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Battlefield 1943


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Having played the tutorial and got in on a quick game, I must say I'm tempted. But the high price is putting me off, especially if there's any doubt about the longevity.

I am pritty shure that this game will bearound for a long time. There will be new DLC Maps for ar least 2 years.... if you pay for them. ;-)

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Well, i´ed be surprised if this stays at 4 Maps. I´ed also be surprised if extra Maps were free. They have to pay the servers and shit, so they have to gennerate income... it´s not that this is the first online game that sells map packs... CoD did it two times, MGO did it thee times... and i bet there are a ton of games i don´t know that did it aswell.

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It´s a game, if you are interested in it you buy it.... and if realy love the game you will pay some to get more Maps once you got tired of the old ones.... i don´t realy see whats the difference betwen an expensive game with a "Bonus" online Mode that gets extended or a cheap PSN/Arcade game that gets extended... i could get an argument about not wanting DL Games becaus you can never resell them... but no DLC becaus it´s a cheaper download game.. o.O

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Wait, What?! Paranoid? I don´t even know who you are... i just asked whats going on because you did not make any sens... reacting with a crybaby breakdown wassent realy the reaction i was expecting junior...

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Wait, What?! Paranoid? I don´t even know who you are... i just asked whats going on because you did not make any sens... reacting with a crybaby breakdown wassent realy the reaction i was expecting junior...

....this coming from you? lol

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Wait, What?! Paranoid? I don´t even know who you are... i just asked whats going on because you did not make any sens... reacting with a crybaby breakdown wassent realy the reaction i was expecting junior...

....this coming from you? lol

In Germany, grammar and spelling learn you.

Give him a wee break.

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Wait, What?! Paranoid? I don´t even know who you are... i just asked whats going on because you did not make any sens... reacting with a crybaby breakdown wassent realy the reaction i was expecting junior...

....this coming from you? lol

In Germany, grammar and spelling learn you.

Give him a wee break.

Fuck that, he's been around here longer than most, he should either quit being lazy or actually learn the language properly.

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Well I played the trial game and liked it so I bought the full thing. It's damn fun. I'm actually not as bad as I thought I'd be but still pretty bad. I've never really played a multiplayer Battlefield game so it's pretty cool with all the vehicles and stuff going around.

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I'm pretty bad, although I just cracked over 100 points on Guadalcanal. :D

Can't fly for crap, can't shoot straight, although I seem to be alright at setting traps with explosives and driving jeeps fast. :P

That's the great thing about Battlefield. There's something for everyone. We're not all Rambo Infantry Fighters, some of us are born to be Scouts.

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I love this game. It's a great break away from CoD, and to top it off I'm not half bad. Sniping on Wake Island from one tip of the 'U' to the other tip across the ocean is intense. Jeeps are badass to offroad, planes are fucking awesome and I get complete enjoyment just flying around bombing enemy flags, regardless of it theres guys there or not. :shifty:

Anyone on PS3 wanna get together in a squad sometime and (hopefully) run the show? My PSN is Kcub420, add me up and message me.

EDIT: Did I mention how entertaining it is to flatten an entire village with a tank at first play? Even now, it feels awesome.

EDIT 2: I now love planting satchels at a flag and waiting for a victim to unleash them on. Like just now, for instance. My team had control of all the flags on Wake Island, and I was alone by the Beach flag. Half bored and half tired, I decided to throw one satchel inside the doorway of the small cement building, one on the flag base, and one between the building and the paths to leave/enter. Spotted a small sandbag hut just up a hill, and a great watch of the flag and my trap. After a few minutes of waiting, I was getting ready to give up when a teammate is walking down the path, and starts getting gunned at by an enemy tank. I cower back into the bushes behind the sandbag hut, watching this tank kill my teammate and waiting for the right moment. Once my buddy is dead, the tank starts to drive to the Beach flag to take it over. Slowly but surely he rolls up to my satchels planted all around that area, and as soon as he rolls on top of one - KABOOM~! A wicked explosion followed by the victory music, as that ended the game. Was an awesome sight.

Edited by Closed and Moved to Archives
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