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Nufan,Nevermore,or anyone else. Battle!?

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yeh I will be up for it, haven't had a battle in some time.

would love some good creative rules though, not just create a poster.

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TNA open a film company much like WWE,

first movie has yet to be filmed,

you two have to produce a billboard poster for the film.

Plot describing movie should also be inserted.


Pick a name for the movie, (must be cheesy, TNA/Russo cheesy)

The movie must be either a Comedy or Action,

The poster must involve only two TNA wrestlers,

It can only be 1 M-Eventer and 1 midcarder(or lower),

One must not be a WWE dropout (not Angle, Taz, etc.)

A small plot should be given for the movie.

Rules kinda suck but I just thought them up as I was writing.

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cheers rusty,

we will see if anyone else has any rules... if not ill go with them

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yeh, we will go with them as I doubt anyone else will post rules.

Nevermore, feel free to join in.

Just a query though, do we have a set billboard size or just make it wider than taller?

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yeh friday sounds good to me.

anyone else wants to join in, the more the merrier i say.

good luck doc and anyone else :-P

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Decided to go with this version.Not really pleased with the Abyss pic but I needed a good one of him unmasked and that's the best I could find lol.

good luck Nufan or anyone else that joins:)

oh almost forgot here are my sources:

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looks good man, the billboard that has text is a silly idea ( I know its in the rules) but honestly who would sit there and read the blurb of a movie on a billboard.

One of the rules that annoyed me once I started lol.

also who is your midcarder and main eventer... i dont really watch TNA?

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the last time i watched TNA AJ was main eventing and I've never noticed Abyss main eventing (even though I wish he would)

Im guessing Abyss is basically the Kane of the WWE?

midcard to upper but never main event.

I like the premise of the story though, nice lil write up u did

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faceoff2.jpgFace/Off/2Starring: Dominique Swain, AJ Styles & Alex ShellyLife is going great for the Archer family, with Sean and Eve Archer happily retired, Jamie Archer-Borden (Swain) married to the love of her life and FBI agent Mark Borden (Styles) and young Adam (Shelley) racing up the ranks of the FBI just like his adopted father, Sean.Things take a turn for the worse however when Adam finds out who his real father was, he becomes obsessed and finds not only the plans for a bomb to destroy the whole city, but the technology to change his appearance. Hellbent and angry at his adoptive family, Adam quickly loses his job. Adam decides it is time to carry on his real fathers work and kidnaps Mark to change to his identity to infiltrate the FBI, after putting Mark (now in Adams body) in a comaWill Jamie notice that her husband is really her adopted brother? Will the real Mark awaken from his coma? Or will the prophecy of Castor Troy finally be fulfilled.
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best of three works for me mate

votes please people

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Honestly, I like Nufan's better. I really like the concept and the style of the poster. The only real gripe I have on it is that the images of the wrestlers looks a tad bit low quality, as does Doc's. So overall, keep up the work guys and my vote goes to Nufan.

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To be honest, I'm not real fond of either of them. I'm not a big fan of the placement of Abyss/Styles in Doc's and the blending isn't all that great as it just looks like a splotch of area with a body in it (if I'm correct?) and then the idea for Nufan's is good but there being a huge gap between the faces doesn't look good and like Nevermore_Nightmare pointed out, the image quality isn't very good. Also, the text placement doesn't really make sense as the names should at least match up with the faces but you have Shelley's name on the side with AJ's face and vice versa, especially considering that I would assume that Styles would get top billing because of him being the main eventer so his name should probably go first. And the blur doesn't really look that great either, to be honest.

All that said, I'll have to vote for Nufan, if nothing based off the idea he had with it as opposed to the actual execution.

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To be honest, I'm not real fond of either of them. I'm not a big fan of the placement of Abyss/Styles in Doc's and the blending isn't all that great as it just looks like a splotch of area with a body in it (if I'm correct?) and then the idea for Nufan's is good but there being a huge gap between the faces doesn't look good and like Nevermore_Nightmare pointed out, the image quality isn't very good. Also, the text placement doesn't really make sense as the names should at least match up with the faces but you have Shelley's name on the side with AJ's face and vice versa, especially considering that I would assume that Styles would get top billing because of him being the main eventer so his name should probably go first. And the blur doesn't really look that great either, to be honest.

All that said, I'll have to vote for Nufan, if nothing based off the idea he had with it as opposed to the actual execution.

Thans for voting Livid, just to clarify on a few of your points, the faces are missing because I tried to doing it similar to the original face off poster, perhaps the gap is too big. and the picture quality is pretty poor, but I just couldn't find any decent TNA pics out there. And finally the name thing I did because I thought it was an inside joke on posters to never have the names match up. Check out movie posters and you will see what I mean.

Con Air

Oceans 13

and plenty more, so that was just a tongue in cheek kinda thing.

Once again thanks for the vote, and hope I cleared a few things up for you :-D

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