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Harper's Island

Herr Matzat

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So i came across this this morning, aperently it´s a TV "mini" (13 or so episodes) about a murderer on an island. A lot like your common horror flick... hot rich people, sex and murder. Seemed OK... also we need a deadpool. (CBS even has one were you can win money, but were is the fun in that wen you could rub being right in other peoples faces on EWB instead?)


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I watched the first episode last night, and I have to say I thought it was pretty good. They are doing a fairly decent job of setting up multiple people to be under suspicion of being the killer.

I am a bit annoyed with who they chose to kill off last night, because I thought that character could have been a good one.

As for a deadpool, I need time to figure out who the hell everyone is!!!

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So I got done watching the first episode tonight on demand and am pleasantly surprised that there is a new episode on tonight, because I was hooked after watching that first episode. With that being said, here are my thoughts on the show.

I believed that the show started off a little bit slow, but it got going fairly quickly. At first, I thought for sure that it was going to be the "water" death with the dude with the big ring getting killed, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I will say that my list of killers could realistically be anyone (except for that chick who's mom died). Here are my list of suspects.

-Hunter Jennings

-The Bride's Father

-Chick Who's Mom Died's Dad (The Sherrif) **OUTSIDE SHOW**

I think that the sherrif is a good bet, just because it would be like a "really?" moment but they would have some shit to back it up with the dad saying something like "well, once your mom died, i realized that i needed to put others in the same place i was in" or something along those lines. It's always those people from left field and I suspect this will be no different.

With that being said though, I'm upset with the death cause the character seemed like he could have gone pretty far and was one of the better ones. I will say though that the creepy girl who wakes up the mom and says she has a new friend is weird and I'm really wondering what the story is behind that. The only thing that contradicts my "sherrif being the killer" idea is that the cousin or whoever it was who was under the boat at the beginning must've died when on the mainland, and I don't think the sherrif could've done it.

Unless him and the daughter are in on it? Which would contradict the ending with the newspaper clipping on the wall. I have no idea, I'm just psyched for the show tonight and to know some more information.

Oh, and my death pick...

Death Pick: Two of the best men (fat guy with sideburns and the black guy)

Although I am going to think that the guy with the ring is going to be an obvious choice to get killed every week. I'm waiting for one of the surprising deaths really early on, like a big name (Hunter Jennings, the dad, someone we wouldn't expect to die).

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Meh, second episode not as good as the first. Other than the whole deer confrontation, nothing much of interest happened.

Kelly was irritating, glad she's gone. I think she got way too much screentime this episode, and none of it really made me care for her in the least bit. Church Guy...ok. Girl-With-Dog...I didn't even realize she was on the show until this episode. Also, I don't think anyone thinks Cal is going to die, so stop pretending like he's going to.

Anyway, next week I hope they kill off someone with more relevance. Though my guess is they're going to off one of the groomsmen.

Edited by Zan and Max
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Meh, second episode not as good as the first. Other than the whole deer confrontation, nothing much of interest happened.

Kelly was irritating, glad she's gone. I think she got way too much screentime this episode, and none of it really made me care for her in the least bit. Church Guy...ok. Girl-With-Dog...I didn't even realize she was on the show until this episode. Also, I don't think anyone thinks Cal is going to die, so stop pretending like he's going to.

Anyway, next week I hope they kill off someone with more relevance. Though my guess is they're going to off one of the groomsmen.

I agree with the majority of what you said. I was hoping that the blond homo (Cal) with the hot girlfriend (Chloe) would die from blood rushing to his head though. When Chloe dies I hope it's similar to the Friday the 13th kill where two people were having sex in a tent and while the chick was riding the guy she was sliced in half vertically, simply because that kill was awe-some. The one thing I don't like about the show is that NO ONE is likable. I want to see every living thing on the island die in the most excrutiating fashion imaginable except for the little dog at this point.

I think either Jimmy, Henry or Abby's dad is the killer. Hunter will die trying to save someone and the big reveal will be similar to Vince McMahon's "IT WAS ME AUSTIN! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!" I hope Trish dies next because she's the most annoying character other than Cal, and it seems like he's the token red herring every week.

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I agree about the episode not being that likable, and I thought the lame killing at the end sucked. Stop, drop, and roll you dumb bitch. Sure there was some fire in the pit, but not enough to the point that she couldn't have gotten put out. I kind of figured that the goth chick was going to die/be dead, especially when they showed her house at night, I knew something was up.

Even though I didn't guess the correct killing, I was still pleased with who died this week. It wasn't anybody big or anyone I cared for, but I still think that it fits all in perfect. Gotta beat a few jobbers before we become a big name wrestler, eh? Kill some of the smaller characters while the other ones get built up and then we can have some bigger killings.

I will say though that I think the sheriff being the killer at this point looks pretty good. I mean, we don't see him too much to think that he is the killer, but enough to the point of we know his relevance. For some reason, I can't see the killer being Hunter Jennings or the father of the bride, only because they seem like the way too obvious choices and you can tell that they are trying to push them as the killers. Although, I wouldn't be a bit surprised at all if they end up making the killer out to be the groom only because nobody would expect it and he hasn't been around when everyone has died so far. With that being said, here are my top three candidates for the potential killers following Episode two.

Following Episode Two - Krone's Top 3 Potential Killers:

1. Sheriff Charlie Mills - Despite the fact that his wife was killed in the murders by John Wakefield, I think that this could be some sort of swerve with Mills saying something like he was the one behind the killings and that Wakefield was just a cover up for the whole thing. Maybe to play off Abby, he will say something like "You were never mine, because your whore of a mother was sleeping around", claiming that Abby isn't even really his daughter, thus possibly proving why he wanted her to move away when she did.

2. Henry Dunn - Out of everyone we wouldn't expect to be, it would be this guy. Doesn't really do anything to be hated and when everyone has been killed, he hasn't really been around. Although it would make no sense for him to kill Uncle Marty unless it was out of jealousy or something. Still, it could have had something to do with the cash that was on the boat. Maybe Thomas Wellington (Trish's father - The Father's Bride) knows something about Henry that we don't and is trying to get Hunter to stop the marriage without revealing anything?

3. Cal Vandeusen - A very long shot at this point, but it could potentially be Cal I am thinking. For one, he kills Uncle Marty due to him having eyes for Chloe and then just goes off on everyone on the island, proving that the dumb British guy thing was just an act all along. I don't think that it is him, but he seems like he could be a reasonable choice, especially considering the circumstances.

Episode Three Predictions - Krone's Death of the Week:

1. Shane Pierce - Seems like he could be a pretty big death all things considered. With him and J.D. having the rivalry, I think it would only seem likely that this could be the episode he dies off on, possibly with everyone thinking that J.D. could be the killer (especially following Nikki's death), this may be the last we see of Shane.

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As far as character likability goes, I'm ok with Abby, who clearly has the role of Last-Female-Survivor, so I'm not really that interested in her. Jimmy is kinda alright, and Cal is likable in a woobie-ish kinda way. Uncle Marty was clearly the most interesting guy on the island, so yeah.

Everyone else has had no character development or can die for all I care. Considering it's supposed to be their wedding, I don't give a shit at all about Henry and Trish.

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As far as character likability goes, I'm ok with Abby, who clearly has the role of Last-Female-Survivor, so I'm not really that interested in her. Jimmy is kinda alright, and Cal is likable in a woobie-ish kinda way. Uncle Marty was clearly the most interesting guy on the island, so yeah.

Everyone else has had no character development or can die for all I care. Considering it's supposed to be their wedding, I don't give a shit at all about Henry and Trish.

Abby's OK but she's the supposed heroine of the story and I just don't see a reason to actually like her yet. Yeah yeah, her mom got snuffed by a serial killer, but so did goth chick and no one liked her either. Cal is kind of humorous, and I did kinda like him when he nearly drowned Chloe for playing a prank on him though. You've got to keep your woman in check :shifty:

It would be hilarious if the token black guy was the killer and lived until the end since no one would ever expect that.

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Heh, 'We've run out of story for you so you go die now.'

I wonder how long this show can hold what it´s got, or if they go in a compleetly new direction inbetwen. Even right now it starts to feel a bit wacky that the do not seem to care about a lot of death happening. (they guy that got butchert on the bridge in episode on was not mentioned again in episode three... there only was the one suicide)

With Normal Teen Horrormovies it works because it´s over with in 90 Minutes... this show seems to try the twin Peaks one Episode one Day trick... plus it´s like 6 or 7 times the length of a normal Horror flick. There is got to be a Point in wich the show Changes, elth it will be it´s own victem. And with us being at almost twice the length of a normal Horror Movie it better happens fast.

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Episode 3 spoilers

It seems like the obvious choices for killer that they\'re putting out as bait is the Sheriff and Mr. Wellington. However, I think they\'re doing that on purpose. I think it might be Christopher Sullivan as the killer. He views trying to win Chloe\'s affection away from Cal as a game which is why he would leave him up hanging in the trees instead of killing him, but he would kill Uncle Marty since he is coming in as an outside threat. He also killed Hunter in order to protect Henry since he is Henry\'s best man. Not sure how to connect the others, but killers don\'t always have to have a motive or there could be a second killer.
Edited by LNK
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Like the show, but bad news.

"CBS has since confirmed that "Harper's Island" will move to Saturdays at 9 on May 2nd."

Doesn't get much worse than a Saturday night time slot. I just hope they let it finish since it was already a given it could only possibly be one season.

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Like the show, but bad news.

"CBS has since confirmed that "Harper's Island" will move to Saturdays at 9 on May 2nd."

Doesn't get much worse than a Saturday night time slot. I just hope they let it finish since it was already a given it could only possibly be one season.

There has not been anything yet that would get me to watch another season of this... i am not shure if i will be able to make it to the end of this show.

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Heh. Didn't see that coming so soon. Unfortunately, about the only noteworthy thing the entire episode. <_<

Also, I hope they're not going the whole 'John Wakefield is still alive' route, because I'm holding out for the murderer being one of the guests, since they billed the series as a murder mystery, not serial-killer slasher flick.

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  • 2 months later...
Meh, second episode not as good as the first. Other than the whole deer confrontation, nothing much of interest happened.

Kelly was irritating, glad she's gone. I think she got way too much screentime this episode, and none of it really made me care for her in the least bit. Church Guy...ok. Girl-With-Dog...I didn't even realize she was on the show until this episode. Also, I don't think anyone thinks Cal is going to die, so stop pretending like he's going to.

Anyway, next week I hope they kill off someone with more relevance. Though my guess is they're going to off one of the groomsmen.

I agree with the majority of what you said. I was hoping that the blond homo (Cal) with the hot girlfriend (Chloe) would die from blood rushing to his head though. When Chloe dies I hope it's similar to the Friday the 13th kill where two people were having sex in a tent and while the chick was riding the guy she was sliced in half vertically, simply because that kill was awe-some. The one thing I don't like about the show is that NO ONE is likable. I want to see every living thing on the island die in the most excrutiating fashion imaginable except for the little dog at this point.

I think either Jimmy, Henry or Abby's dad is the killer. Hunter will die trying to save someone and the big reveal will be similar to Vince McMahon's "IT WAS ME AUSTIN! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!" I hope Trish dies next because she's the most annoying character other than Cal, and it seems like he's the token red herring every week.

I stopped watching months ago, but I'm glad I was correct about the killer and the survivor.

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  • 1 month later...

Just watched the show from start to finish and I was actually somewhat entertained by the show and liked it... I went into it thinking it was going to be a big piece of crap but it turned out I was pleasantly surprised... Whilst I found it somewhat predictable, It was still a fun show to watch and kept me thinking a little bit here and there...

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