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Torchwood: Children of Earth


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I think Torchwood really hit the nail on the spot for this mini-series. This made me very proud of British television again and it was quality watch throughout. The last episode was so emotional, and with Torchwood, you do get the feeling where you don't really know what will be happening. They're very daring to do whatever takes the audience off guard. Five very well put together episodes.

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Fuck that was brilliant. I've never seen a Torchwood episode in my life and tuned in to UK-TV cos I was bored to see the first of the mini series. It was safe to say I was hooked and it took me through the whole emotional journey and I got a connection to every character (especially Frobesher) even without any backstory (except Jack from Dr, Who).

Excellent, excellent mini series

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Guessing we're now clear of spoiler tags. I missed the last few on a long weekend away but caught up on the iPlayer, that was frankly superb. A lot grittier and real than the usual Torchwood, few shades of Spooks and 24 helped that along, but bleak. Really fupping bleak. To the extent that surely they can't just leave it at that, ratings be buggered.

My only gripe was the fact that they'd done really well to make a sci-fi show acceptable to a general post watershed BBC viewer (yes it had aliens but there weren't too many 'if I just combine this uberlaser with a megasatellite it'll save the day moments', more general espionage 'I've got this on tape, it'll go to the press' type action) which made Jacks ending speech sound really jarring. The line was something along the lines of 'theres a something star cruiser orbitting somewhere or other and I'm going to catch a ride' which for me sounded far too much like Poochies 'I must go, my planet needs me' in the Simpsons.

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