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The Prisoner

Herr Matzat

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i just found out that there is a remake of the classic british mystery show "The Prisoner" wich i loved like crazy (even have the DVD set)... did anyone see this yet? Is it any good or just another classic being raped becaus of laking creativety and guts at TV Studios?





Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I don´t know about the remake yet, but in the original the Number two changed (almost) each episode. So McKellen might only be around for one Episode and be gone in the next one without explenation. (thats at least how they handelt it 40 years ago)

Oh yes, if no one is getting chased by a gigant ubber ball this show looses points.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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If I remember correctly, it either hasn't actually aired yet or is airing right now. Ian McKellen being part of this and the fact that its on AMC, which has a really good track record at the moment, give me enough hope to give this a try though.

Edited by Hellfire
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The original series was brilliant. Half of it made no sense and the other half was just loosely tied together. Patrick McGoohan pretty much made it what it is though as did the quirky setting of the time so bit worried about the remake but meh, it's got a chance of being decent enough I'd imagine.

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If I remember correctly, it either hasn't actually aired yet or is airing right now. Ian McKellen being part of this and the fact that its on AMC, which has a really good track record at the moment, give me enough hope to give this a try though.

Four of Six Episodes Aired.

I saw the first two, i´s ok... it´s hard to get on the level of the original if you put it in the context of it´s time... but even with that in mind the remake still dos feel wrong on certain levels. I don´t know, maybe it´s just less cool and more caotic. There also seems to be less substance to what the "bad guys" want. - But still good enough to watch, but dos not look like one to get the DVDs of... the lead looks so much like Christian Bale that i am thinking that they captured Batman all the time. :shifty:

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I´ed love to answer you, but i barly payed atention wen i had episodes 3 + 4 on and have not seen 5 and 6 yet... hopfully i have some more time on the weekend... what i saw of epps 3 + 4 was betwen borderline stupid (that kid driving straight into the hole?!) and something that might be interesting.

I love that the Roover (rubber ball) is in every episode.

Oh yeah, and the original series just got an BluRay release.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I've seen a few episodes off and on, didn't actually realize that it was new (thought it was a remake from a couple years ago for some reason). Don't really like it to be frank.

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