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How do I change a "flow" water block into a "source" water block? My little watery cave has currents running all over it and I don't know how to stop it.

Put another source next to the original source. It'll create a source block in the middle. If your watery cave has currents running all over it, though, you should block it off at the source.

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How do I change a "flow" water block into a "source" water block? My little watery cave has currents running all over it and I don't know how to stop it.

Put another source next to the original source. It'll create a source block in the middle. If your watery cave has currents running all over it, though, you should block it off at the source.

That's the problem. There isn't really a source. Just sections where currents are going all over the place. And if I block it off and then re-fill it, it turns back into current.

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If I ever come across anything like a waterfall heading down a cave system, knowing that I'm eventually going to have to eventually battle the current,

I dig the block directly under where the water starts to disperse across the ground and then block it off. Then remove the blocks so it just drops to that spot and no more.

It's used more as a back up plan if I'm being chased by something then I can throw a block into the empty spot at the base and flood it out again, hopefully washing the mob away.

It's worked both times I've tried it :D

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I actually figured out what the problem was. The water was flowing because there was no "source" block in the spot it was flowing into. So I dropped a "source" into that block, and my little watery cave is all calm now.

...Aside from getting half of it blown to shit from creepers or being attacked by spiders 2 at a time. I'm currently re-doing my water elevator and front parapet in brick.

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I have a fucking monumental mine project going right now. Like, entirely monumental.

I've found diamonds. Limitless redstone. Gold ore. Iron ore. I dug and dug and dug and finally hit bedrock after what felt like forever but damn do I have a good setup. Basement level is made of Cobblestone covering bedrock from exposure, I have a large chest, furnace and workbench all side-by-side. Dug deep and wide to keep the mine open and simple to navigate. Made a tunnel leading down to it with a ladder to prevent fall damage from occurring, then made sure to keep the tunnel constricted enough so that I could catch myself easy if I overshoot the ladder, but still far enough apart to light the tunnel with torches.

Right now I'm debating how to expand the mine now that I've hit bedrock. Can't go any deeper, and in some parts of the bottom the bedrock is on the sides as well. I'm thinking about broadening the entrance to the mine and then making multiple floors of glass or something. Still debating.

Oh! I made a front door, which has done wonders for me thus far. A lot better than having a wall of glass to look out of at night anyway. Torches everywhere, and I've also begun farming trees on the surface behind the mine entrance. Best part is the area my mine is in is between a large forest, a beach, and a giant mountain, so everything I need is right outside to pick from. Lots of animals and squid around too-- the waters are shallow enough that i can actually attack them. This is easily the best world I've found for making an underground fortress yet. Haven't seen hide nor hair of a creeper or anything else for days.

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You could expand your mine in a similar fashion to how I've done mine...


Each doorway is a seperate mini-mine, going roughly 25 blocks in.

Doing the doors 3 blocks apart almost guarantees you won't miss anything.

Don't forget. The deeper you are, the more light you need to prevent mobs from spawning.

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You could expand your mine in a similar fashion to how I've done mine...


Each doorway is a seperate mini-mine, going roughly 25 blocks in.

Doing the doors 3 blocks apart almost guarantees you won't miss anything.

Don't forget. The deeper you are, the more light you need to prevent mobs from spawning.

That's what I do deep underground--it's called branch mining. Do it for about four or five levels above the highest level of bedrock you find; it's a great way to track down diamond with a relatively small amount of tedious digging.

Really, the first thing I do once I've established a good underground base is start farming for renewable resources. Trees, cane, and cacti can all grow underground given sufficient room, lighting, water (in the case of cane), and earth (dirt for the first two; sand for the second). Dig yourself out a big chunk of wall and start growing cactus and cane. With plenty of light, you can farm for wheat underground, too. Very handy; you don't have to risk surfacing and getting fucked up by creepers when you're chasing a pig around.

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So yeah, bought the game. My most recent world is going great, finally started branch mining and picked up a good amount of diamond, plus a lot of iron/redstone. Still having trouble finding a lot of gold for some reason, I only have 7 or 8 ignots.

Also, would be willing to help financially with the EWB server by Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.

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I'd hold off on the fiscal donation for now. I'm not 100% sure if we're going to be continuing with this server yet as we haven't been on since before Xmas, I believe.

It was online for some time after chrissmass and it´s been online again since the 17th. Right now they are just running Vanilla (no mods of any kind at all), so updates should not be an issue.

But i agree that looking for a different provider is defenetly an option to consider. We lost a lot of time on that hMod shit. I got no time at all right now, so if some of you are into searching and compareing go ahead and sugest stuff.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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To be honest, I probably won't be using the server anymore. I've got another one set up with a long-time college buddy, and--no offense--I'd much rather play with somebody I know from the meatspace than you lot. :shifty:

No offence taken :crying: I HATE YOU!!!! :angry:

I'm sorry... I don't hate you :(

I went on the server last night... Matzat has been a busy beaver. Didn't notice too much difference in game play.

I might continue building off to the west a bit. I have a cabin on a hill top with an elevator entrance and minecart system attached.

Edited by Rocky Feller
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I just finished my greatest engineering project so far in this game. My main home is in a flooded cave which is beside a lake, and Sousa's diary has inspired me to try exploring some of the world by boat. The problem is that the lake near my home is rather small. So what do I do? I build a massive fucking canal through the land. Pictures in the spoiler tag.





That's a canal with 2 90 degree angles, carved straight out of dirt, sand, and stone, flooded one block deep, with a glass roof so mobs don't fall on me while I'm sailing through it. It also has those stone blocks with torches to light the way.

Next I have to build a smaller canal across a much smaller space of land, and then I'm on the high seas, ye mateys.

Edited by KevinStorm
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