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Lost Season 6 (spoilers)


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Really? Cause I'm SURE they made a big deal about John Locke's body being dead on the beach? Funny, I must be watching a different show to you.

Nevermind me and my idiocy.

Yeah sorry about that, as soon as I posted my original post I realised my horrible stupidity. :blush:

And for the record, I edited the post before I saw your reply.

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:P. No harm done.

I think that's what has been pissing me off with theories lately though. People saying Sayid is MIB, when, he can't possibly be unless for some reason they are changing how MIB has operated. People claim Yemi was Smokie, but I recall a podcast saying that Christian, Yemi and Kate's Horse are 'undead' and therefore not smokie. So, as far as we are aware, MIB can only inhabit dead bodies and I would also guess that the body cannot be buried and cannot be ritually burned and sent to sea for MIB to replicate.

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For me then, that makes the fact Sayid seemingly came back from the dead a HUGE deal, becauase I would feel cheated as a viewer if it was as simple as "Sayid was dead, now he's alive" because the producers have gone out of their way to stress dead IS dead, and once you are dead on the island that is it. And, as you rightly point it isn't consistent for it to be MIB, so I guess it has to be Jacob...

As for Yemi/Kate's horse, I definitely heard Darlton say that the horse was just a vision, but I was under the impression that Yemi was Smokey, because of the way Yemi pretty much led Eko to be be killed by Smokey, and I think i remember Darlton talking about this. (They also said the Medusa spiders were Smokey, as were SOME of the visions of Walt, which I found weird).

I like your theory that Smokey/MIB can't take the form of burned/buried bodies, and it all makes sense within the show; Smokey has never appeared as anyone buried as far as we know (Shannon, Boone, Anna Lucia, etc) but has appeared as the unburied (Alex). Although Yemi was burned, I think they can get round this by saying Smokey can appear as him after "scanning" Eko and "downloading information" (as Damon put it), or mabye your theory just counts for buried bodies.

The most confusing thing for me though is we know that MIB has taken the form of Locke, yet their is a body on the beach, and we assume that MIB took over Christian, yet there is not a body in the coffin...

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Yeah I thought that aswell until last season's finale, when Ilana said about the cabin that "Jacob hasn't been here in a long time" and that "Someone else has been using it". This to me would imply that "someone else" is MIB, and since we saw Christian in the cabin a few times, that Christian is on the same side as MIB, not Jacob.

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I'm pretty sure MIB took over Christian's body the whole time, hence why 1. He told Locke to move the island 2. He told Locke what to do when Locke stopped the time flashes 3. He was in the cabin which was inhabited by MIB for a long time according to Ilana. There is a theory going around too, that MIB actually controlled the time flashes to make Richard believe in Locke and Locke believe he was special, which would also explain MIB saying Jacob had no idea what he had gone through.

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Why would Christian help people like Claire or help Ben leave the Island? I'd argue that MiB would want Ben to stay on the Island, not leave. Especially since it was so risky that he wouldn't be able to return.

I don't know if I'd read too much into the 'Jacob hasn't been there in a long time'. If she had said something like years, maybe, but 'a long time' isn't really that specific. And how long has it been since we last saw someone visit the Cabin? (This is me actually asking, because I'm not sure. tongue.gif) I don't know, Christians appearances and actions don't seem motivated by MiB, I think it's more likely he was used as an agent of Jacob. It's entirely possible that both Jacob and Anti-Jacob have the same abilities, it would also help explain a lot of 'attacks' etc. by the Black Smoke that wouldn't make sense if it was just Anti-Jacob that could become it. (Like why he didn't kill Echo the first time they came face to face, but did the second.)

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I don't think Christian/MIB wanted Ben to leave the island, because when Locke was down in the well he said something like "I told you to move it John" and he seemed disappointed that he let Ben do it instead. As for Claire, I have no idea whats going on with her, but I'm sure we'll find out this season.

I think the last time we saw the cabin was when Locke was told to move the island, so that makes it around 3 years between then and when Ilana's crew goes there. I thought the same thing about the "long time" comment at first, but then I thought about how far back the show's timeline goes (Black Rock, possibly Egyptians?) and 3 years doesn't seem that long in comparison.

As for Eko, I always thought that the first time Eko and Smokey met, he was judging him, then the next time, he gave him the chance to repent (through Yemi) then, when he refused, he killed him.

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Why would Christian help people like Claire or help Ben leave the Island? I'd argue that MiB would want Ben to stay on the Island, not leave. Especially since it was so risky that he wouldn't be able to return.

I don't know if I'd read too much into the 'Jacob hasn't been there in a long time'. If she had said something like years, maybe, but 'a long time' isn't really that specific. And how long has it been since we last saw someone visit the Cabin? (This is me actually asking, because I'm not sure. tongue.gif) I don't know, Christians appearances and actions don't seem motivated by MiB, I think it's more likely he was used as an agent of Jacob. It's entirely possible that both Jacob and Anti-Jacob have the same abilities, it would also help explain a lot of 'attacks' etc. by the Black Smoke that wouldn't make sense if it was just Anti-Jacob that could become it. (Like why he didn't kill Echo the first time they came face to face, but did the second.)

Christian didn't want Ben to leave the island, remember he told Locke in This Place is Death that Locke was supposed to move it, not Ben. Not sure what you mean about Claire leaving, as far as we know she's either 1. dead or 2. roaming around the island still

The last person to visit the cabin was Locke/Hurley/Ben in Cabin Fever when Christian told Locke to move the island. I don't see why Jacob would want Locke to leave the island, though...MIB knew Locke had to and then had to die in order for him to go through with his plan of taking Locke's body to convince Ben to kill Jacob.

I also believe that MIB can't kill someone until he has judged them, like he did with Eko the 1st time. He gives people a chance to repent if you will and then even lets them live, like how he let Ben live and he offered to do with Eko and Bram's group. Very similar to Jacob in that regard, allowing people the choice.

Edit-Serj basically said everything I said <_<

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He didn't exactly give the soldiers a chance. tongue.gif Smokey has killed plenty of people without giving them a chance, or has at least tried to. I didn't say he helped Claire off the Island btw, just that he helped her.

It just doesn't make any sense to me that MiB is the only one who can become Smokey. And it's not like the Bounty Hunter woman knows about how far the Island goes back, I doubt she'd be talking about the Egyptians/Black Rock. Possible, seems unlikely though.

It's all possible, I mean, it's Lost after all, but I think everything is still quite open to interpretation right now. :)

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Mabye MIB/Jacob/Christian/Whoeverthehellitis helped Claire because she's Christian's daughter and Christian still retains some of his 'memories'? It's a long shot, I know, but thats about all I can think of right now. To be honest, I think Claire disappearing has more to do with the fact her character had gone stale and uninteresting and the writers wanted to give the character a break, but also have the opportunity to bring her back later on.

And your right in saying that anything is up for interpretation, we can speculate all we want, but I guess no-one really knows what is true until the show tells us.

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In some ways it annoys me that they've done this to her, because while I agree, she wasn't doing much (and she got annoying when she was all pissed at Charlie all the time), I liked her most of the time. I hope we get a 'The Other 48 Days' type episode for her (or at least like, half an episode) and what happened.

I enjoyed the 'Flash-Sideways', but is anyone else a tad bit irritated that writers were all like 'Yup, no Flashbacks or Flashforwards this series!'

Cheeky buggers. shifty.gif

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I'm more of the opinion that Christian is a third party that isn't aligned to either Jacob or MIB and, like Abaddon, helps people get to where they need to be. I'm not sure if it will be like Eloise Hawking supposedly monitors things, but I don't believe he has allegiance to anyone else on the island.

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I'm more of the opinion that Christian is a third party that isn't aligned to either Jacob or MIB and, like Abaddon, helps people get to where they need to be. I'm not sure if it will be like Eloise Hawking supposedly monitors things, but I don't believe he has allegiance to anyone else on the island.

But Dead is Dead...and we clearly saw Christian's dead body in the morgue when Jack went to go get him.

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But Dead is Dead...and we clearly saw Christian's dead body in the morgue when Jack went to go get him.

MEDUSA SPIDERS!!! :shifty:

But seriously, I think that Christian could be the thing that ties the two time-lines together somehow, because that fact his body is missing is one of the only relevant things that is consistent in both timelines (that I can think of).

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I loved how clair looked confused at herself being there... it´s like someone toled her that there was a clifhanger.

Yeah, that's what she was confused about, probably had nothing to do with Jin, who she hadn't seen in 3 years, appearing all of a sudden in the middle of the jungle. hmm.gif

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Awesome last episode. Through so much confusion and questions, I'd completely forgot Claire was even Jack's sister (half sister), all came rushing back in this episode.

The confusion and questions go on and on, but I'm just loving this season so far. I've honestly given up trying to work out every angle and twist or even talking about them and instead I'm just enjoying it all as it plays out.

Side note, Sawyer and Kate were AWESOME in that last episode.

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