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Heavy Rain


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Just beat Heavy Rain.

Wow... just an amazing game. Everyone survived and Shelby died at the end thanks to Jayden. I killed the guy with Ethan as I played him as someone who would really do anything to save his kid. I sexed up Madison and forgave her.

The whole last third of the game was so damn intense. From the chases to Madison being imprisoned in that dudes basement.

Quantic Dream outdid themselves with this one.

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Spoilers for the first two Mars... uhm... thingys...

I failed both of em, miserably... first i crashed the car (no idea if that just happens no matter how good you drive) and was not able to open the glovebox... now i was not able to climb to the electric stuff - (some of em are serious twisters, but some of em you do not pass even if you do nothing wrong - should have payed more attention to the amount of wiring's hanging around... still three pieces of the address out there... i wonder wen Mr. Mars will start becoming pissed of for not having finished his trials. Not getting the first one don did not bother him at all.

I seem to miss a lot of the button mashers at first sight.

Good Game, but feels more like a game than like an interactive Movie. They made sure to keep a good amount of action to the story - often a killer, a fight, a mugger, someone running, someone dieing... , some of it feels a bit "we need something so average gamer x dos not get bored" which is kinda sad but still ok if you just see it as what it is - a game.

Now i am of to the soccer game, more playing later.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Will be buying this tomorrow, hoping HMV have some of the special edition version in, and a decent trade in price on Arkham Asylum. Played the demo and instantly fell in love, and the dynamic theme just looks awesome. Seeing as the special is same price as the normal, may as well get the special!

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The SE game comes in a Cardboardbox. You get three DLCs with it. 1. The Dynamic theme (1.99€ on PSN) 2. The first Chronicles Expansion (one hour with Madison prequel game contend, likely to be 4.99€) 3. The Soundtrack to download to your PS3 (9.99€ on iTunes, 16 Tracks, no idea how the PS3 version will work and if you will be able to get it to your iPod or computer)

If you are in the UK the Special Edition is only around at HVM and should be about the same price than the standard edition (in case it´s not soled out!)

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The others are generally no problem unless the camera suddenly changes direction and you end up walking back in the direction you just came from.

Arrrgghhh, they still haven't sorted that? That was, beside from the way the plot veered into insensibility near the end, my biggest pet peeve about Fahrenheit - there was always one area in every stage where you'd (Read: I'd) end up doing it. thumbsdown.gif

Edited by badotori
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R2 only seems to suck with Shelby just cos he's so...bulky.

The others are generally no problem unless the camera suddenly changes direction and you end up walking back in the direction you just came from.

Amusingly, Shelby is the only one who I don't find annoying with it.

Also, game spoiler time, and please, anyone replying, don't spoil later parts for me...

Regarding who I think the killer is...

It can NOT be as simple as Ethan being the one taking the kids, there's too many subtle allusions and the inclusion of Fight Club on a stand in the robbery scene just makes me worried. I'm hoping there's no actual twist on the killer and it's just some random sicko, but if it's anyone, right now my money is on Mrs Mars.

Regarding a scene in Ethan's story (car scene) - last place I played...

Also, the car scene was SO much fun, my heart was fucking pounding after I crashed, desperately scrambling to get the button combo right as I opened the dashbox, doing it upside down had me fucking up over and over, the smoke filling the car and my own fear almost had Ethan a deadman.

Regarding the womans first scene...

I got to the door with the intruders, but during (what I'm assuming was) the last button segment, I missed and her throat was slit, but she woke up and it was a dream - was that the end of seeing her? I'm worried that because I fucked up in the dream I've lost her as a playable character


Also, mine and Hammy's names > Others.

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Who is the Killer Spoilers.

I like the killer, it´s build well and you actually are able to get it even if it´s a bit more than just unfair that you find the clockworker dead playing as Shelby.

Towards the end the writing gets a bit loosy, for example... Madison can call Jayed but in my game they did never even talk to each other. And there is at least two police moments... one in the lizard trial house and one in the place were shaun is... in wich i do not know how Blake and his men got there, they are just around all of the sudden.

I had Shelby kill Jayed by accident. Shit.. yet still, yay, jayden is dead! :-D

The game could have don with less killers, everybody seemed to be up for a chase, a fight or something involving a gun. I guess like with the supernatural in Fahrenheit they felt like they needed to get a certain amount of action in this. This gets better in the second half of the game.

And what's up with the Fahrenheit like flashes that Ethan has in the beginning? They just stop once Shaun is gone...

But all in all, good game. Would buy it again.

I got 56 Scenes, 5 of em Epilogue that was just there to watch... with a really freaky funny Blake trying to use ARI one on the mix. - 34% of the Trophies collected, still a lot to see!

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I have plenty of the trophies now. I reckon three or four playthroughs would get you all of them apart from the "Every Ending".


I like Jayden, he really grew on me as the story went on but he and Blake never saw eye to eye. This time around they should be the best of friends though.

I thought I'd gotten all the finger prints off everything at the clock shop (including the stuff that she'd been handling) but I guess I didn't as the next scene was a short one down the station.

I'm also interested in seeing what happens if Ethan gets caught at any time - either at the motel or running for the subway.

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