's multimedia fusion 2, while the graphics are done in humanbalance's graphicsgale.

the music is written by both me (arthur lee), and my close friend, j. michael brown. done in fruityloops using the 3xosc plugin as well as tweakbench's toad and peach vsts, the game's soundtrack has a real retro feel to it.

the game's plot revolves around a character named 'ip' who must escape from the underside, and maybe prevent the world from being destroyed while he's at it. the game's world, characters, plot strands, and dialogue are heavily inspired by earthbound, and are quirky, whimsical, and sometimes a little strange.

the gameplay is very fast based -- a lot more akin to games like megaman or metal slug rather than metroid or cave story in terms of pacing.


Aliens have invaded the cargo freighter - evacuate them into space by opening and closing the cargo doors. But make sure you keep Captain Ryan alive! He's the only one who can pilot the ship. There are 200 levels total.

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tell me about it. sucked several hours out of my days I suck at it though lol. Been playing a little more of I.V.A.N and man it's so harsh got pretty deep within the dungeon was doing good. came across a man eating plant. I thought no problem I've killed plenty during my journey there and was able to handle them just fine. so I made sure i was full of health and attacked. got killed with the first bite. I guess that's what I get for eating my dog Henry.

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just found this awesome little time waster called Fantastic Contraption you can play the first 20 levels for free. I'm currently stuck on the stage Higher. trying to come up with unique design to achieve the goal but not having much luck

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just found this awesome little time waster called Fantastic Contraption you can play the first 20 levels for free. I'm currently stuck on the stage Higher. trying to come up with unique design to achieve the goal but not having much luck

I've completed the free version of this, for higher I came up with....


It's pretty cool. It works as a catapult, this technique comes in handy in a couple of levels i think.

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awesome job Keith never thought about that. I tried making a caterpillar type deal to get it up there but it never worked lol

and Nabeel from what I can find Fallout isn't free or abandonware yet

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If you check out the forums, they have battles and stuff. One person will make a robot on the left hand side and then someone comes along and builds one on the right.. whichever side pushes the other off the edge wins.

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