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Blink 182 reunion?


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Box Car Racer was actually before the split. And were fucking awesome. Also, BCR really throws a shitload of doubt on the whole "Tom become a secluded arrogant arsehole who put no input into the new album" shit that was being peddled around after the split, given that the Blink self-titled sounds more like a follow up to the fucking Box Car Racer album than a Blink one.

Also, whether or not Blink get back together, Plus 44 are done. Mark and Travis are apparently working on solo albums. I will put money on both of them sadly being shit. Mark will write some god awful, dull electro-pop and Travis will do some hip-hop sample shit with guest vocalists that will sound suspiciously like Transplants, only be really, really wank.

That Plus 44 tune that sounded like a Postal Service number, "Make You Smile" is great. Hilarious live when Hoppus does both parts. :shifty: In fact, there's some other really good tunes on there; "Cliff Diving", the first one, "155" (although the acoustic "145" was better), "Weatherman" etc. In fact the only tune I remember really grating on me was "No It Isn't" and that wasn't because it was a bad tune, in fact it was a great tune, it's just on the album version (as opposed to the demo) they added some god awful drumming, that just did not fit the rest of the track at all, and sounded fucking awful.

A&A I didn't find that bad either. I mean the 2nd album was pretty shitty outside of a couple of tracks. The first was really solid though, especially the last 4 tracks. I wish they'd kept that more laid back style of the last 4-tunes for the 2nd album instead of going all U2-lite.

It's strange though, when I saw Blink, they were TOTALLY upstaged by Sugarcult, and when I saw +44, they were upstaged by The Tommys (who fucking opened the gig).

Okay, fuck it, fan video for "Make You Smile" -

Posted for 2 reasons; 1) Fair fit lassy parading around in vest and shorts....2) this AMAZING comment;

:/ This song brings back memories, when I use to sing this with my friend. I have Xbox Live, and she died. I use to put it on when she was sad and we'd sing it together. :) Heh, the best memories always stay. Beautiful video you made, I think it was very well directed and great quality.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What the fuck?!!?!?! I'm not sure...waht¬!?!? "I have XBox Live, and she died"...Jesus Christ...how I'm laughing so hard I'm crying a bit...just...what the fuck!?!?!

Edited by YI
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