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That was a lie, I went with Spain. Was planning to go full-on imperial but I spawned in a place with lots of land and lots of jungle, so I'm going science instead. Super-easy, but no Natural Wonders around for Isabella's ability. Boo!

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Finished my first King game, much easier than expected. Probably not coincidentally, it was also the most I've ever focused on military. Moscow was in the center of the continent surrounded on all sides by cities, and they had a boatload of crossbows and muskets, who were out of date, but not by much. I sent some Lancers and Gatlings to the west side of the Russian continent as a feint, while my rifles, cannons and some more Gatlings landed in the east a couple of turns later. With the bulk of the Russian army engaged in the west, I was able to run through Yakutsk and Moscow for the win. Without building a single artillery I might add.

I'm going to try a peaceful King victory next, not sure who with. I don't want to jump to Emperor yet, but that was significantly easier than expected.

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By the end of my Spanish science game, I had 24 techs on my nearest rival, who of course had zero on me.

I think I need to move up a level.

Also, I was playing through the post-game to get the achievement for finishing the tech tree, and I got bored, so I declared war on Atilla and Pedro (my continental neighbors) so I could take XCOM squads and giant death robots for a spin. I had picked Autocracy (shitty, but I wanted the "win space with Autocracy" achievement), so my happiness was already sort of low, and the war with Atilla--who had no unique luxuries on me--tanked it.

Which led to this happening:



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How did...barbarian giant death robots?

When your happiness is -10 or below, you have a chance to spawn an uprising in your territory, which creates some barbarian units to reek some havoc (I also got the far less stressful Infantry and Mobile SAM later on). It picks units the same way militaristic city-states pick which units to give you--i.e., a random choice between the best units you can produce.

In this case. Yeah. I had plenty of my own, but these guys still managed to raise some cain and pillage those sexy jungle trade posts that Madrid was working.

A better question is "wait sousa why the fuck were you building a recycling center when you've already won and you have 38 extra aluminum" and the answer to that is "SHUT UP THAT'S WHY" and also "i misclicked."

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24 tech lead? I haven't done that since Chieftain.

Yeah, it was pretty insane (and, again, more proof that I need to move up to King). But I took Liberty for Settler spam, then Piety to get the Reformation belief that lets you buy any Great People with faith because it is l33t and I love it (PROTIP: It is awesome for diplo victories because you can just buy whatever GP the city-states want, better even than Patronage), then finished off Rationalism and got the happiness-boosting tenets from Autocracy (horrible for this VC). The only threat was Maria, and she was mostly focused on war, with Obunaga's and Gajah's capitals. But thanks to all of my jungle and the fact that I was able to use Liberty to claim the best land for myself, I was able to screw over Atilla and Pedro right out of the gate, grab the Sacred Path belief to make my jungles even more crazy, and just use all of my Great Scientists to bulb techs. It was pretty wild and took advantage of pretty much nothing Spain is good at.

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I love how Shaka sets up shop outside my borders, makes himself at home by building a couple cities, and then I get the diplomatic penalty for having owning lands he covets. BITCH, I'M VENICE, YOU GET ALL THE OTHER LAND IN THE WORLD.

So, Operation Fuck Off Shaka is purely defensive, consisting of a trained Cannon and Frigate sitting in Venice, just begging the bastard to come marking into my territory :shifty:

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So, in conclusion to that post.

Science Victory in 1959 on Prince. I really beefed up defense around Venice as I went Freedom and Shaka went Order. I managed to get World Ideology: Freedom passed in congress, and enough pressure was put on the Zulu that they switched over to Freedom. Everyone else except Neb went Freedom as well, so I was making a shitload of money. I more or less bought the damn spaceship. No wars on my part either, which was nice considering how sparse resources were.

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Playing a One City Challenge on a huge map as India on King. It's going ok, but barbarians in 1700 destroyed a lot of my trade routes. I'm crushing in tourism, and am probably tops in science(two behind leader, but I'm researching radio without having steel, so I can probably catch up in number pretty quickly if I wanted to). I'm hoping for culture, although space is a solid backup plan. I've got defensive pacts lined up with my two closest neighbours, so we'll see how that goes.

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