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EWB's 40 Favourite TV Shows Of All Time


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Alright, let's get this show on the road. In case of a tie in points, the show that appeared on the most ballots will gain the higer placing. If two shows recieved the same amount of points and appeared on the same number of ballots - they will share a place.

Now let's start out with a good ol' clusterfuck. Tied 40th Place



The Drew Carey Show

(14 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)



The Boondocks

(14 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)




(14 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)




(14 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)

Next Time: More clusterfuck fun as seven shows tie on the same amount of points.

Edited by Julian Split
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(15 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)




(15 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)



Battlestar Galactica

(15 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)



The Daily Show

(15 Points, Appeared on 3 Ballots)



Star Trek: Next Generation

(15 Points, Appeared on 3 Ballots)



The Big Bang Theory

(15 Points, Appeared on 3 Ballots)

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Never watched any of the first lot - well, maybe a couple of episodes of Drew Carey, but nothing about it was memorable.

Second group, much better. Spaced is/was wonderful - like Hammy said, it's really not aged well, but it still has its moments of genius in there. It was very much of its time, though, and I'll always enjoy it.

Blackadder is something I went off for years, but it's a bit of a guilty pleasure now. Watched loads of it as a kid, and then didn't see it again for years and kind of got sick of how forced a lot of the dialogue is, but fuck it, it's still wonderful. I think the first series is very under-rated too, Brian Blessed is Godly in it. Though series two and four are probably the strongest overall, and I'll never stop laughing at "DON'T BE SO REVOLTING, DARLING!"

Never watched Battlestar Galactica. Not the new one, anyway. Only seen a couple of episodes of The Daily Show, it's nice enough but a little too brash. TNG is easily the best Star Trek overall, so no complaints there - though admittedly I'm not really a Star Trek fan. Never seen Big Bang Theory.

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(15 Points, Appeared on 5 Ballots)



Twin Peaks

(17 Points, Appeared on 2 Ballots)



Monty Python's Flying Circus

(17 Points, Appeared on 3 Ballots)



Allo Allo

(19 Points, Appeared on 3 Ballots)



The Thick Of It

(19 Points, Appeared on 3 Ballots)

Next Time: The first of Joss Whedon's shows lands a spot. Oh, and our first 5 without a draw ;)

Edited by Julian Split
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I'd disagree on that one. Supernatural is definitely quality, and I'm looking forward to getting round to watching more, but I thiknk Heroes has picked up/ By no means is it the first series, but it's shown some promise. It's a show back on the rise. But heroes has no Jensen Ackles. :wub:

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I'd disagree on that one. Supernatural is definitely quality, and I'm looking forward to getting round to watching more, but I thiknk Heroes has picked up/ By no means is it the first series, but it's shown some promise. It's a show back on the rise. But heroes has no Jensen Ackles. :wub:

To be fair to Heroes, I dislike it for the same reason I dislike TNA. It had so much potential but just continued to go about it's story the wrong way time and time again. Last series it was starting to get pretty good again (the last one was the one with Papa Peterelli, yeah?), it had an awesome villain and everyone had a half decent role to play, but this series has only been saved by Samuel. Then again, it's kind've unfair to attack a show like Heroes considering how bad a time it's had with it's writers and the guy that created the show backing out etc.

Still, it's a shame Supernatural isn't higher, Series 4 has been nothing short of brilliance.

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(19 Points, Appeared on 5 Ballots)



Peep Show

(20 Points, Appeared on 4 Ballots)




(24 Points, Appeared on 5 Ballots)



Prison Break

(26 Points, Appeared on 4 Ballots)




(27 Points, Appeared on 4 Ballots)

Next: Some of 2009's hottest TV shows land on the list.

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Firefly is one of those shows I've always had the intention to watch but have never actually gotten a chance to sit down and do it. Who wouldn't love more Joss, and of course Fillion is always awesome. Wish Prison Break was higher and I'm honestly surprised Seinfeld wasn't.

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(27 Points, Appeared on 5 Ballots)




(28 Points, Appeared on 4 Ballots)



True Blood

(28 Points, Appeared on 5 Ballots)



It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

(31 Points, Appeared on 7 Ballots)



How I Met Your Mother

(33 Points, Appeared on 8 Ballots)

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