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Which video games should I buy?


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So I've only had my xbox a couple months, and I've managed to pick a pretty good horde of games, now it's payday, and I want to buy a couple more. Probably go with something new and something old, keeping the budget down to about £50. But what shall I buy? The games I have already are as follows;

Saint's Row 2


Mirror's Edge

Orange Box


Fallout 3 (+ all DLC's)


Batman: Arkham Asylum

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2

Dead Rising

Far Cry 2

Assassin's Creed

UFC 2009

SmackDown 2010

Sequels are a major possibility, with Bioshock 2, Assassin's Creed 2 and the GTA DLC's being very tempting, but so is the likes of Mass Effect 1&2, Bayonetta, Oblivion and Fable II, so all in all I'm pretty torn as to what to pick up. Help me EWB, help me choose video games.

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I would say that if you can afford it, absolutely pick up Mass Effect 2. It's an absolute stud of a game and I had a blast playing it. If you're worried about being sort of lost without playing the first, I didn't play the first and had no problem keeping up with the story. I would just read a quick plot synopsis for the first one before playing.

I bought Fable II last year on the cheap and had a very good time playing it. I finished it in a week and traded it in but I didn't do absolutely everything in the game nor any of the DLC.

As far as the GTA DLC, the only one I've finished is Lost & Damned. I quite enjoyed it but I'm also a monster GTA fan so it all depends on if you've had your fill of the game. I have Gay Tony but haven't gotten around to finishing it simply because I became burned out with the series.

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Mass Effect 2 is amazing. I would recommend getting the first one and playing through it to get the 'proper' experience, though. I'm sure you could easily find Mass Effect for cheap, too.

ACII was absolutely awesome. Really, though, I beat it in a single rental. Admittedly, though, I didn't 100% it. Really, though, it was awesome, and there's DLC for it now. Bioshock 2 seems like it could be beaten in a rental too. Butttttt there's multiplayer, so that could be awesome if it catches on. Has it? I dunno. If you loved Bioshock, I'd heavily consider that.

Baasssically... you can't really go wrong. Oblivion can be awesome. I kinda prefer it on PC, though.

I loved Bayonetta, but also a game I'd say you can just rent and beat.

Fable II was... well, if you're looking for a 'real' RPG then skip out on it, 'cause it's definitely not. The interactions with people are shallow, but it can be rather amusing for a while to fart in front of a crowd of people, then kick chickens. It does look really pretty, I'll give it that. The DLC sucked. It will get rather old, though. It's fun for a while, but put it up against the likes of Mass Effect 2, AC II, or probably even Bioshock 2 and it's... eh. It serves as a fun distraction for a while. In fact, I'd almost say it's equivalent to Saint's Row 2 in the amount of silly shit you can do (though not as fun), while AC II, Mass Effect 2, etc. are like GTA IV with their serious tones. So, long-windedness aside it's a good distraction for a bit but it'll get old pretty soon, kinda like the original Fable.

I just finished Gay Tony yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it re-sparked my liking for GTA IV. People criticized GTA IV for not being over the top, but a lot of missions in Gay Tony were definitely over the top. I'd reccomend getting it for sure.

I wish I could think of something original, but out of those choices I'd definitely say Mass Effect 2 for the new game simply 'cause to me it has more longevity than ACII and Bioshock 2's single player. It lends itself to multiple playthroughs, ACII obviously doesn't. I assume Bioshock 2 does, what with its morality system and all, but Mass Effect 2 still has a bit more longevity than that. Bioshock 2, however, doessss have multiplayer. Still, I'd go with Mass Effect 2. Admittedly I haven't played Bioshock 2, but from reading reviews it seems it is awesome but suffers from its familiar setting in the sense that you lose the allure that the first Bioshock had. Meanwhile, though Mass Effect 2 does admittedly seem to have a more focused approach about exploring planets (read: less planets to explore on the first playthrough, or so it seems) the planets are A LOT more diverse. Not to mention, the gameplay has basically been improved in every single way.

So, now that I'm done sucking its cock I'd say Mass Effect 2 out of the games you've listed for a new game. I can't think of anything myself of the top of my head, since you have most of the games I have. ACII can be beaten in a rental if you're not worried about 100%ing everything, but it would be good to own if you're not gonna get Mass Effect 2. At the very least, you owe it to yourself to play it. Bayonetta had epic boss battles and looked slick as fuck, and can definitely be beaten in a rental. I'd say that's out for a buying option, simply 'cause it doesn't have the longevity the others have.

As for old games, I'd say go with Mass Effect to compliment Mass Effect 2. If you're not going to get Mass Effect 2, though, it's really wide open. It depends on the 'type' of game you'd want, I suppose.

Orrrr... if you haven't pre-ordered it/you can wait for a bit, you could just get FFXIII. Though I've no clue why (:shifty:), I know you like it. I suppose you're getting another pay before that comes out, though, so I still say Mass Effect 2.

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I'm thinking based on Will's cock-sucking, I'll pick up the first Mass Effect, purely because I'm massively anal when it comes to playing stuff in order. Mass Effect 2 does look glorious and I've heard nothing but good stuff about it, but I'd really want to play the first one before I jump into number 2. Fable II is good fun, I've played it before, and though I wouldn't really go out of my way to play it again, I know I can pick it up for like, £6, which put it in the same league as the likes of Mirror's Edge and Far Cry, in that as flawed as it is, it's definitely worth getting it that cheap, and seeing as I still have Fallout to go through, Oblivion can wait a little longer. I figure I'll pick up Bioshock 2, purely because I adored the first one too much to pass up on it. Bayonetta and Assassin's Creed can wait until they drop in price a little, because I still really want to get them.

So yeah, I think I'm going to look into picking up Bioshock and Mass Effect.

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If you enjoyed Fallout, you will enjoy Oblivion.....def a good pick up.

Mass Effect 1 was great, I am sure 2 is better (have yet to pick it up).

And Dragon Age....pick that up.

Despite being a huge fan of Oblivion, I have to say that I just couldn't get into Fallout.

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Took me ages to get into Fallout because I couldn't enjoy being in the world that was depicted for any length of time. However after grinding through it for a while I started to get wrapped up in the plot and spent hours on it at a time.

That's probably what got me, I didn't stick with it for long after it initially failed to draw me in. The graphics weren't as pretty as I was led to believe either. shifty.gif

Also Ruki, I'm not a bad person, just a slim one. We're not all horrible, you know. sad.gif

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I would love you more if you had a 360.

I'd only be getting one for Mass Effect, Dead Rising & L4D if I did. >_> I don't think those are enough to justify getting a new console, especially when ME 1 & 2 are out on PC, Dead Rising 2 will be PS3 as well and L4D is also on the PC. tongue.gif

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If you enjoyed Fallout, you will enjoy Oblivion.....def a good pick up.

Mass Effect 1 was great, I am sure 2 is better (have yet to pick it up).

And Dragon Age....pick that up.

Despite being a huge fan of Oblivion, I have to say that I just couldn't get into Fallout.

Whereas I am the opposite. Fallout 3 was awesome fun, but Oblivion got boring FAST. They play almost identically but the aesthetic is absolute dross. Fuck wizards and trolls :shifty:

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If you enjoyed Fallout, you will enjoy Oblivion.....def a good pick up.

Mass Effect 1 was great, I am sure 2 is better (have yet to pick it up).

And Dragon Age....pick that up.

Despite being a huge fan of Oblivion, I have to say that I just couldn't get into Fallout.

Whereas I am the opposite. Fallout 3 was awesome fun, but Oblivion got boring FAST. They play almost identically but the aesthetic is absolute dross. Fuck wizards and trolls :shifty:

Fuck Zombies and Radscorpians! mad.gif

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