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Lost Season 6 (spoilers)


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So that episode annoyed me. I was really looking forward to it ever since I read that Jacob and MIB were the central characters in this episode at the start of the series and it just didn't deliver at all. The whole light in the cave thing didn't do it for me and I'd rather they didn't try to explain smokey's origin. But I guess they kinda had to... at least it's out the way now.

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So that episode annoyed me. I was really looking forward to it ever since I read that Jacob and MIB were the central characters in this episode at the start of the series and it just didn't deliver at all. The whole light in the cave thing didn't do it for me and I'd rather they didn't try to explain smokey's origin. But I guess they kinda had to... at least it's out the way now.

Yeah, I feel a lot of what makes Lost great is the mystery. I think that's a big part of why people started to lose interest midway through, because they tried to explain parts and they weren't satisfying answers. I would've been content with just like, a conversation where Locke explains that he's been on the Island since the beginning. The Idea that he's some Ancient Evil that has always been around is much more appealing to me than what they gave us.

Though, more of Mark Pellegrino is in no way a bad thing. wub.gif

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That Jacob was absolutely nothing like the Jacob we've seen. Obviously he'd change over time, but there was no similarity at all between the Jacob we've (albeit briefly) seen and the Jacob in that episode, I was just waiting for the moment it clicked and it just didn't seem to come. I'm assuming that we're going to get more of them in the finals, but I was really let down by that episode, it just never felt like it was really delivering in terms of drama for something that we've been waiting so long to see. Had no issue with the story, it was as loose as it could be with it being a plot dump, but the delivery just made me want to roll my eyes.

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Really? I'm not entirely sure on the timeline of that episode and where it fits with current day Jacob, but I'm guessing it was like 2,000 years or something. Still, that is a bloody long time for someone to change dramatically. Sitting on the island just staring out at the ocean, you're going to settle into the Jacob we see at the end of Season 5. Even if you're as tentative and throwing bitch fits like Jacob did (although it kinda didn't help that when he became the new protector it meant that his mother was gonna die, so mehhh, you wouldn't exactly be chuffed.)

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Really? I'm not entirely sure on the timeline of that episode and where it fits with current day Jacob, but I'm guessing it was like 2,000 years or something. Still, that is a bloody long time for someone to change dramatically. Sitting on the island just staring out at the ocean, you're going to settle into the Jacob we see at the end of Season 5. Even if you're as tentative and throwing bitch fits like Jacob did (although it kinda didn't help that when he became the new protector it meant that his mother was gonna die, so mehhh, you wouldn't exactly be chuffed.)

The problem is that the audience has to be able to relate to what happens. There was something missing to that part of the story and the explenations in genneral are not that sadisfieing (again, the show just issent as smart as people wanted it to be).

In terms of the audience relating to what happens i feel that these flashback episodes (the one with Richard) were not a good thing at all. You spend a long time with the characters finding out what the hell is going on and in the end only you get the solution while they are still in the dark. This could have been easily fixed by just having the fotage tied in with other events than as stand alone episodes.

An, oh, the final is this sunday already?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Does anyone in America know of a place I can watch it live? I'll be watching it on SKY anyway (and if I'm honest, I won't just watch it then, I'll watch it before regardless - it's the freaking LOST finale) but I can't stand the idea that someone might spoil it for me >_>

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Does anyone in America know of a place I can watch it live? I'll be watching it on SKY anyway (and if I'm honest, I won't just watch it then, I'll watch it before regardless - it's the freaking LOST finale) but I can't stand the idea that someone might spoil it for me >_>

Stay up until about 4-5am and you'll be able download it once it's finished airing. It's what I'll be doing. >_>

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Yeah I am doing anyway, but I'm impatient and paranoid enough to want to not have to wait - plus it'll be over two hours, meaning any online stream (IE: The fastest way of watching) will probably have a limit on the amount of time you can watch within an hour or two :( It's shit of SKY to wait basically a full week to air it between now and the US >_>

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2.5 hours. 2.5 hours to answer:

What is the island?

What is the smoke monster?

What is Jacob/Jacob's Mom?

Why could Jacob leave the island, but MIB can't?

What happened between Widmore & Ben?

Where's Vincent the dog?

What the hell is up with the foot statue?

What exactly was the point of The Others?

What exactly was the Dharma Initiative trying to do?

What is the point of the parallel universe?

What is Desmond doing?

Why does Smokey want to get off the island?

What happens if he does?

Who finished MIB's wheel and how does it work?

What about Eloise, what's her deal?

Where are Rose & Bernard?

What are the "rules" and why do they exist?

What made island women infertile? Why?

Who's the mother of Jack's son?

Where is Christian's body in both universes?

Why was Walt so important, but suddenly wasn't?

You could sit down JJ Abrams, Carlton Cuse, Damon Lindelof and Jeffrey Lieber in front of a camera for 2.5 hours and they wouldn't have enough time to explain a quarter of the lingering questions surrounding this show.

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I'm sure most of those will be left up to the viewer to decide (which I'd actually prefer in some cases). These are my guesses though.

1. A kind of Natural Pandoras Box. The hidden piece of light in the center is the "hope" from the story, whilst MiB is the evil that cannot be released.

2. The Physical-ish Incarnation of Evil.

3. The first Jacob, who was given the task of protecting The Island.

4. Jacob isn't bound to the Island like MiB is. (That's to say, MiB isn't Jacobs brother. He just uses his form.)

5. Ben had Widmore expelled from The Island. I have no idea how or why though.

6. Living with Rose and Bernard, who are "retired" from all the fighting and living happily on The Island.

7. I'd assume it was built by the original inhabitants of The Island. They probably worshipped Smokey as a god or something to that effect. The Egyptian/Aztec ruins make me wonder if something like this has happened before. (As in, the story of the survivors and Jacob)

8. I think they're people brought to The Island by Richard for Jacob. OR people that washed up on The Island that were protected by Jacob and Richard from MiB.

9. The Dharma Initative were trying to harness the electromagnetic energy of The Island. They were your basic scientists who were looking to explore what The Island is.

10. It was created by Juliet when she detonated the Hydrogen Bomb, creating an alternative time line. But the two time lines are SUPPOSED to be one (I think), they can't exist apart. Hence why certain aspects are bleeding into the alternate time line, such as Jacks cuts and Desmond remembering etc.

11. Desmond is trying to bring all of the Survivors together for something. I have no idea WHAT, but I think this one will definitely be explained.

12. I think it's because, as I said, he's pure evil. Obviously he wants to hurt and destroy others etc, but he's joined to The Island. Whilst it still exists, he can't leave. I know it's a cop out kind of, but I actually like the idea that he's just LITERALLY pure evil.

13. All that carnage he created as The Smoke Monster? Yeah, he basically does that on a global scale.

14. I'd assume MiB finished it because he wanted to try and use it to get off The Island, but realised that he can't use it himself.

15. I think Eloise has had contact with Jacob at some point and is one off his 'agents' in the same vein as Richard is. Either that or she's just learnt plenty from her time on The Island and is kind of an authority on it.

16. We know this answer to this. They're living on The Island, ignoring all the fighting and so on. They're "Retired" as they said.

17. The rules probably aren't so much rules as they are an extension of The Island. It's part of what keeps Smokey locked up.

18. I wonder if it was something to do with Jacob making sure that nothing could ever happen like what happened with him and Smokey again?

19. I get the feeling we'll get a massive swerve and it'll be Juliet.

20. I... have no idea.

21. I like to think that he was important, but like Michael, he fulfilled his part on The Island. I think Walt was like Miles, he's got something Supernatural about him, but it's not really directly to do with The Island.

You also forgot the single most important of those questions.


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As for tonight, really not so keen on the Ben heel turn. I'm hoping it turns out to be him trying to get MiB killed, because I don't like him becoming bad again after finally 'redeeming' himself.

Also, I know they can't really go all out with the death scenes like they used to, but they're really going too far with this killing off characters so casually. I hope Richard isn't dead.

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Yeah that would have been a shit way to kill off Richard. I loved how MIB killed Zoe though. Badass stuff. Ben's heel turn makes sense as well because he has no loyalty to Widmore - his men killed Alex. He'll more than likely turn good in the next episode now that MIB wants to blow up the island anyway. It's the only thing he's got.

And I dunno, the whole Jack saying "I'll do it!" thing was way too rushed for my liking. I know he was always gonna be the only one who wanted it, but it was like a ten minute segment of the episode and that was one of the main features of this season. Also, why the fuck was Jacob visible to everyone? They're just cheating now.

Everything is going way too fast for my liking. They've done the slow build this season and now nothing that happens is that satifying. I hope they don't try to wedge as many answers as possible into the finale cus it'll leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

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Yeah that would have been a shit way to kill off Richard. I loved how MIB killed Zoe though. Badass stuff. Ben's heel turn makes sense as well because he has no loyalty to Widmore - his men killed Alex. He'll more than likely turn good in the next episode now that MIB wants to blow up the island anyway. It's the only thing he's got.

And I dunno, the whole Jack saying "I'll do it!" thing was way too rushed for my liking. I know he was always gonna be the only one who wanted it, but it was like a ten minute segment of the episode and that was one of the main features of this season. Also, why the fuck was Jacob visible to everyone? They're just cheating now.

Everything is going way too fast for my liking. They've done the slow build this season and now nothing that happens is that satifying. I hope they don't try to wedge as many answers as possible into the finale cus it'll leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I thought it was because he got his ashes?

Personally, I couldn't care. The entire season has been sensational. I don't even care if they don't answer every single question. We already know everything isn't going to be answered. Last nights episode was fantastic yet again and the flash sideways have really picked up, brilliant stuff.

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Yeah that would have been a shit way to kill off Richard. I loved how MIB killed Zoe though. Badass stuff. Ben's heel turn makes sense as well because he has no loyalty to Widmore - his men killed Alex. He'll more than likely turn good in the next episode now that MIB wants to blow up the island anyway. It's the only thing he's got.

And I dunno, the whole Jack saying "I'll do it!" thing was way too rushed for my liking. I know he was always gonna be the only one who wanted it, but it was like a ten minute segment of the episode and that was one of the main features of this season. Also, why the fuck was Jacob visible to everyone? They're just cheating now.

Everything is going way too fast for my liking. They've done the slow build this season and now nothing that happens is that satifying. I hope they don't try to wedge as many answers as possible into the finale cus it'll leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I thought it was because he got his ashes?

So even his ashes are magical? :shifty:

Fair enough. There's a lot about Jacob that's better off unexplained, I guess this is just one of those things.

Edited by Pesci
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