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With regards to Mirror's Edge, 95% of the time you can, and should, ignore the guards. Afterall you can win a trophy for not killing anyone for the whole game. Ridiculously hard but I guess not impossible.

In the sections where killing or disarming makes things much easier then I tend to just take a running flying kick into them or a sliding kick rather than running up, slowing down time and disarming. There are various ways of defeating a guard so it doesn't need to be repetitive. When you have a gun in hand it feels like an FPS anyway and the game is MEANT to be a bit trial and error at times.

I think my anger towards the game in the last two posts were more to do with the fact that I had just finished playing and so the frustration was still fresh but I still don't find the combat compelling. I definitely do try to dodge all forms of combat and have yet to fire a gun but either I just really suck at playing this game or the whole thing is made of trial and error. I'm not above thinking the former is true. But eh, I am going to force myself to beat the game, I haven't reached any of the sections you've mentioned in the spoiler tags so I'm sure there's going to be ton mores fun with that but the platforming sections between combat and some of the chase parts are fun so it's not ALL bad it just happens to be the most frustrating game I've played this generation.

I'm also playing Saints Row 2: The complete opposite in almost everyway. It's shallow, ludicrous and completely stupid in a lot of ways but damn, if it's not fun as hell I don't know what is. Senseless fun.

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I can't get into Resistance. Everything looks so...clean. It's a frickin' warzone, yet even the debris looks shiner than the Vatican palace. I only played the first few stages before skipping to the end, and I don't get what's so good about the game. Somebody please fill me in.

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Ive moved on from Uncharted to Metal Gear Solid 4. Is there a reason that MGS4 seems so far up its own arse? I mean seriously - the gameplay doesn't seem all that great. The camera constantly gets in the way of the action when you're sneaking around the place. And every 5 minutes you get "treated" to a ridiculously long, gruelling and dull cut-scene. Am I just missing something, or is this game really not worth the hype? Beautiful graphics do not a good game make.

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Speaking of which, bastard Boss Extreme difficulty Screaming Mantis and her flying blades. I can't remember how to beat her. :angry:

I know I've got to syringe myself first, then do the same to Meryl/choke her out/use the tranq gun, then I know I have to shoot the dolls hanging by Mantis, but it doesn't seem to work. I think I did it by accident the first time around too. I know I had to throw her doll or something then shake the controller?
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You do need to shoot the dolls then rush to pick them up. It is a pain though and it's best to snipe from distance if you can make yourself some space. Once you get one the second is easier to get and then you're laughing cos you're the boss.
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So I've rented PURE from LoveFilm and whilst it's fun, it seems very repetitive and if I didn't skip through the process of making my ATVs (which I shouldn't but I'm too impatient) that'd be really tedious. It doesn't seem like a game I'd come back to once I'm done, so probably a good job I rented it.

Edit: Jumping mechanism is way too annoying too.

Edited by Footjob Fever
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Been grinding through Force Unleashed these last few days, and after getting both endings I am simply chasing achivements now, some of which I will probably never ever get. However, I think I can find eternal fun in throwing Stormtroopers around. :)

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Been playing Kingdom Hearts II a lot in the last few days and I'm now just about to start in Agrabah. I've got to say though, fuck the pirates in Port Royal. I struggled against them on the normal mode, so now on proud mode they got me quite aggravated. Valor Form is now almost level 4, which means I have High Jump. Wisdom Form will be discarded again until I get to that place in The World That Never Was that has only Shadows & Neoshadows. I'm level 22, which is the recommended level, but I'll try and get to 25 before I leave Agrabah.

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Playing Harvest moon 64 at the moment. I suck at this game probably because I have no idea what I'm meant to do but I love it anyways. Any tips on what to do would be greatly apreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thought I'd bump this thread, and update what I'm playing.

Pokémon Platinum - Just beat the Veilstone Gym. It's becoming a pain to level up for me at the moment, especially raising an Onix which everything seems to kill. Just trying to get to the Battle Frontier really.

Kingdom Hearts II - Almost finished up 100 Acre Wood & Atlantica, which clears up the sections I dislike. I think I've got the second run of Agrabah to get started on, and then Pride Lands & Hollow Bastion, then I think there's just the final world to do.

Proud Mode is getting aggravating at times, so I'm trying to stay a level or two above the Battle Level.

Final Fantasy XII - Okay, so a couple of months ago I was lost in the Garasmythe Waterway with Balthier & Fran, but it turns out after this restart that I wasn't really lost. I was standing right outside the gate I needed to go through.

The Firemane was a bit of a pain, but I'm progressing nicely with the story.

I couldn't help but think though. Kingdom Hearts II's tutorial intro is awfully similar to Final Fantasy XII.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Loaded up one of my old files and am just clearing missions at the moment. I really need to pardon some of my troops, so that they don't start getting sent to jail, but don't really have any good backup troops from my regular six.

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The Dark Spire (DS) - Fucking kick ass Wizardry style dungeon crawler. Pretty tough at the start, but once you get into the groove it's not too bad. I just started exploring the second floor, all of my party except for my thief are at level 3. Anyone who loves old school PC first person dungeon crawls ala Wizardry, or The Bard's Tale will get a real kick out of this. It's not even in the anime style that I completely despise.

Tomorrow I'll be adding this to the list:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (360) - Raven have never made a game I didn't like, and this looks completely awesome. I'll edit tomorrow with my thoughts once I dig into it.

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The UFC demo and MLB 09: The Show. I think I am finally getting good at hitting, although too often I get 12 hits and only score one run. I either need to adjust my line-up or just keep working on my hitting so I can string some hits together.

I lost an epic game in extra innings to the Mets. Most fun I have had while losing in a long time.

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Tomorrow I'll be adding this to the list:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (360) - Raven have never made a game I didn't like, and this looks completely awesome. I'll edit tomorrow with my thoughts once I dig into it.

Brutal game, I love it. Not your typical Marvel game, lots of blood and dismemberment, plenty of cool attacks, environment kills like throwing people onto spikes. Awesome.

The UFC demo and MLB 09: The Show. I think I am finally getting good at hitting, although too often I get 12 hits and only score one run. I either need to adjust my line-up or just keep working on my hitting so I can string some hits together.

I lost an epic game in extra innings to the Mets. Most fun I have had while losing in a long time.

I would be playing those two as well but MLB hasn't come yet despite ordering it 3-4 weeks ago now :(

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Yeah...X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a fucking BLAST. Too long have we been deprived of a great game featuring a character practically tailor fitted for video games.

Outside of the vicious killing at every turn is Logan's healing factor. Nothing is cooler than being blown down to basically just a metallic skeleton, and watching his body stitch itself back together. Every time someone shoots me in the face with a shotgun, I have to swirl the camera around to see Logan's skin healing itself over his metallic skull.

This game won't make you any smarter, but it's sure as fucking hell fun to play.


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