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Thus far I only own King Kong, Inglorious Basterds, The Mummy and True Blood Series 1. sad.gif I plan on purchasing some more when I'm not activley saving up for both a return to college, driving lessons and a car.

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We sell a fair amount of blu-rays. We sold loads of the Avatar blu-ray/dvd combo - something that is starting to be fairly common now. New blu-rays generally tend to be priced between £14.99 and £21.99, although back catalogue is tends to be a bit more expensive. You can pick up sale blu-rays for as little as £6 sometimes, and our 2 for £25 section is popular.

Personally, I can't justify spending that amount. I only own one blu-ray myself (3:10 To Yuma and only cause I got it free with Red Dead Dedemption) and I still buy DVDs, which are generally about half the price of their requisite blu-ray. I can appreciate that blu-rays are higher quality and all, but I've never found the picture quality of DVDs unbearable. Having said that, I never used to have a problem with VHS but whenever I watch one now (very rarely) I'm taken aback with all the jumping and lines on the screen.

Everyone at my work buys blu-rays and I have a few regular customers in the process of upgrading their DVDs that they upgraded from VHS. They have more money than sense though. I'd never upgrade from DVD or even VHS however, because I am a cheapskate and cannot stand paying for something I already have.

I also hate the name blu-ray. I hate when people say they are going to watch a blu-ray. JUST SAY YOU WILL WATCH A FILM. :angry:

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I only got a PS3 a few weeks ago, so my Blu-Ray collection currently stands at:

Iron Man


3:10 to Yuma

I got Iron Man and Serenity because they were cheap on Amazon, and 3:10 came free with Red Dead Redemption.

Basically, I'll only get Blu-Rays if there's a film I've seen at the cinema that I just HAVE to see in high quality upon its home release, or if the Blu-Ray of a film I have on DVD is going cheaply. I just don't see the point in paying more (quite a bit more in some cases) than a DVD.

Also, there's some genres that aren't worth a blu-ray purchase. Comedies for instance - The jokes aren't going to look better.

Of course, this'll change when Blu-Rays drop in price to the levels DVD'S have been for the last couple of years, then I'll be buying loads.

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I quite like Blu-Ray even though I have a few problems with them (the unskippable endless menus, the lack of a resume on most discs). If a new movie comes out and I want it, I'll get it on Blu-Ray or if it's a TV show that I don't already have previous seasons on DVD. There's a lot of stuff I've been putting off getting on DVD because the Blu-Ray release is inevitable.

I'm not sure how many I own but I've got a mix of older and newer films and shows on Blu-Ray. I will say though that I have been kind of burned before when choosing Blu-Ray over DVD. When the anniversary edition of Robocop came out it was available on both formats. I chose the Blu-Ray because it looked damn nice. However it lacks EVERY new special feature that that the DVD has. I still may end up getting the DVD eventually.

I doubt I'll replace my entire DVD collection with Blu-Ray but I have upgraded twice. I purchased terminator 2 on Blu-Ray after owning the DVD because I have every other Terminator film on Blu-Ray. I also got the Blu-Ray Austin Powers trilogy which replace my random copy of Goldmember on DVD. I probably will upgrade my Star Wars set to Blu-Ray as well when those finally come out.

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No more than they already have, just as far as I'm aware the version currently out is the regular films. If you recall, they released Extended Editions that had about 20 mins extra per film. (Stuff like Saruman's death and so on.) Which is why I'm waiting for those versions to be converted to BluRay.

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Well my new hobby as of late is to go to the downtown Toronto Blockbuster which was converted into a clearance store. Sometimes I am able to score the odd Blu-Rays so my collection is growing.

Fight Club

Both Batman Begins and TDK

Mall Cop (Got for 7 dollars at that Blockbuster)



The Mummy Series

Crank 2

there's more I can't think of right now but it is growing with these awesome finds :wub:

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Im a huge HD fan but Blurays are sooo expensive I find, though supermarkets are good for bargains on release week. Avatar was £9 on bluray at Tesco I believe. My current blu ray collection is:


I Am Legend (came with PS3)

Star Trek

No Country For Old Men

The Dark Knight

The Wrestler

Take That Live

High school musical 3

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