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Hamster's ten musical crushes


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Meh I always start thread like this but earlier I vanished into a youtube enduced Britpop black hole and realised that there's been a few musical types down the years that have pleased me with more than just their musical prowess....

It's important to note that I'm not basing this on "now" but on certain periods of their careers.

Feel free to strongly agree, vehemently disagree or suggest your own.

10. Lily Allen



Hah, screw it. I realised that Lily was kinda cool after watching her short lived failure of a TV show. She was an awful host but seemed genuinely pleasant, cute and, most importantly "real". Further interviews I've seen of her (including a making of documentary for her "The Fear" video just endear me more and more to her. I like that she knows she can't act in videos (she slags herself off about it) and constantly jokes about her image. It's refreshing and attracts me to her....Oh and living thousands of miles away where the only English speakers I know are Yanks, Canucks and Aussies I'm taking more of a love for her accent cos I know people back home who speak just like she sings....Oh and in The Fear she's legit hot.

9. Saffron from Republica (late 90s)


Ready To Go

She was of the era, had "exotic" hair and snarled a bit and in interviews can across pretty cool and had "something" about her. For a teenage lad at the time it just worked.

8. Shirley Manson (Garbage and Version 2.0 albums)


Three old geezers in the US make a group, chuck in a young red haired Scottish lass and bingo, Garbage. Shirley Manson ain't cute, ain't "really" attractive as such but for me she was DEFINITELY sexy. Came, saw, conquered and went on to become a Terminator.

7. Sophie Ellis-Bextor (mid 2000s)


My And My Imagination

Take Me Home

Catch You

Opinion is divided on SEB...Well when I say divided 90% seem to think she's a cat alien girl and 10% of us think she's all loverly. It's definitely a distinct look that she bought to the table, initially with the Spiller track and then later with her own solo career. Personally I think she's got an otherworldly beauty which trumps the generic identikit so often employed in music. She's also blessed with a lovely body, cool voice and employs some playful eye rolls and flutters which win me over like a lusty man. Shame on me.

6. Nina Persson (Gran Turismo album)


My Favourite Game


Hanging Around

I love Swedish women. That area of the world, for me, produces the most attractive men and women in the world. A trip to Denmark left me wondering why Scandinavia got all the good looks. Nina's just cool, good vocalist and an attractive lass.

5. Natalie Imbruglia (Left Of The Middle album)




Imbroogly-woogly wins my cute vote. I liked her as Beth in Neighbours then she went away, had a haircut and came back as the next in a line of Aussie soap-opera pop princesses. I even bought her first album and the Torn single for the pictures alone. Basically she was gorgeous, had the most incredible eyes and short hair always suited her best. And in the Torn video.....Imbroogly, I'd not be mean to you!

4. Gwen Stefani (Tragic Kingdom album)


Excuse Me Mr

Don't Speak

Just A Girl

Before she went off and messed around with her "Harajuku girls" and became a "fashionista" or whatever she became, Gwen Stefani fronted No Doubt to the tasty Tragic Kingdom album which included "Don't Speak", "Just A Girl" and "Excuse Me Mr" with her high octane, athletic punk/ska stylings and THAT is the Gwen I like to remember.

3. Louise Wener (mid 90s)


Nice Guy Eddie

Sale Of The Century

Louise fronted the band "Sleeper" who were around for the "Britpop" era. She started a bit tomboyishly in her role (much like Justine Frischmann from Elastica who dated Brett Anderson and Damon Albarn) but by '96 she'd seemingly accepted that her cuteness wasn't a problem musically. Now she writes novels and has a lot of money....And was definitely the loveliest woman from the Britpop scene.

2. PJ Harvey (Tales From The City... album)


Good Fortune

This Is Love

An interview in 2006

PJ's cool and in the 90s she had a kooky, edgy thing going on, and recently she's just gone a bit weird again BUT bah gawd, Tales From The City, Tales From The Sea is a magnificent album (one my my all time favourites) and it's also where she's hawtest. She's also smart and a music revolutionary and exudes sex appeal that hasn't been seen since Debbie Harry...And she was with Nick Cave for a while I do believe.

1. Debbie Harry (late 70s/ early 80s)



The worst thing about my life is that I was not old enough to have fully appreciated Debbie Harry when she was at the peak of her total domination of worldwide male adulation. My dad loved her and is happy to admit that she's probably the sexiest woman to have ever lived. Yeah so she looked a mess, her hair was screwed, she was hardly marriage material but BAH GAWD she was sexy. The real deal folks.

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I knew Debbie Harry would be number one. As she should be. (Y)

Not hugely into/don't know the rest except Lily Allen who I like because she is funny/cute/a-bit-insane-but-in-a-good-way which are things I like.

I like Charlotte Cooper


There are quite a few others but I can't think of them right now.

Edited by metalman
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I can't be bothered to find pictures now, but I'll post the nine I can think of so people can make fun of me for it: Hayley Williams, Shirley Manson, Liz Phair, Meg White (pre-emptive "fuck you guys"), Stevie Nicks, Cristina Scabbia, Anette Olzon, Joan Jett, KT Tunstall. Some of them I don't even like the music of.

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I see a CARDIGANS reference, Sir Hammy. And I'll break this one out before Be comes in and chides me for an obsession with legs.


I mean come on LOOK AT THOSE LEGS...or the slip that has her showing nearly everything down there while playing a guitar. Wonderful woman, basically.

Edited by ROCison Rayne
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Regarding the first post, Hammy. I can only agree with Lily (although I hate hate hate that Alfie doll!) and Sophie Ellis Bextor.

I can't view any of those SEB video links but I do know she still looks pretty decent (if not better) judging by her most recent effort. If you can stand a bit of dance music that is. Heartbreak Make Me A Dancer

I kinda like that she's done a dance track in a sort of gone-back-to-her-roots move (Groovejet, anyone?).

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That's a good list man, cheers for reminding me of Natalie Imbruglia I remember marking when Dr.Cox suddenly mentioned her in an episode of Scrubs.

If I had to put together a top 6(because I can't think of 10) I'd say:

1.Hayley Williams

2.Gwen Stefani

3. KT Tunstall

4. Joan Jett

5. Storm Large(from the band Storm and Her Balls)

6. Megan Joy(American Idol contestant who I can't get out of my mind!)

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...oh man...this is like opening Pandora's Box...so...to save everyone, I'll stick with the one and only;


Fuck, and of course Linny [in The City] (sig). :wub: Shame her music's fucking shit. Only 16 though, let her off. :shifty:

Still mega 'crushing' on 'Ro, from MiMi Soya;


Seriously...I could go on all fucking day.

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I know who Sleeper were, but I don't see her appeal.


EDIT: Well a load of folk did, I believe she was named very highly in various "sexiest women in music" polls during '95, '96, '97...

Basically in the video for Nice Guy Eddie she is perfect.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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+1 to you for pulling out Louise werner

-1 for only putting Shirly Manson at #8, her voice alone exudes so much sex appeal that it gives me teh shivers.

-100000 for lack of Linda Mertens








Also look up Vanessa van Hemert of 4 Strings, Google doesn't do her justice but if you look up some fo their vids on YouTube

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